ERC/METU International Conference on Economics
Ankara, Turkey
September 6, 2003
The Global Economy
in Transition
Henry C.K. Liu
economy is not an abstraction. An economy is the material manifestation
of a political system, which in turn is the interplay of group
interests representing, among others, gender, age, religion, property,
class, sector, region or nation. Individual interests are not issues of
politics. Therefore, the politics of individualism is an oxymoron, and
by extension, the Hayekian notion of a market of individual decisions
is an ideological fantasy. Markets are phenomena of large numbers and
herd instinct where unique individualism is of little consequence. The
defining basis of politics is power, which takes many forms: moral,
intellectual, financial, electoral and military. In an overcapacity
environment, company executives lament about the loss of pricing power.
The global economy is the material manifestation of the global
geopolitical system, and global macroeconomics is the rationalization
of that geopolitical system.
nomenclature of economics reflects, and in turn dictates, the logic of
the economic system. Terms such as money, capital, labor, debt,
interest, profits, employment, market, etc., have been conceptualized
to describe components of an artificial material system created by
power politics. The concept of the economic man who presumably always
acts in his self-interest is a gross abstraction based on the flawed
assumption of market participants acting with perfect information and
clear understanding of its meanings. The pervasive use of these terms
over time disguises the artificial system as the product of natural
laws, rather than the conceptual components of power politics. Just as
monarchism was rationalized as a natural law of politics in the past,
the same is true with market capitalism today.
market is not the economy. It is only one aspect of the economy. A
market economy can be viewed as an aberration of human civilization.
People trade to compensate for deficiencies in their current state of
development. Exploitation is slavery, not trade. Imperialism is
exploitation on an international level. Neo-imperialism after the end
of the Cold War takes the form of neo-liberal international trade. Free
trade cannot exist without protection from systemic coercion. To
participate in free trade, a trader must have something with which to
trade voluntarily in a market free of systemic coercion. That tradable
something comes from development, which is a process of
self-betterment. International trade is not development, although it
can contribute to domestic development. Domestic development must take
precedence over international trade, which is a system of external
transactions supposedly to augment domestic development. But
neo-liberal international trade since the end of the Cold War has
increasingly preempted domestic development in both the center and the
periphery. Global trade has become a vehicle for exploitation of the
weak to strengthen the strong. Aside from being unjust, neo-liberal
global trade as it currently exists is unsustainable, because the
transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich is unsustainable.
Neo-liberal claims of fair benefits of liberalized trade to the poor of
the world, both in the center and the peripheral, are simply not
supported by facts.
This presentation will discuss the global economy in transition,
focusing on the changing nature and role of money, debt, trade, markets
and development.
Fiat Money as
Sovereign Credit
monetary economists view government-issued money as a sovereign debt
instrument with zero maturity, historically derived from the bill of
exchange in free banking. This view is valid for specie money, which is
a certificate that can claim on demand a prescribed amount of gold or
other specie of value. Government-issued fiat money, on the other hand,
is not a sovereign debt but a sovereign credit instrument. Sovereign
government bonds are sovereign debt while local government bonds are
institutional debt, but not sovereign debt because local governments
cannot print money. When money buys bonds, the transaction represents
credit canceling debt. The relationship is rather straightforward, but
of fundamental importance.
fiat money is not sovereign debt, then the entire conceptual structure
of capitalism is subject to reordering, just as physics was subject to
reordering when man's worldview changed with the realization
that the earth is not stationary nor is it the center of the universe.
For one thing, capital formation for socially useful development will
be exposed as a cruel hoax. With sovereign credit, there is no need for
capital formation for socially useful development. For another, private
savings are not necessary to finance development, since private savings
are not required for the supply of sovereign credit. With sovereign
credit, labor should be in perpetual shortage, and the price of labor
should constantly rise. A vibrant economy is one in which there is
labor shortage. Private savings are needed only for private investment
that has no social purpose or value. Savings are deflationary without
full employment, as savings reduces current consumption to provide
investment to increase future supply. Say's Law of supply creating its
own demand is a very special situation that is operative only under
full employment. Say's Law ignores a critical time lag between supply
and demand that can be fatal to a fast moving modern economy. Savings
require interest payments, the compounding of which will regressively
make any financial system unsustainable. The religions forbade usury
for very practical reasons.
money issued by government is now legal tender in all modern national
economies since the collapse of the Bretton Woods regime of fixed
exchange rates linked to a gold-backed dollar in 1971. The State Theory
of Money (Chartalism) holds that the general acceptance of
government-issued fiat currency rests fundamentally on government's
authority to tax. Government's willingness to accept the currency it
issues for payment of taxes gives the issuance currency within a
national economy. That currency is sovereign credit for tax
liabilities, which are dischargeable by credit instruments issued by
government. When issuing fiat money, the government owes no one
anything except to make good a promise to accept its money for tax
payment. A central banking regime operates on the notion of
government-issued fiat money as sovereign credit. That is the essential
difference between central banking with government-issued fiat money,
which is a sovereign credit instrument, and free banking with privately
issued specie money, which is a bank IOU that allows the holder to
claim the gold behind it.
Jefferson prophesied: "If the American people allow the banks to
control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them
will deprive people of all property until their children will wake up
homeless on the continent their fathers occupied ... The issuing power
of money should be taken from the banks and restored to Congress and
the people to whom it belongs." It was a definitive statement against
the "political independence" of central banks. This warning applies to
the people of the world as well.
Independent Treasury Act, passed in 1840, removed the federal
government from involvement with the nation's banking system by
establishing federal depositories for public funds instead of keeping
the money in national, state, or private banks. Under the Independent
Treasury Act, bank notes were to be gradually phased out for payments
to and from the government; by June 30, 1843, only hard money was to be
accepted. The Whigs, led by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, opposed the
Independent Treasury, but not to favor private banking. They were
committed to the reestablishment of a national bank like the one
President Andrew Jackson abolished in 1832. After winning a
congressional majority in the election of 1840, the Whigs succeeded in
repealing the Independent Treasury Act on August 13, 1841, although
they were unable to gain the support of President John Tyler for their
national bank proposal. The return of the Democrats to power after the
election of 1844 led to the passage in 1846 of a new Independent
Treasury Act, nearly identical to that of 1840. This legislation
remained substantially unchanged until passage of the Federal Reserve
Act in 1913, which established central banking in the US.
the Civil War began in 1861, the newly installed President Abraham
Lincoln, finding the Independent Treasury empty and payments in gold
having to be suspended, appealed in vain to the state-chartered private
banks for loans to pay for supplies needed to mobilize and equip the
Union Army. At that time, there were 1,600 banks chartered by 29
different states, and altogether they were issuing 7,000 different
kinds of banknotes in circulation. Lincoln immediately induced the
Congress to pass the Legal Tender Act of 1862 to authorize the issuing
of government notes (called greenbacks) without any reserve or specie
basis, on a par with bank notes backed by specie, promising to pay "on
demand" the amount shown on the face of the note with another note of
same value. The greenbacks were supposed to be gradually withdrawn
through payment of taxes, as specified in the Funding Act of 1866, to
allow the government to redeem these greenback notes in an orderly way
without interest. Still, during the gloomiest period of the war when
Union victory was in serious doubt, the greenback had a market price of
only 39 cents in gold. The fall in value was related to the survival
prospect of the Union, not to loss of specie basis, which was
non-existent. After the war, the Supreme Court in a series of cases
declared the Legal Tender Act constitutional and Congress decreed that
greenbacks then outstanding would remain a permanent part of the
nation's currency. Indisputably, these greenback notes helped Lincoln
save the Union. Lincoln wrote: "We finally accomplished it and gave to
the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they ever had - their
own paper to pay their own debts." The importance of this lesson was
never taught to the world's governments by neo-liberal monetarists.
levies taxes not to finance its operations, but to give value to its
fiat money as credit instruments. If it chooses to, government can
finance its operation entirely through user fees, as some fiscal
conservatives suggest. Government needs never be indebted to the
public. It creates a government debt component to anchor the debt
market, not because it needs money. Technically, government never
borrows. It issues tax credit in the form of fiat money. So when
President Ronald Reagan said the government does not make any money,
only the private sector does, he was merely mouthing a political
slogan, with no clear understanding of the true nature of money and
credit. Fiat money is all that government makes, freely and without
constraint, as Federal Reserve governor Ben S. Bernanke recently warned
in a speech on deflation. And only government can make fiat money as
sovereign credit.
debt is a pretend game to make private debts tradable. The relationship
between assets and liabilities is expressed as credit or debt, with the
designation determined by the flow of obligation. A flow from asset to
liability is known as credit, the reverse is known as debt. A creditor
is one who reduces his liability to increase his assets, which include
the right of collection on the liabilities of his debtors.
state, representing the people, owns all assets of a nation not
assigned to the private sector. Thus the state's assets is the national
wealth less that portion of private sector wealth after tax
liabilities, and all other claims on the private sector by sovereign
rights. Privatization generally reduces state assets. As long as a
state exists, its credit is limited only by the national wealth. If
sovereign credit is used to increase national wealth, then sovereign
credit is limitless as long as the growth of national wealth keeps pace
with the growth of sovereign credit. Even if the private sector has
been assigned all of a nation's tangible assets, the state, by virtual
of its existence, can still claim that portion of private sector assets
allowed by the constitutional regime. Such claims include the state's
power of taxation, nationalization, confiscation, condemnation by
eminent domain and the power to grant and revoke monopolies, and above
all, the power to issue legal tender by fiat - in other words, the
inherent rights of sovereignty.
the state issues money as legal tender, it issues a monetary instrument
backed by its sovereign rights, which includes taxation. The state
never owes debts except specifically so denoted voluntarily. When a
state borrows in order to avoid levying or raising taxes, it is a
political expedience, not a financial necessity. When a state borrows,
through the selling of government bonds denominated in its own
currency, it is withdrawing previously-issued sovereign credit from the
financial system. When a state borrows foreign currency, it forfeits
its sovereign credit privilege and reduces itself to an ordinary debtor
because the state cannot issue foreign currency.
bonds can act as absorber of credit from the private sector. Government
bonds in the US, through dollar hegemony, enjoy the highest credit
rating, topping a credit risk pyramid in the international debt market.
Dollar hegemony is a geopolitical phenomenon in which the US dollar, a
fiat currency, assumes the status of primary reserve currency of the
international finance architecture. Yet, architecture is an art of
aesthetics in the moral goodness sense, of which the current
international finance architecture is visibly deficient. Thus dollar
hegemony is objectionable not only because the dollar usurps a role it
does not deserve, but also because its effect on the world community is
devoid of moral goodness.
issued by government fiat is a sovereign monopoly while debt is not.
Anyone with acceptable credit rating can borrow or lend, but only
government can issue money as legal tender. When government issues fiat
money, it issues certificates of its credit good for discharging tax
liabilities imposed by government on its citizens. Privately issued
money can exist only with the grace and permission of the sovereign,
and is different from government-issued money in that privately issued
money is an IOU from the issuer, with the issuer owing the holder the
content of the money's backing. But government issued fiat
money is not an IOU from the government because the money is backed by
a potential IOU from the holder in the form of tax liabilities. Money
issued by government by fiat as legal tender is good by law for
settling all debts, private and public. Anyone refusing to accept
dollars in the US is in violation of US law. Instruments used for
settling debts are credit instruments. Buying up government bonds with
government-issued fiat money is one of the ways government releases
more credit into the economy. By logic, the money supply in an economy
is not government debt because, if increasing the money supply means
increasing the national debt, then monetary easing would contract
credit from the economy. Empirical evidence suggests otherwise:
monetary ease increases the supply of credit. Thus if money creation by
government increases credit, money issued by government is a credit
instrument, quod erat demonstrandum.
Credit and Money
Minsky rightly said that whenever credit is issued, money is created.
The issuing of credit creates debt on the part of the counterparty; but
debt is not money; credit is. If anything, debt is negative money, a
form of financial antimatter. Physicists understand the relationship
between matter and antimatter. Einstein theorized that matter results
from concentration of energy and Paul Dirac conceptualized the creation
of antimatter through the creation of matter out of energy. The
collision of matter and antimatter produces annihilation that returns
matter and antimatter to pure energy. The same is true with credit and
debt, which are related but opposite. They are created in separate
forms out of financial energy to produce matter (credit) and antimatter
(debt). The collision of credit and debt will produce an annihilation
and return the resultant union to pure financial energy un-harnessed
for human benefit.
debt is repayable with money. Government does not become a debtor by
issuing fiat money, which, in the US, takes the form of a Federal
Reserve note, not an ordinary bank note. The word "bank" does not
appear on US dollars. Zero maturity money (ZMM) in the dollar economy,
which grew from $550 billion in 1971 when President Nixon took the
dollar off a gold standard, to $6.333 trillion as of June 2003, is not
a federal debt. It amounts to over 60% of US GDP, roughly equals to the
national debt of $6.67 trillion at the same point in time.
holder of fiat money is a holder of sovereign credit. The holder of
fiat money is not a creditor to the state, as many monetary economists
claim. Fiat money only entitles its holder a replacement of the same
money from government, nothing more. The holder of fiat money is acting
as a state agent, with the full faith and credit of the state behind
the instrument, which is also good for paying taxes. Fiat money, like a
passport, entitles the holder to the protection of the state in
enforcing sovereign credit. It is a certificate of state financial
power inherent in sovereignty.
Bank Reserves as a Money Creation Tool
the US, government issues fiat money in the form of cash or bank
reserves (high power money) through the Federal Reserve System. Reserve
requirements, a tool of monetary policy, are computed as percentages of
deposits that banks must hold as vault cash or as deposits at a Federal
Reserve Bank. Reserve requirements represent a cost to the banking
system. Bank reserves are used in the day-to-day implementation of
monetary policy by the Federal Reserve. As of February 2002, the
reserve requirement has been 10% on transaction deposits, and zero
reserves for time deposits. The monetary base is the sum of
high-powered money and an adjustment factor that measures changes in
reserve requirement ratios. This adjustment factor is calculated so
that it responds to changes in deposit levels in addition to changes in
reserve requirements.
Monetary Control Act (MCA) of 1980 authorizes the Fed's Board of
Governors to impose a reserve requirement of from 8% to 14% on
transaction deposits (checking and other accounts from which transfers
can be made to third parties) and of up to 9% on non-personal time
deposits (those not held by an individual or sole proprietorship). The
Fed may also impose a reserve requirement of any size on the amount
depository institutions in the United States owe, on a net basis, to
their foreign affiliates or to other foreign banks. Under the MCA, the
Fed may not impose reserve requirements against personal time deposits
except in extraordinary circumstances, after consultation with
Congress, and by the affirmative vote of at least five of the seven
members of the Board of Governors.
order to lighten the reserve requirements on small banks, the MCA
provided that the requirement in 1980 would be only 3% for the first
$25 million of a bank's transaction accounts, and that the $25-million
figure would be adjusted annually by a factor equal to 80% of the
percentage change in total transaction accounts in the United States.
An adjustment late in 2001 put the amount at $41.3 million. Similarly,
the Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982 provided for a 0% reserve requirement
for the first $2 million of a bank's deposits. This level,
too, rises each year as deposits grow, but it is not adjusted for
declines in deposits. For 2002, the level is $5.7 million. These data
testify to a continuing expansion of the money supply.
requirements affect the potential of the banking system to create
transaction deposits. If the reserve requirement is 10%, for example, a
bank that receives a $100 deposit may lend out $90 of that deposit. If
the borrower then writes a check to someone who deposits the $90, the
bank receiving that deposit can lend out $80. As the process continues,
the banking system can expand the initial deposit of $100 into a
maximum of $1,000 of money. In contrast, with a 20% reserve
requirement, the banking system would be able to expand the initial
$100 deposit into a maximum of $500. Thus, higher reserve requirements
should result in reduced money creation and, in turn, in reduced
economic activity.
practice, the connection between reserve requirements and money
creation is not quite as direct. Reserve requirements apply only to
transaction accounts, which are components of M1, a narrowly defined
measure of money. Deposits that are components of M2 and M3 (but not
M1), such as savings accounts and time deposits, have no reserve
requirements and therefore can expand without regard to reserve levels.
Furthermore, the Federal Reserve operates in a way that permits banks
to acquire the reserves they need to meet their requirements from the
money market at the prevailing price (above the Federal Funds rate) for
borrowed reserves. This is significant in two ways. First, it permits
bank reserves to come from bank borrowing rather than bank deposits;
and secondly, it reduces the importance of sovereign credit in money
creation. Consequently, reserve requirements currently play a
relatively limited role in money creation in the United States. This is
the main reason why the US is increasingly a private-debt-driven
economy and not a sovereign-credit-driven economy. With government
deficits (tax revenue shortfalls) financed by government debt (bonds)
rather than sovereign credit (money), with tax cuts reducing the demand
for sovereign credit, and with privatization of public facilities and
services, the public sector has come to dependent increasingly on
private credit. As the Fed Funds rate approaches zero, private money
creation becomes increasingly free from Fed control. This has led to
the co-optation of the state by private special interests and a
corruption of democracy by the moneyed classes.
requirements, open market operations (the Fed's buying and
selling of government securities) and the discount rate (the interest
rate that Federal Reserve Banks charge depository institutions for
short-term loans) are the three main tools of monetary policy used by
the Fed. The first two focus on banks reserves while the discount rate
deals with bank liquidity. There is a continual flow of reserves among
banks, representing the ever-changing supply and demand for these
reserves at individual banks. When the Fed engages in open market
operations, it adds to or subtracts from the supply of reserves. Open
market operations are the Federal Reserve's most flexible means of
carrying out monetary policy. Through open market operations, the
Federal Reserve buys and sells US Government securities in the
secondary market in order to adjust the level of reserves in the
banking system. Open market operations enable the Federal Reserve to
influence short-term interest rates and reach other monetary policy
effectiveness of the Fed's actions results from the reasonably
predictable demand for reserves set by reserve requirements. The Fed
changes reserve requirements for monetary policy purposes only
infrequently. Reserve requirements impose a cost on the banks in
foregone interest on the amount by which required reserves exceed the
reserves that banks would voluntarily hold in order to conduct
business, and the Fed has been hesitant to make changes that would
increase that cost. Between 1980 and 1987, reserve requirements
underwent a series of changes mandated by the MCA. Requirements on
banks that were members of the Federal Reserve System were lowered,
while those on nonmember depository institutions were raised gradually
from zero to the final levels applied to the member banks.
have been only a handful of policy-related reserve requirement changes
since the passage of MCA in 1980. In March 1983, the Fed eliminated the
reserve requirement on non-personal time deposits with maturities of 30
months or more, and in September 1983, it reduced that minimum maturity
to 18 months. Then, in December 1990, the Fed cut the requirement on
non-personal time deposits and on net Eurocurrency liabilities from 3%
to 0%. In April 1992, it cut the requirement on transaction deposits
from 12% to 10%. In announcing its December 1990 move, the Fed noted
that the cut would reduce banks' costs, "providing added incentive to
lend to creditworthy borrowers." Similarly, in announcing its April
1992 cut in reserve requirements, the Fed observed that the reduction
would put banks "in a better position to extend credit." Current
reserve requirements are low by historical standards. From 1937 to
1958, for example, the reserve requirement on demand deposits was
always at least 20% for banks in New York and Chicago, which were
"central reserve cities" -- a term now obsolete. The central bank of
Brazil cut bank reserve requirements on demand deposits from 60% to 40%
on August 8, 2003, still a ruinously tight monetary policy.
the passage of the MCA in 1980, only banks that were members of the
Federal Reserve System had to meet the Fed's reserve requirements.
State-chartered banks that were not Federal Reserve members had to meet
their state's reserve requirements, which typically were lower. As a
result, many banks dropped their Federal Reserve membership, and member
bank transaction deposits fell from nearly 85% of total US transaction
deposits in the late 1950s to 65% two decades later, weakening the
Fed's ability to influence the money supply. The MCA sought to solve
this problem by authorizing the Fed to set reserve requirements for all
depository institutions, regardless of Fed membership status.
Fed has long advocated the payment of interest on the reserves that
banks maintain at Federal Reserve Banks. Such a step would have to be
approved by Congress, which traditionally has opposed it because of the
revenue loss that would result to the US Treasury. Each year the
Treasury receives the Fed's revenue that is in excess of its expenses.
The payment of interest on reserves would be an additional expense to
the Fed. Furthermore, partial reserve banking enables banks to earn
profit from leveraging of funds. It would be greedy of banks to want to
earn interest from their reserve requirement.
Reserve deposits that banks keep with the Federal Reserve System are
used to process, in a systematic, centralized fashion, the millions of
checks written each day by customers of one bank that are deposited by
customers of another bank. Using these deposits, the Fed acts as a
central clearing house for checks, being able to simultaneously debit
the account of one bank and credit the account of another. Bank
reserves are definitely not government debts. They are sovereign credit
assigned to banks on deposits with the Fed. The amount of bank reserve
credit over and above that which the Federal Reserve System requires a
bank to keep (excess reserves) is what banks use to make loans to
create broad money. This is the key to the Fed's ability to control the
money supply - the higher the reserve requirement, the tighter the
money supply and therefore the slower the economic growth. Using open
market operations, the Fed can add to, or subtract from, the excess
reserves held by banks without changing the reserve requirements. Banks
make loans in relation to the amount of reserves they hold, by adding
to their customers' checking account balances. This is of some
importance, because checking account balances are a major part of the
economy's money supply. In essence, controlling excess reserves is the
Fed's main method of "printing" money without physically printing
decades, the Fed published data on the money supply, and for many
years, the Fed set targets for money supply growth. Analysts have long
monitored the growth of the money supply because of the effects that
money supply growth is believed to have on real economic activity and
on the price level. Over time, the Fed has tried to achieve its
macroeconomic goals of price stability, sustainable economic growth,
and high employment in part by influencing the size of the money
supply. In the past two decades, developments have broken down the
relationship between money supply growth and the performance of the
U.S. economy. In July 2000, the Fed announced that it was no longer
setting target ranges for money supply growth, and emphasis on the
money supply as a guide to monetary policy has waned.
July 2003, M1 was $1.278 trillion, M2 was $6.093 trillion and M3 was
$8.934 trillion. While as much as two-thirds of U.S. currency in
circulation may be held outside the United States, all currency held by
the public is included in the money supply because it can be spent on
goods and services in the U.S. economy. The Federal Reserve began
reporting monthly data on the level of currency in circulation, demand
deposits, and time deposits in the 1940s, and it introduced the
aggregates M1, M2, and M3 in 1971. The original money supply measures
totaled bank accounts by type of institution. The original M1, for
example, consisted of currency plus demand deposits in commercial
banks. Over time, however, new bank laws and financial innovations
blurred the distinctions between commercial banks and thrift
institutions, and the classification scheme for the money supply
measures shifted to one based on liquidity and on a distinction between
the accounts of retail and wholesale depositors.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978, known as the
Humphrey-Hawkins Act, required the Fed to set one-year target ranges
for money supply growth twice a year and to report the targets to
Congress. During the heyday of the monetary aggregates, in the early
1980s, analysts paid a great deal of attention to the Fed's weekly
money supply reports, and especially to the reports on M1. If, for
example, the Fed released a higher-than-expected M1 figure, the markets
surmised that the Fed would soon try to curb money supply growth to
bring it back to its target, possibly increasing short-term interest
rates in the process.
the introduction of NOW accounts nationally in 1981, however, the
relationship between M1 growth and measures of economic activity, such
as Gross Domestic Product, broke down. Depositors moved funds from
savings accounts -- which are included in M2 but not in M1 -- into NOW
accounts, which are part of M1. As a result, M1 growth exceeded the
Fed's target range in 1982, even though the economy experienced its
worst recession in decades. The Fed de-emphasized M1 as a guide for
monetary policy in late 1982, and it stopped announcing growth ranges
for M1 in 1987.
the early 1990s, the relationship between M2 growth and the performance
of the economy also had weakened. Interest rates were at the lowest
levels in more than three decades, prompting some savers to move funds
out of the savings and time deposits that are part of M2 into stock and
bond mutual funds, which are not included in any of the money supply
measures. Thus, in July 1993, when the economy had been growing for
more than two years, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan remarked in
Congressional testimony that "if the historical relationships between
M2 and nominal income had remained intact, the behavior of M2 in recent
years would have been consistent with an economy in severe
contraction." Chairman Greenspan added, "The historical relationships
between money and income, and between money and the price level have
largely broken down, depriving the aggregates of much of their
usefulness as guides to policy. At least for the time being, M2 has
been downgraded as a reliable indicator of financial conditions in the
economy, and no single variable has yet been identified to take its
variety of factors continue to complicate the relationship between
money supply growth and US macroeconomic performance. The size of the
M1 aggregate has been held down in recent years by "sweeps" - the
practice that banks have adopted of shifting funds by computer out of
checking accounts that are subject to reserve requirements into savings
accounts that are not subject to reserve requirements. In 2000, when
the Humphrey-Hawkins legislation requiring the Fed to set target ranges
for money supply growth expired, the Fed announced that it was no
longer setting such targets, because money supply growth does not
provide a useful benchmark for the conduct of monetary policy. However,
M2, adjusted for changes in the price level, remains a component of the
Index of Leading Economic Indicators, which some market analysts use to
forecast economic recessions and recoveries.
The Ineffective
Discount Rate
highest historical point for the discount rate occurred on May 5, 1981
at 14%. Reserve Banks lent $45.5 billion to depository institutions at
3% discount rate on September 12, 2001, the day after the 9:11 attacks,
the record for a single day. On November 6, 2002, the discount rate was
set at 0.75% and the Fed Funds rate target was set a 1.25%, with a
customary 50 basis point spread. On January 9, 2003, Regulation A
(Extensions of Credit by Reserve Banks) was amended to restructure
Federal Reserve credit programs that resulted in a new method of
establishing the discount rate. The rule does not entail a change in
monetary policy stance. The Federal Open Market Committee's target for
the Federal Funds rate will not change as a result of the adoption of
these programs, and the level of market interest rates more generally
will be unaffected. The rule replaces adjustment credit, which was
previously extended at a below-market rate, with a new type of discount
window credit called primary credit that will be broadly similar to
credit programs offered by many other major central banks. Primary
credit will be available for very short terms as a backup source of
liquidity to depository institutions that are in generally sound
financial condition in the judgment of the lending Federal Reserve
Bank. The Board expects that most depository institutions will qualify
for primary credit.
Banks will extend primary credit at a rate above the federal funds
rate, which should eliminate the incentive for institutions to borrow
simply to exploit the positive spread of money market rates over the
discount rate. The Board anticipates that the primary credit rate will
be set initially at 100 basis points above the FOMC's target federal
funds rate. The Board's final rule also establishes a secondary credit
program that will be available in appropriate circumstances to
depository institutions that do not qualify for primary credit. The
Board anticipates that Reserve Banks will initially establish a
secondary credit rate at a level 50 basis points above the primary
credit rate. The rate change on January 9, 2003, did not reflect a
change in the stance of monetary policy. Prior to 2003, the discount
rate's importance as a tool of monetary policy was limited, because
banks did little adjustment borrowing at the discount window. On
January 9, 2003, the discount rate was raised to 2.25%, while the Fed
Funds rate remained at 1.25%. The average discount rate for August 2003
was 2%, 100 basis points above Fed Funds rate at 1%. The effectiveness
of the revised discount window lending program as a tool of monetary
policy remains to be seen.
The Rise of Non-bank
Money Creation
the advent of unregulated financial markets, the relative role of banks
as mediator of credit has been reduced and the portion of bank lending
in the aggregated amount of debt in the global financial system has
been shrinking. Money now is routinely created not just through banking
lending, but in the money markets, through commercial papers, the
issuers of which look to bank credit lines only as a back-up facility.
According to Federal Reserve data, at the end of 2002, $1.37 trillion
of commercial paper was outstanding in US money markets. These
commercial paper are traded constantly and the money proceeds from
these trades are deposits in banks, which in turn lend the money out.
Pacific Investment Management Co. (PIMCO) bond fund manager Bill Gross
recently criticized General Electric of using off-balance-sheet
activities to manipulate its reported earnings. He also suggested that
the company's heavy dependence on the short-term commercial paper
market was becoming precariously risky. Questions about Special Purpose
Entities (SPEs) and other means of moving risk off corporate balance
sheets are being raised in regulatory and investment quarters, with few
answers. Commercial banks use SPEs to securitize their own assets, and
to sponsor asset-backed commercial-paper conduits, which purchase and
securitize assets from third parties. New accounting rules for these
activities since the surfacing of fraudulent scandals in the energy and
communication sectors will cost both banks and their corporate
borrowers. At stake for the business community is the ability to make
illiquid assets liquid by packaging them into securities, creating
money by sidestepping banks loans - the most significant innovation in
the capital markets in the past two decades.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac began securitization in the mortgage market
as part of their mandate to foster home ownership in America decades
ago, securitization has expanded into a variety of markets, including
credit-card debt, auto and home-equity loans, commercial mortgages, and
trade receivables. The practice allows originators to sell assets from
their balance sheets and devote their capital to generating new
business. The benefit of securitization is that it has enabled the
extension of credit to far more individuals and businesses. The danger
about securitization is that financial-reporting practices have not
kept up with the financial innovation. Because the programs are
executed in SPEs off-balance-sheet, investors and regulators know next
to nothing about the risks involved in the activities.
enables banks and corporations to finance assets through the capital
markets, but it does not eliminate the risks associated with those
assets. In fact, in most cases, banks and other asset-sellers have
retained the majority of the risk of assets transferred
off-balance-sheet. The process works when the economy is expanding and
credit losses are small in relation to growth, as was the case through
most of the last decade. In an economic downturn, problem
securitization can act as an explosive force to cause a systemic
cannot be extinguished by mere transfer or redistribution. In the asset
securitization process, companies create a hierarchy of securities, or
tranches, with escalating degrees of credit risk associated with a pool
of assets. The asset-backed deal tranches typically range from AAA
credit rating down to BB. With the federal government issuing less
sovereign debt during the Clinton years, and hardly any corporation
still holding a AAA credit rating, highly rated, asset-backed paper is
an easier sell with institutional investors, making securitization a
low cost route to capital for companies. But in most cases, the
originator of the asset "whether it is a manufacturing
company financing trade receivables or a specialty finance lender
securitizing loans" retains a residual interest in the
performance of the assets. This interest obligates the issuer to cover
losses in the asset pool up to a certain percentage. If losses exceed
that percentage, other low-rated, subordinate tranches of the issuance
begin to absorb them. The identities of the holders of those
subordinate tranches remain unknown, among them hedge funds seeking
high return for high risk. The banks also agree to provide liquidity
support if cash flow from the conduit is insufficient to pay off the
paper as it matures. If enough loans in a conduit go bad, the sponsor
bank could be liable and its failure can cause systemic problems. This
substantial systemic risk is not transparent to the market, or to
regulators until it hits the fan.
repurchase agreement, or repo market is another venue of non-bank money
creation. The $2.5 trillion-a-day repo market is the place where bond
firms and investors drum up cash to buy securities, and where
corporations and money market funds park billions of dollars daily to
produce returns on short-term idle funds. A repo is a loan, often for
as short as a day, typically backed by top-rated US Treasury, agency,
or mortgage-backed securities. The interest rate is usually close to
the federal funds rate, which banks charge each other for overnight
to raise funds to pay for the flood of securities sold by the US
government to finance growing budget deficits in the 1970's, the repo
market has grown into the largest financial market in the world,
surpassing stocks, bonds, and even foreign-exchange. The repo market
grew as it came to be used to raise money for other investments. The
derivatives markets also require a thriving financing market, and repos
are an easy way to raise funds to pay for new securities. Repos are
used to raise money to pay for corporate bonds and are increasingly
used to finance equities.
chalked up average trading volume of about $2.5 trillion a day in 1999
in the US, up from $2 trillion a year earlier. Conventional perception
not withstanding, the repo market is no longer as risk free as presumed
because the proceeds are mostly channeled towards risk speculation.
is difficult to obtain exact statistics about the volume of repo market
activity involving financial assets other than US government
securities, which are not all tracked by the Fed or cleared or settled
in any one system. However, repo activity involving financial assets
other than US government obligations are increasing due to dealers' and
investors' desire to achieve the least expensive and most efficient
funding sources for their inventories. In recent years, market
participants have turned to money market instruments, mortgage and
asset-backed securities, corporate bonds and foreign sovereign bonds as
collateral for repo agreements. Many market participants expect the
lending of equity securities to become a growing segment of the repo
market, in light of recent US legislative and regulatory changes.
Government Securities Clearing Corporation (GSCC), a registered
clearing corporation that helps facilitate orderly settlement in the US
government securities markets, tracks repo trades settled through its
system by product type. An estimated $69.5 trillion in repo agreements
was submitted and compared by GSCC participants in 1997, representing
an average daily total of $277.8 billion in transactions collateralized
by US Treasury and agency securities. The bulk of the total involved
transactions using treasury notes as collateral, which accounted for
$52.0 trillion or 74.8% of the total. Transactions collateralized by
Treasury bonds accounted for $9.3 trillion of the total, while repo
agreements involving Treasury bills accounted for an additional $7.1
trillion of the total. Repo agreements collateralized by Treasury bonds
and bills accounted for 13.4% and 10.2% of the total, respectively.
direct dependence of the derivatives markets on the repo market is
worth noting. According to Fed Chairman Greenspan, by far the most
significant event in finance during the past decade has been the
extraordinary development and expansion of financial derivatives. At
year-end 1998, US commercial banks, the leading players in global
derivatives markets, reported outstanding derivatives contracts with a
notional value of $33 trillion, a measure that has been growing at a
compound annual rate of around 20 percent since 1990. Of the $33
trillion outstanding at year-end, only $4 trillion were exchange-traded
derivatives; the remainder were off-exchange or over-the-counter (OTC)
derivatives. An OTC instrument is traded not on organized exchanges
(like futures contracts), but by dealers (typically banks) trading
directly with one another or with their counterparties (hedge funds)
using electronic means. Most of the funds come from the exploded repo
market. The average amount outstanding in the repurchase agreement
(repo) market was $2.53 trillion in 1998.
developments overshadows the role of sovereign credit in the global
economy, pushing the financing of socially necessary development
towards reliance on private funding. It distorts the balance between
the public and private sectors even within the US where dollar hegemony
ensures an ample supply of sovereign credit. Thus the denial of
sovereign credit is a necessary condition for dollar hegemony. The
result is a shortage of credit for the public sector, which is forced
to compete for funds with private development. Socially desirable
development is simply not funded unless it offers a competitive return
to private capital, leaving the world's poor not being able
to afford safe drinking water.
Sovereign Debt Not
Needed for Economic Development
bonds are debts, because the selling of bonds soaks up money (sovereign
credit) from circulation. Money is sovereign credit because it soaks up
sovereign or private debt when used to buy bonds (debt) and inject
credit into the financial system. Sovereign debt is never needed to
finance domestic development, which can be financed with sovereign
credit. Government issues sovereign credit so that a private debt
market can work without specie money. Sovereign credit is the benchmark
of all credit ratings. Swapping of bonds is a common practice in
finance, particularly in structured finance where a bond can be
stripped in many different ways to meet the varying requirements of
different buyers. The technical term is unbundling. These unbundled
bonds all have one thing in common with sovereign debts, i.e. they
entitle the holder at maturity to receive payment in money directly or
indirectly from the Treasury, retiring the debt with sovereign credit.
When that happens, the retired bond disappears from the debt market.
Repo contracts from the Fed are short-term borrowings from the central
bank using government bonds as collateral. The Fed gives the repo
borrowers money with an agreement for the borrower to repossess the
bonds by paying off the short-term loan with money. The process
generally can be rolled over with only an interest rate risk. Private
repo contract between counterparties do not involve the Fed, but are
subject to interest rates target set by the Fed. Repos do not cancel
any collateralized bonds, they only monetize the bonds for the duration
of the repo agreement. The monetized amounts then become bank deposits,
which generate broad money through partial reserves.
bonds when traded or use as loan collaterals between private or public
entities beside the issuer can generate broad money creation, but not
high power money creation. At the initial issuance of the government
bond, the money supply is reduced by the discounted amount of the
bonds, because money is withdrawn from the market. But if the Treasury
deposits the proceeds from the bonds in banks, then the deposits will
generate broad money through bank lending. Trading of debt does not
turn debt into credit because the owner of a debt is the creditor, and
the holder of a government bond is a creditor to the government. At
maturity, the debt is payable in fiat money. But the holder of fiat
money is only an agent of the government and not a creditor to the
government, because the holder of fiat money is only entitled to
replacement by government of the same money. Changing money for itself
is not a financial transaction. Changing bonds into money at maturity
is a financial transaction between government and bond holders, in
which government-issued sovereign credit is exchanged for sovereign
debt instrument, even a government debt instrument, can be used as a
credit instrument by the creditor. In that case, the transaction is an
assignment. The original buyer of the bond has paid money (a government
credit in his possession) for the government bond (a government debt).
The bond holder can trade away the government debt to another party by
transferring or assigning the right to receive money from the
government (government credit) at maturity of the bond. Nevertheless,
the debt is cancelled only at bond maturity, not sooner, regardless how
many times it is traded and with whom.
government-issued money is not a government debt, a government credit
instrument can be used by market participants in the private sector
either to issue credit or to assume debt. The payer of money for
services not yet received is a creditor. The receiver of money for
services not yet delivered is a debtor. Government, when issuing money,
expects no goods and services other than the future payment of taxes in
the form of money. Thus government-issued money is a credit instrument
for taxes not yet received. When government buys good and services with
money, it is spending its tax credit. The transaction does not make
money a government debt.
money is government credit and fiat money in the hands of a private
entity makes the holder an agent of the government, the ultimate
creditor. Holders of fiat money acts as an agent for government credit.
The money holder earned the right to be a government credit agent by
providing goods and service in exchange for the money, or becoming
indebted to a bank who acts as an agent of government credit. Money
paid for tax liability is government credit cancelled. Money spent for
goods and services is assignment of government credit to the money
receiving party.
drives the economy, not debt. Debt is the mirror reflection of credit.
Even the most accurate mirror does violence to the symmetry of its
reflection. Why does a mirror turn an image right to left and not
upside down as the lens of a camera does? The scientific answer is that
a mirror image transforms front to back rather than left to right as
commonly assumed. Yet we often accept this aberrant mirror distortion
as uncolored truth and we unthinkingly consider the distorted
reflection in the mirror as a perfect representation.
we reflexively accept as exact fidelity the encrypted labels assigned
to our thoughts by the distorting mirror of language. Such habitual
faulty acceptance is consequential because it is through language that
ideas are transmitted and around language that culture develops.
the language of economics, credit and debt are opposites but not the
same. In fact, credit and debt operate in reverse relations. Credit
requires a positive net worth and debt does not. One can have good
credit and no debt. High debt lowers credit rating. When one
understands credit, one understands the main force behind the modern
economy, which is driven by credit and stalled by debt. Behaviorally,
debt distorts marginal utility calculations and rearranges disposable
income. Thus debt turns more commodities into Giffen goods, whose
consumption increases when their prices go up, and creates what US
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan calls "irrational
exuberance", the economic man gone mad.
The Foreign Capital
Chartalist theory of money claims that government, by virtual of its
power to levy taxes payable with government-designated legal tender,
does not need external financing. Accordingly, sovereign credit should
enable the government to act as employer of last resort to maintain
full employment even in a regulated market economy. The logic of
Chartalism reasons that an excessively low tax rate will result in a
low demand for currency and that a chronic government budget surplus is
economically counterproductive and unsustainable because it drains
credit from the economy. The colonial administration in British Africa
learned that land taxes were instrumental in inducing the carefree
natives into using its currency and engaging in financial productivity.
according to Chartalist theory, an economy can finance its domestic
developmental needs, to achieve full employment and maximize balanced
growth with prosperity without any need for sovereign debt or foreign
loans or investment, and without the penalty of hyperinflation. But
Chartalist theory is operative only in closed domestic monetary
regimes. Countries participating in neo-liberal international "free
trade" under the aegis of unregulated global
financial and currency markets, cannot operate on Chartalist principles
because of the foreign-exchange dilemma. Any government printing its
own currency to finance legitimate domestic needs beyond the size of
its foreign-exchange reserves will soon find its currency under attack
in the foreign-exchange markets, regardless of whether the currency is
pegged at a fixed exchanged rate to another currency, or is
free-floating. Thus all non-dollar economies are forced to attract
foreign capital in dollar to meet domestic needs. But countries must
accumulate dollars before they can attract foreign capital. Even then,
with capital control, foreign capital will only invest in the export
sector where dollar revenue can be earned. But the dollars that
accumulate from trade surpluses can only be invested in dollar assets
in the United States, depriving local economies of needed capital. The
only protection from such attacks on domestic currency is to suspend
full convertibility, which then will keep foreign investment away. Thus
dollar hegemony starves the non-dollar economies of needed capital by
depriving their governments of the power to issue sovereign credit
to prevent such currency attacks, tight control on the international
flow of capital was instituted by the Bretton Woods system of fixed
exchange rates pegged to a gold-backed dollar at $35 per ounce after
World War II. Drawing lessons from the prewar 1930s Depression,
economics thinking prevalent immediately after WWII had deemed
international capital flow undesirable and unnecessary. Trade, a
relatively small aspect of most national economies, was to be mediated
through fixed exchange rates pegged to a gold-backed dollar. The fixed
exchange rates were to be adjusted only gradually and periodically to
reflect the relative strength of the participating economies. The
impact of exchange rates were limited to the finance of international
trade, and was not expect to dictate domestic monetary policy, which
was crucial to domestic development and regarded as the province of
national autonomy.
principles of Chartalism, foreign capital serves no useful domestic
purpose outside of an imperialistic agenda. Thus dollar hegemony
essentially taxes away the ability of the trading partners of the
United States to finance their own domestic development in their own
currencies, and forces them to seek foreign loans and investment
denominated in dollars, which the US, and only the US, can print at
Mundell-Fleming thesis, for which Robert Mundell won the 1999 Nobel
Prize, states that in international finance, a government has the
choice between (1) stable exchange rates, (2) international capital
mobility and (3) domestic policy autonomy (full employment/low interest
rates, counter-cyclical fiscal spending, etc). With unregulated global
financial markets, a government can have only two of the three options.
dollar hegemony, the United States is the only country that can defy
the Mundell-Fleming thesis. For more than a decade since the end of the
Cold War, the US has kept the fiat dollar significantly above its real
economic value, attracted capital account surpluses and exercised
unilateral policy autonomy within a globalized financial system
dictated by dollar hegemony. The reasons for this are complex but the
single most important reason is that all major commodities, most
notably oil, are denominated in dollars, mostly as an extension of
superpower geopolitics. This fact is the anchor for dollar hegemony.
Thus dollar hegemony makes possible US finance hegemony, which makes
possible US exceptionism and unilateralism.
The Foreign Exchange
capitalism has operated on fiat money issued by governments worldwide
ever since Nixon abandoned in 1971 the Bretton Woods regime of fixed
exchange rates based on a gold-backed dollar. Beginning in the early
1960's, with the growth of Eurocurrency markets where banks in one
European country could take deposits and make loans in currencies of
other countries, the tight controls of international flow of capital
set up by the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates after World
War II were effectively bypassed. When the fixed exchange rate system
set by Bretton Woods finally broke down by 1973, with a gold-backed US
dollar that became fatally wounded in 1971 by decades of US fiscal
irresponsibility, the developed countries abandoned capital controls
officially. In the late 80's, many developing countries followed suit.
from $190 billion at the beginning of the 1990s, daily turnover of
foreign exchange grew almost one hundred fold to $1.5 trillion in
unregulated foreign exchange markets. Only 5% of theses transaction is
related to trade and others trade-associated transactions. The other
95% are financial transactions to facilitate international flow of
funds, much of which involve speculative plays as traders bet on
exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate differentials between
currencies. This kind of financial speculation plays havoc with
national budgets, macroeconomic planning and rational allocation of
resources. Governments, businesses and individuals have become
increasingly frustrated with the whimsical and often irrational
activities in global financial markets that have such influence over
national economies and are seeking some means to curb damaging and
unproductive speculative activities.
1996, some $350 billion of private capital flowed into emerging
markets, a seven-fold increase in 6 years. The bulk of this inflow went
through global commercial banks. After July 1997, the bulk of the
outflow left in the form of sudden withdrawal also through commercial
banks. For the two decades before the Asian Financial Crises that began
in 1997, technical imbalances between interest rates set by different
central banks for funds in different currencies distorted capital flow
around the world from economic fundamentals. The resultant inflow of
capital into Asia through inter-linked financial markets around the
globe outstripped the region's viable absorption rate. Financial
institutions took advantage of low cost funds denominated in currencies
of select countries, namely Japan, Germany and the United States, to
make loans at higher interest rates denominated in local Asian
currencies. These institutions sought to strategically profit from
recurring technical imbalances in global finance by assuming currency
risks, rather than from traditional direct investment returns.
Economists call this activity international arbitrage on the principle
of open interest parity. In banking parlance, this type of activity is
known as "carry trade".
abusive speculation was by no means limited to emerging economies.
Corporation in developed economies routinely engaged in global
financial and stock manipulative speculation at the expense of sound
investment/production strategies. The public announcement of plans to
open new factories in emerging markets in Asia and Latin America
predictably lifted share value in home markets, regardless of such
factories being risky loss-makers, for the loss would be more than
offset by the increase market capitalization resulting from the
publicity of a presence in an emerging market.
borrowers in Asia, attracted by low rates in some foreign currency
loans, have also assumed currency risks, at times even bypassing local
banks to borrow directly overseas in global debt markets. Borrowers,
anticipating asset inflation brought on by runaway growth, also
succumbed to the irresistible temptation of borrowing short-term to
finance long-term projects, thus adding to the risk they assumed.
Simultaneously, many Asian banks have taken local currency deposits at
low saving rates (in Hong Kong at times at negative interest rates -
depositors pay the bank to keep their money in local currency) to
invest overseas in risky foreign currency instruments yielding higher
returns, engaging in carry trade. Local banks in turn replenished the
depleted local capital pool with low-cost foreign currency loans from
international banks, taking on both economic and currency risks.
low and lending high is the basic business of banks and there is
nothing wrong with it if the activities occur within a well-regulated
market in a bank's domicile community. With the advent of deregulated
global banking, however, the unregulated internationalization of
finance has created perilous systemic stress. Banks began to act as
international loan brokers, profiting from interest rate spreads
between local and foreign funds, often booking the risk premium added
to over-valued currency interest rates as legitimate loan profits.
These banks also began to maximizing their profits by maximizing loan
volume, abrogating their traditional economic function as responsible
financial pillars of local economies to ensure the productive
allocation of capital. In time, local banks de-coupled their business
self-interest from the economic impacts of their loans on the local
economies, because they hedged the risk in such loans by passing it to
overseas hedge funds which became the real loan originators to whom the
banks themselves lend the funds. Western and Japanese international
banks in turn provided funds to the local broker banks in Asia whose
credit ratings were considered acceptable because the borrowers'
exposures were hedged by instruments designed to transfer risk to other
international institutions. In effect, the widespread transfer of
business risks into currency risks forced the governments of the
affected currencies to become lenders of last resort. This is the real
economic effect of Hong Kong's, Argentina's and other
currency peg regimes to the US dollar.
increase returns, banks also creatively skirt regulation through
structured finance devices such as collateralized mortgage obligations
(CMO) which releases pressure on capital requirements. CMOs are
essentially new junior debts secured by old senior debts that takes
advantage of the theory of large numbers and hierarchy of risk.
Similarly, corporations issue convertible bonds that do not appear on
the corporation's balance sheets, but expose the borrower to instant
repayment requirements should its share value drop below the specified
amount. So in an era of allegedly increased transparency, layers of
opaqueness are introduced through structured finance. The unbundling of
risk acts as a disguise of risk.
does not eliminate risk, it merely passes risk along to other parties.
In fact, complex hedging schemes, with the effect of reducing the risk
exposure of individual lenders and inflating the credit worthiness of
the hedged individual borrowers, when widely practiced, actually
increase systemic risk exposure, initially of regional financial
systems and ultimately of the global system. Yet the soundness of
financial institutions continue to be assessed singularly without
regard to counterparty credit worthiness and the breakdown of
insularity within national borders, while financial markets have become
intricately linked globally. A poor credit rating seldom means the
denial of credit. It only means a higher interest rate which actually
attracts more eager lenders who rationalize that the high risk has been
compensated for by the increased lending rate. Junk bond rates are
calculated from historical industry-wide default frequencies. Through
extensive hedging, private financial risks have been largely socialized
globally, while profits from systemic efficiencies remain in private
ingenious layering of protection against risk, while providing comfort
to individual players, buys such comfort at the expense of the security
of the total global system. At some point, the strained circular chain
breaks at the weakest link and panic sets in. That break occurred in
Thailand on July 2, 1997. When the Asian financial crises began in
Thailand, it had not been triggered by hyperinflation or a sudden drop
in corporate earnings. It was triggered by a collapse of an over-valued
Thai currency pegged to the US dollar, the defense of which drained the
Thai central bank of its foreign exchange reserves. In hindsight, it is
indisputable that the conditions that led to the Asian financial crises
were: unregulated global foreign exchange markets; the widespread
international arbitrage on the principle of open interest parity (carry
trade); short term debts to finance long-term projects; hard currency
loans for project with only local currency revenue; overvalued
currencies unable to adjust to changing market values because of fixed
pegs and, above all, instant massive movement of funds that was
susceptible to herd panic, known as contagion.
these conditions, when a threat of currency devaluation caused by a
dwindling of reserves appeared, the entire financial house of cards
collapsed, causing havoc in connected economies in a chain reaction,
called contagion. Collapse of one currency then quickly grew into
regional economic crises within weeks, then turned global, eventually
hitting Russia, Brazil, Argentina and Turkey.
of this circular system of global hedging, the economic crises in Asia
inevitably spread worldwide. The regional crises, each with unique
local characteristics, are merely early symptoms of a ticking global
time bomb constructed out of the complex calculus of inter-linked
financial markets in which countless individual credit risks are
legally masked as sound transactions through sophisticated hedging.
Derivatives, financial instruments which derive their value from other
underlying financial instruments or benchmarks such as stock indices or
exchange rates, are the cards in the fragile house of cards built by a
financial specialty known as "structured finance".
Growth of Structured
Finance (Derivatives)
far the most significant event in finance during the past decade has
been the extraordinary development and expansion of financial
derivatives. International finance in recent years has been saturated
with disastrous and scandalous abuses that clearly and repeatedly
epitomize the deficiencies of the unregulated global inter-linking of
financial markets. Speculators have been blamed for precipitating the
run on Asian currencies that started the financial crises. Yet
speculation and risk management are two sides of the same coin. At the
opposite end of a prudent hedge, a speculator is required. In a
structurally flawed system, even perfectly honorable businessmen or
institutions individually true to high ethical and financial standards,
can unwittingly participate in systemic games of dubious value. Data on
the now 6-year-old Asian financial crises show that currency hedging
individually by sophisticated businesses and alert government bodies,
domestic and foreign, as protective measures against foreign exchange
exposures in both debts and revenues, have been mostly responsible for
the sudden currency turmoil in the region. In international finance, a
game of musical chair in financial risk is in full force in which the
players are handcuffed together through inter-linking hedges. This game
can cause serious systemic rupture when the music stops.
the increased risk associated with a financial environment which
profits from instability characterized by abrupt and unpredictable
change and flux, has created a demand for financial instruments to
protect against that risk. These instruments, generally called
derivatives, can be defined simply as aggregated or "bundled"
contractually created rights and obligations, the effect of which is to
create a transfer or exchange of specified cash flows between
counterparties of coupled needs at defined future points in time.
size of the invisible money pool created by financial derivatives is
now many times (no one knows how many) the amount of M3. One firm alone
(LTCM) commanded open positions of US$1.2 trillion financed by 100-fold
leverage. That is almost the entire daily transactional value of the
world's foreign exchange markets. Another hedge fund (Tiger Management)
can suffer an asset evaporation (loss) in the amount of US$20 billion
in 6 hours by a 10% appreciation of a single currency (yen) against the
dollar. At year-end 1998, US commercial banks, the leading players in
global derivatives markets, reported outstanding derivatives contracts
with a notional value of $33 trillion, a measure that has been growing
at a compound annual rate of around 20 percent since 1990. Of the $33
trillion outstanding at year-end, only $4 trillion were exchange-traded
derivatives; the remainder were off-exchange, or over-the-counter (OTC)
derivatives. On a loan equivalent basis, a reasonably good measure of
such credit exposures, US banks' counterparty exposures on such
contracts are estimated to have totaled about $325 billion in December
1999. This amounted to 6 percent of banks' total assets way above the
capital requirement level. What's more, these credit exposures have
been growing rapidly, more or less in line with the growth of the
notional amounts. US high yield default rate reached 16.4 percent in
2002 with nearly $110 billion in defaulted volume, and corporate
downgrades outstripped upgrades on global senior debt in 2002 by a
factor of nine to one. The creation of a more risk sensitive framework
for capital regulation is at the heart of the Basel II Capital Accord.
A more risk sensitive minimum capital ratio is also intended to
encourage large banks to make lending, investment, and credit risk
hedging decisions based on the underlying economics of the
transactions. The intent is to eliminate the regulatory distortions and
arbitrages under the current rules such as the disincentive to lend to
highly rated companies and securitization transactions designed to
minimize regulatory capital requirements while transferring little or
no risk.
Bank of International Settlements survey for June 1998 estimated that
size of the global OTC market at an aggregate notional value of $70
trillion. At the end of June 2001, global OTC positions in all
categories of market risk (including equity, commodity, credit and
other derivatives) stood at nearly $100 trillion,
a 38% increase relative to the 1998 survey. This nonetheless
represented a slowdown in the rate of expansion relative to 1998. With
allowance made for the double-counting of transactions between dealers,
US commercial banks' share of this global market was about 25 percent,
and US investment banks accounted for another 15 percent. While US
firms' 40 percent share exceeded that of dealers from any other
country, the OTC markets are truly global markets, with significant
market shares held by dealers in Canada, France, Germany, Japan,
Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
a speech on Currency reserves and debt before the World Bank Conference
on Recent Trends in Reserves Management, on April 29, 1999, Chairman
Greenspan allowed: "The distributions of income that arise in
unregulated markets have been presumed unacceptable by most modern
societies, and they have endeavored, through fiscal policies and
regulation, to alter the outcomes."
importance of Greenspan's utterances lie not in his wisdom but on the
self-fulfilling impact of his power. He admits: "We in the United
States built up modest reserve balances of DM and yen only when we
perceived that the foreign exchange value of the dollar was no longer
something to which we could be indifferent, as when, in the late 1970s,
our international trade went into chronic deficit, inflation
accelerated, and international confidence in the dollar ebbed." In
other words, the US uses reserves in foreign currency not to buttress
or stabilize the value of its own as reflected by market fundamentals,
but as a tool to manage international trade to its advantage.
listing some technical reforms that he admitted might not be sufficient
or even relevant, Greenspan summarizes: "The adoption of any rule is
not a substitute for appropriate macroeconomic, exchange rate, and
financial sector policies. Indeed, the endeavor to substitute such a
regime for the more difficult fundamentals of sound policy will surely
fail." It is a "do as I say, but not as I do" statement.
concludes by proposing a liquidity-at-risk approach: "Over the medium
term, it would be desirable for emerging market economies to develop a
more sophisticated approach to the problem of managing their liquidity.
There is an obvious connection between "value-at-risk" techniques used
by large financial institutions to manage their exposure to risk and
the liquidity-at-risk approach proposed here. It would be productive
were those large financial institutions to play a role in helping
countries develop their own capabilities to implement this approach,
perhaps with technical assistance from G-7 supervisory authorities and
international financial institutions."
There are two problems with this proposal:
It was the very attempt by emerging market economies to develop a more
sophisticated approach to the problem of managing their liquidity and
risk that gave birth to the rapid growth of the global foreign exchange
markets and the field of sophisticated structured finance of
derivatives in the last decade that brought on the global financial
crises. Greenspan seems to be advocating an increase rate of mutation
of the virus to boost the resistance of the patients.
Greenspan's advice for emerging economies to adopt the "value-at-risk"
techniques used by large financial institutions to manage their
exposure to liquidity risk will only further reduce sovereign
governments to the status of commercial enterprises. Value at risk
models, widely used for risk management by banks and other financial
institutions in the advanced economies, use complex computer algorithms
to calculate the maximum that the institution could lose in a single
day's complex trading. These models seem to work well in
normal conditions but not, alas, during financial crises, which is
arguably when it is most necessary to know how much value is at risk.
multinationals, governments cannot use mass lay-off, market
retrenchment, sale of non-core assets as management tools for maximize
profit and externalize the burden to society at large.
Government's job is not to maximize profit, but to maximize
public welfare. This is a point that the Washington Consensus dominated
IMF has yet to fully grasped.
Strong Dollar Policy
the Clinton administration, Robert Rubin, widely regarded as the father
of the strong-dollar policy, declared his aim of a strong dollar soon
after his appointment to the Treasury in January 1995. Rubin understood
that a capital account surplus is the answer for a current account
deficit, based on economics worked out by Martin Fieldstein in the
Reagan administration. A strong dollar is key to this capital account
surplus - current account deficit coupling strategy, which is a
centerpiece of dollar hegemony.
policy exploits the instinctive penchant of other countries to compete
for export gains with an undervalued currency. The United States would
open its huge market to the exporting economies of the world and force
them to finance the resultant US trade deficit with capital inflows
from the exporting economies. A strong dollar ensures the appeal of US
companies to overseas investors and thus aligning global support for a
strong dollar. Dollar hegemony forces the central banks of US trading
partners to hold their dollar trade surplus in US bonds and assets, if
they want protection from speculative attacks on their own currencies.
A fall in domestic currency will cause domestic interest rates to rise,
and make dollar loans more expensive to service and amortize.
US domestic demand skyrocketed in the late 1990s, the 30 percent rise
in the trade-weighted dollar between 1996 and 2001 helped keep a lid on
domestic inflation and kept dollar interest rates low, even as the Fed
began to hike the Fed Funds rate target from 5% in August 1999 to 6.5%
in June 2000 in a ineffective attempt to preempt wage-pushed inflation,
which was anticipated with structural full employment (at 4 percent
unemployment). In June 1981, Volcker had to raise the Fed Funds rate to
19.1% to fight inflation, a battle won only at the cost of severe
recession. While US companies managed to attract overseas investors
with low yields that translated into high yields in their own home
currencies by a strong dollar, the inflow also financed the
merger/acquisition mania of US companies that made the resultant
entities fiercely competitive global giants. These global
transnationals increasing derive their revenue from non-dollar sources,
contributing to the current account deficit/capital account
coupling in the dollar economy.
budget surplus of the Clinton years did not slow down inflow of funds,
which readily went to finance mergers and acquisition and initial
public offerings (IPOs). The easy money and credit milked from the
backs of underpaid workers in the exporting economies, and from their
meager pensions, enabled the US economy to venture into new
technological fields, such as digitized telecommunication that spurred
the dot-com fever, structured finance that gave birth to the hedge
funds industry, and all manners of financial and accounting acrobatics.
The Telecom Act of 1996 led to the creation new communication
companies, which raised $600 billion from venture capital worldwide to
connect the globe with new fiber optic systems and wireless and
satellite communications infrastructure. Wealth was being created as
fast as the United States could create dollars, with little penalty of
hyperinflation. The rest of the world was shipping products they
themselves could not afford to consume to US consumers in exchange for
papers of the US financial system that in turn feeds US consumer power
with debt. The Fed's aggressive monetary ease during 2001 turned
housing from a traditional cyclical drag on the economy during periods
of recession into a countercyclical power source in the US economy.
Mortgage refinancing jumped to $1.1 trillion from $225 billion during
2000. The combination of low interest rates and sharp home price
appreciation permitted US households to extract over $100 billion of
tax-exempt capital gains from their residential property to help offset
retirement losses in the equity market, while monetary easing helped to
stabilize the equity market itself despite the most severe profit
recession in decades. Meanwhile, deflation was hitting the rest of the
world like a perfect storm from foreign exchange realignment, with
places like Hong Kong, Tokyo, Rio and Buenos Aries suffering price
depreciation of up to 70% in the property sector while their central
banks spent billion to intervene in the market to preserve exchange
rates stability.
new economic sector called financial services came into existence. This
was the true meaning of the slogan "a strong dollar is in the national
interest". Dollar hegemony allowed the United States to levy a tax on
the rest of the world for using the dollar, a fiat currency, as the
reserve currency for world trade and finance. The livelihood of the
world's workers came to depend on US consumers' appetite for debt
sustained by loans from the underpaid workers' own governments.
Neo-imperialism works by making the world's poor finance the high
living of the world's rich. It transcends the Marxist notion of class
struggle and surplus value and capital exploitation of labor. In
neo-liberal finance globalization, not just labor but even capital
comes from the exploited.
the Wall Street Journal calls mass capitalism would not have been
half-bad if it were not for the fact that the hard-earned capital from
low wage workers was squandered through fraud and Ponzi schemes on Wall
Street. These new ventures financed by fund inflows did strengthened
the US economy at first. But as the real economy in the United States
did not grow as fast as the inflow of funds, because fewer and few
things were being produced in the US besides the dollar, the excess
funds soon channeled toward manipulation and fraud on a massive scale,
resulting in financial scandals such as LTCM, Enron, WorldCom, Global
Crossing, and thousands of less-known bankruptcies.
of the disaster came from the smoke and mirrors of so-called financial
services, based on minute technical quantitative advantages that seem
benign by themselves, but can accumulate into huge profit or loss in
hundreds of billions of dollars on the turn of a penny. Hundreds of
billions of dollars of investment and credit went up in smoke from
fraudulent schemes perpetrated not only by management under the
coaching of ever-enterprising investment banks, but also with the
active, knowing participation of the banks, robbing workers and
retirees the world over of their pensions and life savings. Thus not
only were wages kept low, but the surplus value created by the workers
and the retirement benefits due to them were also robbed by financial
fraud and manipulation.
jobs in the United States were eliminated by the millions and shipped
overseas, while overseas workers were told to be thankful for inhuman
wages and sweatshop conditions that at least warded off starvation.
Instead of confessing their regulatory failings, US officials such as
Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve took comfort in the role
derivatives played in allegedly smoothing over massive financial shocks
in the system, making the damage longer-lasting. Falling wages and
worker benefits were cushioned by the wealth effect from speculation by
people who could not afford the risk. Now that the US economy is
trapped in a prospect of decade-long slow growth with a pending
onslaught of deflation, and the hollowing-out of blue-collar
manufacturing and white-collar high-tech sectors, Greenspan tells
Congress that the threat of deflation remains "remote" and that
thinking jobs are better that doing jobs.
Greenspan tells Congress makes perfect sense in the context of a new
strategy for an American empire. The hollowing out of America's
manufacturing and digital sectors becomes a compelling rationale for US
control of the world to protect its offshore sourcing. After all, wars
have been fought to protect the supply of oil in places where nature
has placed it; why should the United States not fight to protect where
the "free" market puts its manufacturing and data processing? In this
strategy, the US needs only two things: a powerful military with
instant power-projection capability everywhere around the globe, and
dollar hegemony to create dollars that can buy all the things that the
world makes for export to the US. The British Empire was rationalized
by the need of Britain to import food as domestic agriculture became
crowded out by industry. Similarly, the US Empire will be rationalized
by the need of the United States to import manufactured goods as
domestic production is crowded out by financial services.
are only two difficulties with this grand strategy: 1) to build the
ideal empire, US workers will have to be retrained for the service
sector and large numbers of both blue- and white-collar workers will
fall through the cracks - and that creates problems in a democracy; and
2) the rest of the world is not stupid and may not take it lying down.
So freedom and democracy at home will have to be modified in the name
of homeland security and foreign resistance will have to be crushed in
the name of freedom and democracy. The "war on terrorism" is
tailor-made for this grand strategy.
Instability as
Profit Center
controversial feature of the new shape of the financial system is that
the bulk of its participants now have a vested interest in instability.
This is because the advent of high-tech trading rooms have raised the
level of fixed costs, which imply a high turnover is required for
profitability. High turnover tends to occur only when markets are
volatile. In a way, a relatively stable market has become the most
destabilizing environment for modern financial institutions.
massive transfer of financial resources from central banks to private
speculators occurs when the fixed exchange rate collapses. In theory,
long-term equilibrium exchange rates are supposed to be determined by
underlying or fundamental macroeconomic variables. These variables
include international differences in inflation rates, demand and supply
of exports and imports, cross-border interest payments, and persistent
capital flows deriving from differences in saving and investment rates
among national economies. Long-term levels of these variables are
determined both by private economic activity and by macroeconomic
policy. Short and medium term exchange rates, to the extent that they
deviate from equilibrium rates because of sudden policy shocks, are
determined by interest arbitrage, and are supposed to return to their
long-term equilibrium rates in time.
theoretical determinants of exchange rates have not performed well in
empirical attempts to predict exchange rates. Only some of the
movements in the widely fluctuating US dollar in the 1980s can be
explained by fundamental economic variables of interest arbitrage. More
generally, for prediction horizons out to two years, the random walk
model of the exchange rate, which posits no influence of fundamental
economic variables, historically outperforms alternative models based
on fundamental variables. The variance as well as the average value of
exchange rates drift over time. This means that there are alternating
periods of a few months or more in which the exchange rate is calm and
relatively stable, and in which it is turbulent and tends to move in
one direction. The type of news the exchange rate responds to varies
also over time. Of the three main currencies, the leading one tends to
change every several months or few years. The center of trade-driven
exchange rates tends to shift with trade patterns.
rate behavior is determined not by fundamentals in the short term, but
by extensive use in the foreign exchange market of very short-term
technical trading rules. These rules may be rational from short-term
view of the individual trader. They do not add up to systemic
rationality from a macroeconomic perspective, which focuses on
long-term movements of fundamental economic variables. Examples of such
trading devices are automatic stop-loss rules, which, by instructing
traders to sell when rates fall below a pre-set level, limiting the
risky-ness of portfolios, and chartism, which bases foreign exchange
trading on very short-term analysis and extrapolation of past price
movements. In recent years, rumors of central bank intervention and the
impending settlement of outstanding derivative contracts also play an
increasingly central role in volatility. These devices shorten trading
horizons, increase the short-term variability of the exchange rate, and
increase the potential for a snowballing effect that can lead to
extreme and prolonged exchange rate misalignment. That is why chaos
theory is highly valued by traders. Chaos, of course, is the very
antithesis of any international finance architecture. Architecture is
the art of creating order out of chaos.
Consumption and
of the shortcomings of economics as a discipline is the inadequate
attention paid to it as a behavioral science. The problem is traceable
to the neoclassical concept of the economic man who is supposed to act
rationally in his own interest, which, in a money economy, is defined
rather simplistically as financial gain. Economics is obviously more
than finance, and economic well-being is not synonymous with mere
financial gain. Modern market economics of course deals with the
problem of human behavior with some sophistication, albeit always
through the back door, and always equating self-interest with rational
individual response to pricing. A market economy is coordinated through
the price system operating on the principle of marginal utility.
behavior is complex beyond the measurement of price. Price alone is not
sufficient to influence market behavior. Karl Marx dealt with the
concept of fetish as a factor in demand as expressed in price.
Advertising, a critical function in marketing, is essentially
irrational psychological conditioning on behavior.
is a classic dilemma. Economics literature has never dealt
satisfactorily with education, being unable to decide whether it is
consumption or investment or both. It has done similarly with health
care, environmental preservation and a wide rage of social
infrastructure. If these endeavors are consumption, the law of scarcity
dictates that society cannot afford too much of them. If they are
investment, then supply-side theory would conclude the more the better.
If they are both consumption and investment, there should be a
limitless upward spiraling supply/demand symbiosis. One could not
possibly have an over-educated society or over-healthy population or an
over-clean environment, if being more educated, more healthy and more
clean is deemed economically productive and thus should be financially
Debt and Lender
is obvious that debt changes human behavior. A little debt reinforces
responsibility. The US social system of private property is built on
the notion that homeowners with a life-long mortgage are better
citizens than renters. People tend to take better care of their homes
and plant roots in their communities if they "own" their homes, even
though 90 percent of the purchase value is in debt that is not expected
to be paid off until three decades later.
the other hand, it is clear that excessive debt encourages
irresponsibility. The borrower may develop a rational incentive to walk
away from his debt if he perceives the debt to be beyond his ability to
repay, or the cost of the debt to exceed its benefits. Even a central
bank, which is the domestic lender of last resort, is wary of the
problem of moral hazard, that commercial banks within its system would
lend irresponsibly if they knew that their lending errors would be
bailed out by the central bank.
liability is embodied in common and statutory law covering a broad
spectrum of claims surrounding predatory lending. It is a key concept
in environmental-cleanup litigation. If a lender knowingly lends to a
borrower who is obviously unable to make reasonable beneficial gain
from the use of the funds, or causes the borrower to assume
responsibilities that are obviously beyond the borrower's capacity, the
lender not only risks losing the loan without recourse, but is also
liable for the financial damage to the borrower caused by such loans.
For example, if a bank lends to a trust client who is a minor, or
someone who had no business experience, to start a risky business that
resulted in the loss not only of the loan but of the client trust
account, the bank may well be required by the court to make whole the
is a close parallel in most emerging market sovereign debts,
particularly foreign currency sovereign debts of Heavily Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC), and International Monetary Fund (IMF) rescue
packages, to the above predation examples. Sophisticated international
bankers knowingly lent to dubious schemes in developing economies
merely to get their fees and high interest, knowing that "countries
don't go bankrupt", as Walter Wriston of Citibank famously proclaimed.
The argument for Third World debt forgiveness contains large measures
of lender liability and predatory lending. Debt securitization allows
these bankers to pass the risk to the credit markets, socializing the
potential damage after skimming off the privatized profits.
is reserved financial resources ready for deployment. Debt basically is
unearned money secured with a promise to repay the principal sum plus
interest with optimistically-anticipated earned money in the future.
The assumption is that the borrower will not become unemployed through
no fault of his own, or a business will not be adversely affected by
unanticipated shifts in business paradigm, or an economy will not be
destroyed by global financial contagion.
down debt with new debt is a Ponzi scheme - the likelihood of its
exposure tends to be inversely proportional to its scale of operation.
More and more critics are calling the Enron debacle a Ponzi scheme, now
that the company has filed for bankruptcy, even though, for almost a
decade up to a few weeks before its bankruptcy filing, many in high
places were hailing Enron as the new innovative business model.
the corporate level, debt inevitably alters management behavior.
Leverage increases profit margin on successful business plans. As Henry
Kravis, king of leveraged buyout, famously said: "Debt can be an asset.
Debt tightens a company." To less creative minds, debt is still a
liability, not an asset. But debt also exaggerates losses when business
plans fail. In the US financial system, bankruptcy is a legal if not
painless way to refute debt. The comfort to lenders is that equity
investors are wiped out first before the lenders' various
collateralized positions are endangered.
used to be the sole intermediaries of debt. For this reason, a central
bank was formed to supervise and provide liquidity to the banking
system. Thus a central bank came into existence in the United States in
1913 on the assumption that the existence of a healthy banking system
is in the national interest. And to protect the national interest, the
central bank, which in the US version is a government institution
privately owned by the private banks in the Federal Reserve system, is
allowed to act as lender of last resort to the nation's commercial
banks with public money, or more accurately, through government
authority to create fiat money as certificates of sovereign credit.
regulation on banks is a fair quid pro quo, a social contract. Bank
deregulation without corresponding raising of the threshold for
central-bank bailout is a direct breach of this social contract. If for
the good of the nation, banks cannot be allowed to fail, they should
also not be allowed to deregulate. More ominous, the US credit system
has broken through the banking system - the bulk of debt now is
intermediated through the unregulated credit markets by debt
securitization. Securitization acts as more than just providing a
vehicle for investment in debt instruments. It restructures simple debt
into complex, hybrid instruments sliced infinite ways until the
original debt is beyond recognition.
securitization is guerrilla warfare against a sound credit system. Debt
proceeds can be disguised through creative accounting as current income
with future liabilities, distorting the financial performance of the
debtor. In these brave new credit markets, the government is generally
only an interested bystander, so far quite unwilling to regulate even
over-the-counter (OTC) derivative trading by banks, which are supposed
to be regulated, with an "if I don't smoke, someone else will"
mentality that such trades can easily be moved offshore.
Systemic Risk
Exposure of OTC Derivatives
(OTC) derivatives are traded off exchanges, directly between
counterparties, and as such are not subject to disclosure rules. Adding
estimated data from the Bank for International Settlements for OTC
derivatives to published figures for exchange-traded derivatives, the
total notional principal balance of the reported derivatives market in
June 2001 was $119 trillion, about four times the gross domestic
product (GDP) of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) countries and twenty times the value of world
merchandise exports in 2000 of $6.2 trillion. The amount unreported
remains unknown.
shows that derivatives performed more than a hedge function to enhance
systemic stability, as apologists claim. Derivative trading has become
a profit center for banks and non-bank financial institutions. True,
the notional principal amount is not at risk, because no principal
payments are exchanged. The interest payments derived from that
notional principal amount are at risk. A loss on a derivative contract
becomes possible when (a) interest rates or commodity prices move in a
direction that makes the contract more or less valuable, and (b) the
counterparty on the other side of the contract defaults. Credit
exposure of a derivative contract is the present value of the cost of
restoring the economic value of a contract should a counterparty
kinds of street rumors are flying at this very moment that some of the
world's biggest banks are exposed to derivative trades that would cause
serious counterparty credit problems if the market capitalization of
these banks should fall below a triggering level, or the price of
commodities or interest rates should move against their derivative
positions. Because there is no way to dispel or confirm such rumors,
and the banks involved remain tight-lipped about its true financial
conditions, the uncertainties weigh down on the economy.
The Continuing War of False Alternatives between Keynes and Hayek and
who advocated government intervention to protect the economy from the
effects of the business cycle, which is a necessary by-product of a
market economy, and Hayek, who advocated the self-adjusting merits of
free markets, had been theoretical opponents in economic theory since
the 1930s. Events in the 1930s had shown the socio-economic damage
caused by free markets. Subsequently, the macroeconomics of Keynes's
1936 General Theory dominated academic circles as well as government
policy establishments in the US.
the time Keynes died in 1945, Hayek and the neoclassical trade cycle
theory had very few serious followers. Economic policy at that time
emphasized demand management in which the business cycle was believed
to be an undesirable defect to be managed with fiscal policies of
deficit financing.
so-called Socialist Calculation Controversy was prompted by the
Austrian School's critique of central planning. From the 1920s until
the 1940s, Hayek and his fellow Austrian and teacher, Ludwig von Mises,
argued that socialism was bound to fail naturally as an economic
system, although they seemed to allow for socialism's political
imperative, albeit only as a fallacy. Hayek maintains that only free
markets, with individuals making disaggregated decisions in their
narrow self-interest, can generate the information necessary to
intelligently coordinate social behavior. Freedom of individual choice
without "distortive" regard for social impacts is considered as
necessary input for an efficient economy that would lead to prosperity.
Hayek argues that free market prices are the true expression of a
rational economy. This view presupposes the market to be apolitical,
and that individual decisions drive the market. It is obvious that
markets are inescapably determined by political forces and that markets
are dominated not by personal individual decisions but by decisions of
economic groups and sectors, such as wage-earners, corporations,
economic sectors, national policies, etc. Neoclassical economics
conceptualizes the agents, households and firms, as rational actors
seeking optimization in free markets. The resulting equilibrium is
"optimized" in the sense that any other allocation of goods and
services would leave someone worse off. Thus, the social system in the
neoclassical vision was supposedly free of un-resolvable conflicts.
three decades after WWII, reality ran counter to Hayek's
theories. Market participants, through their agents, command unequal
power that distorts fair equilibrium. Even conceptually,
macro-economists began to suggest that with the aid of computerized
macro input/output models, central planning can accommodate the very
information problem that Hayek had raised. After all, if the boundless
complexities of fluid mechanics in producing a silent-running submarine
propeller can be simulated by mathematical models, why not the dynamics
of a planned economy. Mathematics was challenging ideology in the
evaluation of theories in economics. Paradoxically, Hayek, who implies
scientific determinism in his ideological argument for free market, is
unsympathetic to the efficacy of applying the sophisticated tools of
the physical sciences to the social sciences.
shift from the "gun or butter" trade-off of the pre-war era to the "gun
and butter" fantasy of 1960s and '70s pushed post-war prosperity into
spiraling inflationary bubbles in countries that had benefited from
Keynesianism, led by the United States. As more and more surplus value
was siphoned off to non-productive military expenses, wages could only
rise by permitting inflation to stay ahead of them, instead of wages
keeping ahead of inflation. Employment thus became hostage to the
militarization of peace. Even then, full employment could not be
maintained by Keynesian measures in peace time because surplus value,
having been stored in military inventory, was not being re-circulated
in the economy through higher wages to sustained needed demand. The
traditional counter-cyclical therapy, such as stimulating consumption
and postponing savings through government deficit spending, strained
the elasticity of wage/price convergence, pushing the economy into
stagflation. The macro models, imperfect as they were, showed that the
principle of "guns or butter" was immune to macro-economic management.
Too many guns would produce inflation that wages simply could not catch
Cold War mentality, cutting butter became the only option. The owners
of capital were apprehensive that managed inflation would be pro-labor
and anti-capital. Keynesian economics was viewed as essentially
pro-labor in its macro approach by treating unemployment as a social
virus that healthy doses of managed inflation should be tolerated as
its cure. Government fiscal policy was deemed the natural venue to
administer the medicine. The owners of capital, to combat this serious
threat to its very existence, adopted a strategy with three legs. The
first leg required that guns remained an untouchable priority. The
rationale was that guns were needed geopolitically in a world that had
become fatally dangerous to capitalism. The second leg required that
government be blamed for high inflation and unemployment. Voters had to
be convinced that inflation was bad for them because it causes
unemployment and that the pain workers with low wages were suffering
was caused by big government and inefficient central planning that
distorted the natural self-adjustments of a free market. The third leg
required the introduction of the threat of hyperinflation as the
inevitable result of the use of sovereign credit in the economy, to
scare the gullible masses into accepting an anti-government spending
and anti-inflation, sound money frame of mind. This leg of the strategy
encouraged the economy to run into prolonged runaway inflation and
recurring government deficits that hurt both labor and capital, setting
a stage for a anti-labor onslaught through anti-inflation and
anti-government rationalization in the name of protecting the nation.
general public bought into the propaganda readily, but the
intellectuals had to be won over with a new school of economic thought
that would seize policy initiative from the Keynesians in government.
Hayek's discredited free market theories appeared tailor-made for this
provide theoretical underpin for this three-legged strategy to promote
the indispensability of private capital, the old neoclassical economics
prescriptions: savings, investment, balanced budgets, competition,
productivity-determined wage levels and supply-side growth, were dug up
from of the intellectual graveyard and dusted off with new bells and
whistles to be paraded as the sound economic policy goals of good
politicians began to demonize Keynesianism domestically and rational
socialist economic planning internationally. Third World socialism,
burdened with endemic poverty from centuries of imperialism, was never
given a chance economically by the new financial imperialism and
politically by Cold War containment. The Soviet Union, as the only
socialist super power, fresh from a war-torn economy, was pushed
gradually but systemically into bankruptcy by the ruinous arms race
stage-managed by the "guns and butter" policy of the US, the emerging
capitalistic superpower which had become rich in WWII. The US could
violate the Bretton Woods gold standard fixed exchange rate with
immunity. A case can be made, and is still waiting to be made, that the
USSR collapsed not from the failure of socialism, but from its decision
to abandon socialism and to embrace market capitalism to finance the
arms race.
anoint respectability on the worn theories of free market voodoo
economics, as propaganda against Keynesianism in the West and socialist
planning in the Third World, Hayek was plucked from three decades of
homelessness in the economics fraternity, to be awarded a surprised
Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974. For ideological balance, Gunnar
Myrdal was named co-winner for the Nobel Prize in the same year. Myrdal
would later published an article advocating the abolition of the Nobel
Prize for Economics, as a reaction to the awarding of the prize to
Milton Friedman and Hayek who would be attacked for "certainly never
been much troubled by epistemological worries," not withstanding
Hayek's Nobel speech, delivered in Myrdal's presence, dealt with the
subject of the methodology of economics. Myrdal's disdain for Hayek was
shared by many in academic circles, particularly in Europe.
overnight, the extremist right transformed Friedrich August von Hayek,
born in 1899, died March 23, 1992 in Freiberg, Germany, to guru status,
as the greatest philosopher of capitalism since Adam Smith. Actually,
Hayek and Keynes were both fundamentally neoclassical, the former a
libertarian and the later a liberal, the former rooted Austrian
idealism, the latter in English pragmatism. The basic ideas for both
are based on the myth of individual freedom in a market economy. Keynes
was seduced by political necessity. His famous phrase: "in the long run
we will all be dead," implies his recognition of the importance of
immediate socio-political constraint over timeless doctrinal purity.
The difference between them was that to keep the economy going along
capitalist lines, Keynes would fight unemployment with inflation and
Hayek would fight inflation with unemployment. They also differed with
regard to technical measures, as relating to interest rates, money
supply, liquidity, etc., deemed appropriate for achieving the desired
politicians in capitalist democracies, inflation and unemployment are
the two score-keeping measurements in economic policy. Keynes' thesis
is that government spending is needed to bolster aggregate demand in
times of rising unemployment. Hayek believed that if it were not for
government interference with the monetary system, the economy would
have no business cycle fluctuations and no periods of depression. To
him, business cycles are caused by government monetary authorities
creating a semi-monopoly where the basic money is controlled by
government, rather than market demand. Since banks issue broad or
secondary money, which is redeemable in high power money, a system of
indeterminate control is created. So government monopoly over the issue
of money is ultimately responsible the economy's structural problems,
because nobody in charge of such a monopoly could remain true to the
logic of finance, independent of political preconceptions. This is the
basic argument for the political independence of central banks. The
fallacy of this view is the assumption of the independence of the logic
of finance from politics, since the very concept of property rights is
a political concept.
allowed that the Keynesian period from about 1950 to 1975 would go down
in history as the Great Prosperity, as opposed to the Great Depression
of the 1930s. To Hayek, the hyperinflation of Germany in 1922 was not
to maintaining prosperity but was forced upon Germany due to financial
difficulties caused by a war debt strategy. If the purpose of inflation
was to maintain prosperity, a much more moderate rate would have
achieved the aim. Hayek blamed the collapses of the inflationary booms
during past business cycles on the gold standard, which put a brake on
those expansions after a few years. History has never had a time where
a policy of deliberate expansion was unlimited by any framework of
monetary order. So Freidman's monetary theory cannot solve any basic
problems. Hayek admitted that cuts in inflation have been accomplished
through extensive unemployment. He acknowledged that ending inflation
need not lead to long-lasting periods of unemployment like the 1930s,
because then the monetary policy was wrong during the boom as well as
during the Depression, by first prolonging the boom and intensified the
depression, and then by allowing deflation to go on and prolonged the
Depression. But after an extended period of inflation, an economy
cannot get out of it without substantial unemployment.
Hayek, inflation causes unemployment by drawing people into jobs which
exist only because relative demand is temporarily increased, and these
temporary employments must disappear as soon as the increase in the
quantity of money ceases. Yet, in the United States, a long period of
high unemployment would automatically strain income-maintenance
programs, such as unemployment insurance, welfare, etc., and run up
enormous deficits as to threaten monetary stability with inflation.
Hayek acknowledged that there would be intense political struggles on
the question of whether social-security benefits ought to be indexed to
inflation. He advocated using inflation to reduce the real cost of the
social security system. He hoped that the horror of financing this
colossal welfare bureaucracy would shock the country into a more
rational government framework.
avoid inflation, Hayek's prescription has been to advocate that
monetary policy be pursued with the goal of maintaining stability in
the value of money. Since politicians cannot be trusted in a democracy
to regulate the money supply, market forces should be allowed to adjust
towards a gradual deflation. Hayek wanted a free market of money. He
viewed the gold standard as an unconstructive regulation. The gold
standard, he argued, even if it were nominally readopted, would never
work because people are not willing to play by the rules of the game,
which for the gold standard require that an unfavorable balance of
trade leads directly to a contraction of currency. But no government
can do that; they would opt for going off the gold standard. Hayek
attacked monetarism as represented by Friedman, by pointing out the
gold standard as based on an irrational superstition. Hayek toyed with
the idea of a commodity-reserve system, but the idea of accumulating
actual stocks of commodities as reserves is so complex and impractical
that he shifted to place the issue of money in the hands of firms whose
businesses depend upon their success in keeping the money they issue
stable. In that case, there is no necessity of depending upon their
obligation to redeem in commodities: it depends on the fact that they
must so regulate the supply of their money that the public will accept
the money for its stability. Hayek, who would not trust elected
officials to regulate the supply of money, thinks that the
self-interest of a few firms is better than any other arrangement.
Hayek failed to see that in financial capitalism, a free market leads
to monopolistic outcomes which only government regulation can prevent.
Keynesian economic formula seeks a symbiotic relationship with the
political forces of the modem welfare state. Keynes accepts the need to
adjust monetary policy to a rising wage structure. He opposes
restriction on monetary policy that would prevent it to be adjusted to
deliver a politically acceptable level of economic performance. Hayek
considers the Keynesian formula to be an unsustainable spiral. As
unions push up wages, government has to provide enough money to keep
employment at these wages, and this leads into an inflationary spiral.
Keynes does not dispute this conclusion for the long run, but practical
application of Keynesian measures seems to work at least in the short
run. The flaw in Keynes' deficit financing idea is its
reliance on government fiscal deficits to smooth out the business
cycle. Keynesians accept the use of sovereign debt in deficit
financing, while there is no such need when sovereign credit is freely
available to keep expanding the economy.
The Road to Serfdom warns of the invasion of the welfare state in
people's private lives, the fundamental conflict between liberty and
bureaucracy. In the history of the world, no road has ever been built
by popular vote. The Austrian economists who view the economics system
as the calculus of independent individual decisions differ with Milton
Friedman and the Chicago School, which think macro-economically in
analyzing total quantity of money, total price level, total employment,
etc., in aggregates and averages terms. Friedman is an arch-positivist
who believes nothing must enter scientific arguments except what is
empirically proven, while Hayek theoretically rejects the usefulness of
statistical studies.
observes that the Keynesian neoclassical explanation of unemployment is
more acceptable by economists over the classical explanation because
the former can be statistically tested while the latter cannot. From
that point of view, Friedman's monetarism and Keynesianism have more in
common with each other than Hayekian theory has with either.
rejection of socialist thinking is based on his view that prices are an
instrument of communication and guidance, which embodies more
information than each market participant individually processes. To
him, it is impossible to bring about the same price-based order based
on the division of labor by any other means. Similarly, the
distributions of incomes based on a vague concept of merit or need is
impossible. Prices, including the prices of labor, are needed to direct
people to go where they can do the most good. The only effective
distribution is one derived from market principles. On that basis,
Hayek intellectually rejects socialism. In Hayek's social philosophy,
value and merit are and ought to be two distinctly separate issues.
Individuals should be remunerated purely on the basis of value and not
in accordance with any concept of justice, whether it be Puritan ethic
or egalitarianism. Hayek went as far as to deny that the concept of
social justice has any meaning whatever, on the basis that justice
refers to rules of individual conduct. Since no rules of the conduct of
individuals can determine how the good things of life should be
distributed, the question of justice is mute. Since a free market is
the natural outcome of a multitude of individual decisions, how the
market decides is amoral. Hayek refused to acknowledge that what the
market decides may also turn out to be economically destructive.
to Hayek, a spontaneously working market, where prices act as guides to
action, cannot take account of what people need or deserve, because it
allegedly operates according to a neutral distribution system which
nobody has designed. Such a distribution system cannot be just or
unjust. And the idea that things ought to be designed in a 'just'
manner means, in effect, that one must abandon the market and turn to a
planned economy in which somebody decides how much each ought to have.
And the price for that justice is the complete abolition of personal
liberty. Hayek's free market ideas have been applied to much of
unregulated globalization, the socio-economic damage is now very
visible. Not withstanding Hayek's repugnant social philosophy, even his
"scientific" claims on the efficiency and effectiveness of free markets
has not been substantiated by events. The market is a place where
individual freedom is singularly ignored in favor of mass response.
Hayek's social philosophy, economic value and humanity are and ought to
be two distinctly separate issues. Market participants should be
remunerated purely on the basis of economic value and not in accordance
with any concept of justice, whether it be the Puritan ethic or
egalitarianism. Hayek went so far as to deny that the concept of social
justice had any meaning whatever, on the basis that justice refers only
to rules of individual conduct. Since no rules of the conduct of
individuals can determine how the good things of life should be
distributed, the question of justice is moot. Since a free market is
the natural outcome of a multitude of individual decisions, how the
market decides is amoral. Hayek denies the validity of fair trade. Yet
basic human needs such as safe shelter, food, health care and education
are not distributional issues. In a healthy society, all members are
entitled to the satisfaction of these basic needs. The world's economy
can supply every human being with adequate needs, but for the "market."
according to Hayek, a spontaneously working market, where prices act as
guides to action, cannot take account of what people need or deserve,
because it operates according to a neutral distribution system that
nobody has designed. Such a distribution system cannot be just or
unjust. And the idea that things ought to be designed in a "just"
manner means, in effect, that one must abandon the market and turn to a
planned economy in which somebody decides how much each ought to have.
Yet the price for that justice is not the complete abolition of
personal liberty, Hayek's claim notwithstanding. So, in the
name of liberty, the world is forced to go hungry while economies
suffer overcapacity.
free-market ideas have been applied to much of unregulated
globalization in recent decades, and the socio-economic damage is now
very visible. Not withstanding Hayek's repugnant social philosophy,
even his "scientific" claims on the effectiveness of free markets has
not been substantiated by events. A transaction requires a buyer and a
seller at a price. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for both buyer and seller to be satisfied with any given
price. One side of a "win-win" transaction is always an idiot.
Trade and
economy is a comprehensive and complex entity of which trade is only
one sector. Yet nowadays, neo-liberal economists and policy-makers tend
to view trade as the economy itself, downplaying the importance of the
public sector and other non-market social sectors of the economy.
promote market fundamentalism as the sole, indispensable path for
economic development, despite the fact that data of the past decade
have shown that trade tends to distort balanced development in a way
that hurts not only the less developed, but the developed economies as
well. Currently, in the United States, the mecca of free-market
entrepreneurship, the statist sectors - government spending on defense,
health care, social and education services - are keeping the economy
afloat with fiscal measures, such as tax cuts, while finance,
entrepreneurial ventures and high-tech manufacturing languish in
extended doldrums.
markets lead naturally to the emergence of monopolistic enterprises.
Thus "free" markets are inherently self-destructive of their own
freedom. Free markets depend on enlightened statism to remain free.
Unregulated labor markets lead to slavery. For many human social
activities, the market has no positive function. Free markets for human
relationships, for example, lead to prostitution. Free markets in power
breed corruption. Socio-economic Darwinism will eventually deplete the
economic food chain: the fittest cannot survive when all the weak that
the strong need to exploit in order to survive disappear. Government,
from monarchy to democracy, exists solely to protect the weak from the
since the end of the Cold War has been viewed increasingly as
neo-imperialism by many even outside of the radical left. This view is
amply supported by field data. It has become obvious to many in both
developed economies and emerging markets that the undervaluation of
labor is necessary for the creation of surplus value that economists
call capital. This capital then must seek new investment opportunities
in less developed economies where labor is even cheaper. The investment
opportunities of this adventure capital point not to the beneficial
development of the less developed economies. This capital seeks higher
return than it could get at home for the benefit of its owners by
exploiting even cheaper labor overseas. Capital has acquired enormous
market power for the suppression of the value of labor both at home and
abroad. Neo-liberals rationalize that globalization, while undeniably
exploitative, nevertheless produces tangible collateral benefits, even
to the exploited. To implement this strategy, private capital will have
to preempt sovereign credit. Trade must preempt development.
Ironically, with the advent of finance capitalism and unregulated
globalization of financial markets, the bulk of institutional capital
now comes from pension funds of underpaid workers worldwide. Thus we
have reached the final cycle where the exploited is forced to exploit
themselves, providing handsome fees for financial services. Wall Street
is commonly acknowledged as the most overpaid sector of the economy.
For example, responding to criticism of the secretive way it
compensates its chief executive, the board of the New York Stock
Exchange disclosed on August 27, 2003, for the first time in its
two-century-long history, that its top executive, Richard A. Grasso,
would receive lump- sum payments totaling $140 million in accrued
savings and incentives, in addition to a base annual salary of $1.4
million and an annual bonus of at least $1 million. This is a
phenomenal no-risk/no capital return for the head of a quasi-public,
regulatory organization, particularly at a time when the US equity
market has lost over $6 trillion of investors' money.
Worldwide equity markets during 2000-2002 declined by US$13 trillion,
or US$2,000 for every man, woman, and child on the planet, where 53.7%
of the population, or 2.7 billion people live on less than $2.15 per
infamous Lawrence Summers World Bank memo of December 1991 is a classic
example of warped neo-liberal mentality. As chief economist of the
World Banks, Summers argued that "the economic logic behind
dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable
and we should face up to that," because poor regions such as
Africa are under-populated and "under-polluted" and
lives in LDCs were worth less because of low productivity and low
neo-liberal approach of course was the same argument presented by the
defenders of 19th-century imperialism in which moral rationalization
was used to justify economic exploitation. Neo-liberal values, namely
capitalistic democracy and market fundamentalism, become the new
smiling mask for economic exploitation not different from the "white
man's burden" of 19th-century Euro-centrism. The recurring financial
crises associated with financial globalization in the past two decades
have revived economic nationalism worldwide with parallels to the
political nationalism against imperialism of the previous century.
Atkinson Hobson (1858-1940), an English economist, wrote in 1902 one
the most insightful critiques of the economic basis of imperialism.
Hobson provided a humanist criticism of classical economics, rejecting
exclusively materialistic definitions of value. With A F Mummery, he
developed the theory of over-saving that was given a generous tribute
by John Maynard Keynes. Hobson's second major contribution was his
analysis of capitalism on which Lenin drew freely to formulate the
theory of imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism. Thus until
the Cold War, practically all anti-imperialist movements were also
anti-capitalist. Hobson believed that the contradictions of production
and consumption, cost and utility, physical and spiritual welfare,
individual and social welfare, all find their likeliest mode of
reconciliation and of harmony in the treatment of global society as an
organism, and not as a collection of competing economies in the market
arena. But in today's finance capitalism, the bulk of capital
comes not from capitalists, but from the pension funds of workers. Why
should workers allow the managers of their own capital to force them to
accept low wages in exchange for capital gain that will be siphoned off
by financial service charges?
The Myth of the Market
Polanyi is also worth a revisit in this hour of self-induced imminent
collapse of the globalized market economy. The principal theme of his
Origins of Our Time: The Great Transformation (1945) was that the world
market economy in effect collapsed in the 1930s. Yet this familiar
system was of very recent origin and had emerged fully formed only as
recently as the 19th century, in conjunction with capitalistic
industrialization. The current globalization of markets following the
fall of the Soviet bloc is also of recent post-Cold War origin, in
conjunction with the advent of the information age and finance
to the coming of capitalistic industrialization, the market played only
a minor part in the economic life of societies. Even where market
places could be seen to be operating, they were peripheral to the main
economic organization and activity of society. In many societies, there
were only two market days per month. Polanyi argued that in modern
market economies, the needs of the market determined social behavior,
whereas in pre-industrial and pre-market economies, the needs of
society determined economic behavior. Polanyi reintroduced the concepts
of reciprocity and redistribution in human relationships.
observed that this money-based market economy sprang suddenly into
existence in the 19th century, thrusting aside the old systems based on
reciprocity and redistribution. Polanyi challenged Adam Smith, who
suggested that the division of labor depended upon the existence of the
market, or upon man's "propensity to barter, truck and exchange one
thing for another", because the market economy had not appeared to much
extent in Smith's time. Even where it had appeared, it was a
subordinate feature of economic life. Polanyi wrote on the formal and
substantive meanings of the term "economic". This distinguishes the
methodology of economics from that of economic anthropology. He argued
that economics as we know it depended on "formal" principles. Thus a
set of allegedly self-evident assumptions are made, which become
premises used as the basis for a sequence of logical deductions to a
set of irrefutable conclusions. Thus one can take Smith's statement
about man's "propensity to barter, truck and exchange one thing for
another" and develop it to show how money and markets came into being,
and how they led in turn to specialization of function, and increased
productivity. But the method of economic anthropology was "substantive"
and depended upon empirical observation from which principles of
economic behavior were induced from perceived evidence. Societies are
first observed and the principles of their economic activity recognized
from their actual behavior.
ethics presumes that moral discussion originates from the point of view
of the individual ego. It consequently construes all values as personal
possessions. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Marxism and
other similarly comprehensive outlooks believe that utilitarianism is
mistaken in this. These outlooks begin by recognizing that individuals
do not atomically exist: "The real nature of man is the totality of
social relations," as Karl Marx asserts. Hence values are social and
cannot be adequately defined by an inventory of personal possessions.
Quality of life cannot be measured by a bank account or by similarly
assessing personal possessions, including, perhaps, how a person is
progressing in his or her self-chosen life purpose. Somehow the public
dimension must also be assessed, not as utilitarians would do this - to
reduce obstacles to private projects - but in the sense of measuring
dedication to a goal, such as justice, or realization of other social
values, such as brotherly love.
Poverty is Bad Economics
a money economy, it is a basic truism that only those who have money
can pay the bills at the end. If all are to pay their share, ways must
be found for all to earn sufficient money to participate constructively
on a healthy financial level, without permanent subsidy from the
economic order to which the poor have become burdensome wards. In a
bountiful world, poverty is seldom caused by someone else's needing
more than others, unless desire is distorted by greed. This is
particularly true in a society in which both greed and envy are
constrained by moral precepts. Obscene profit is not a notion relating
to size, but to whether profit is derived from hurting others or
helping others. One does not have to be one of the world's richest men
in order to avoid feeling poor. Poverty is the result of
underdevelopment in relation to the production and consumption norms in
a particular socio-economic order. A case can be made that poverty is a
byproduct of the institution of money, with which poverty is often
measured. It is the quest for accumulation of money as capital that
brings about the exploitation of humans at levels that produce poverty.
With money recognized as sovereign credit, as sovereignty as belonging
to the people, poverty is not necessary, not does it serve any
socio-economic function. The cardinal rule on Wall Street is that one
can only make money by first making others rich. Tolerating the
existence of poverty is simply bad economics and poor business
is only when some singular segment of society fails extensively to
receive sufficient economic opportunity, or sufficient value for its
labor to maintain its fair share of consumption, as normatively
prescribed in the socio-economic order, that poverty is born. Social
cohesion will be threatened when poverty is perceived as the result of
institutionalized mal-distribution of wealth, reflecting unfairness in
the sharing of the fruits of co-operative endeavor among different
socio-economic groups.
however, cannot be defined by absolute income levels alone, because
poverty is actually a social problem with an economic dimension. It is
only because it is most conveniently recognizable in a money-based
economy by its financial aspect that poverty is often mistaken as a
simple matter of income deficiency.
is in reality a phenomenon of social despair. The habitually
unemployed, the unemployable, the underemployed and the working poor in
developed countries have higher absolute incomes or public assistance
payments than the middle class in other less developed countries, whose
members nevertheless do not consider themselves poor because they have
not lost hope in themselves or self-respect for their own lot.
is a symptom of economic inefficiency and social dislocation in
society. Its existence in an economy hurts the rich as well as the
poor, and its pervasiveness in society alienates its members from one
another. Aside from being dehumanizing to those suffering from it, it
is destructive to the society tolerating it. Poverty becomes a
political issue when the poor are structurally excluded from
contributing to the economic process at levels that enable its
constituents to support a dignified life in a healthy environment
consistent with the cultural traditions of their society. While there
may always be those who enjoy higher income than others, there is no
socio-economic necessity for the poor to exist. Thus when Ronald
Reagan, leader of the free world, proclaimed that there would always be
poor people, he was defaulting on the responsibility of political
leadership. Poverty can be eradicated with sovereign credit to the
benefit of the total economy.
Wages and Prices
issue of wages is a serious one in market economics. The suppression of
normal wage rises from truly free-market forces is accomplished by
government anti-inflation policies based on a "natural" rate of
unemployment - what economists call non-accelerating inflation rate of
unemployment (NAIRU).
writers such as Henry Demarest Lloyd (Wealth Against Commonwealth), Ida
M Tarbell (History of The Standard Oil Company), and Lincoln Stephen
(The Shame of The Cities) exposed the inequity to herald the rebirth of
American populism in early 20th century. In 1912, a third political
party came into existence in the US, known as Progressives. In
response, monopolists rallied around Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism
of "survival of the fittest". The problem of Social Darwinism is that
all workers will eventually die off and the rich would have to wash
their own dishes, a fate the rich avoid by keeping "the unfit"
surviving at subsistence.
Darwinism went out of fashion in the US in the 1920s, defeated by
undeniable socio-economic litters of its failure, but conservatives
found a new line of defense against organizing the economy for
collective benefits. They argued that while the aim was desirable, the
task was beyond human capacity and that even if doable, the direction
was alien to American values. The October Revolution gave this line of
argument substance. If Russia had it, Americans did not want it,
despite the fact that much of the economic planning by the early USSR
was copied from highly successful US war planning efforts.
World War I, while money wages increased all around, the lower wages
increased more than the cost the living. Labor benefited from full
employment. The railroads, shipping and shipbuilding were taken over by
government, resulting in huge increases in productivity in guaranteed
markets. The same happened in World War II.
theory of rising wages asserts that employers should understand that
rising wages are the only venue of assuring strong demand for their
products, supported by the theory of technology-driven productivity
increases, and the broad-based ownership of securities to spread
wealth. The historical data show that the largest average increases in
purchasing power have taken place at recession times when employers and
bankers tried their beast to keep wages down, but the stickiness of
wages made wage deflation slower that price deflation, as in the
1920-22 depression. The result was that when full employment returned
in 1923, US workers had higher purchasing power than they had in 1920.
But average manufacturing worker's yearly income decreased by $55
between 1923 and 1928, a miner's income by $187. Falling wages amid
prosperity was a major structural cause, albeit little noticed, of the
1929 crash. If wages had been higher, equity prices would not have
risen as much, thus dampening the speculative fever. Wealth effects
from the speculative boom made low wages tolerable and caused a
corresponding rise in debt without altering prudential debt to equity
ratios. But when the speculative bubble burst, debt-equity ratios
skyrocketed and there were insufficient wage levels to sustain
consumption. Similar conditions appear to be facing the US economy now.
the 1929 crash, the economic downward spiral was caused mainly by
falling wages. Despite all promises of maintaining production, goods
could not be sold as fast as they were produced because of a collapse
of income due to layoffs and wage reductions. Globalization in the past
two decades temporarily kept US purchasing power increasing despite a
slow growth of domestic wages. This resulted from still lower wages in
the emerging markets. Now the world is awash with overcapacity in
relations to low demand caused by insufficient wage levels. For the
past five years, China is the only nation that has adopted a wage
policy to stimulate domestic demand, which has been largely responsible
for China's continued growth in the face of global recession.
failed first Hoover Plan in respond to the Great Depression, of holding
the industrial status quo and injecting "confidence", was built on the
theory that nothing much was fundamentally wrong with the system and
that what was needed was for everyone to go on as before. When this
theory failed to arrest the downward spiral, Hoover shifted to a second
phase, admitting that something was amiss, that in mysterious ways the
system had gone off track, but the remedy was to let the excesses run
their natural course without government interference. The economic
system if left alone was deemed a self-compensating mechanism through
market forces, and would eventually restore equilibrium. Wages should
be allowed to sink, which would reduce costs and profit would return
and give incentive for renewed production, which would create jobs,
etc. No one asked how falling wages could promote sales and what good
were low production costs without sales. This was the forerunner of
supply-side economics, which even in the early phase of a boom would
accelerate the downturn because it by design leaves demand behind
supply - a classic case of increasing speculative risk for production
in hope that demand will follow. Production in the absence of ready
demand is pure speculative investing. It is suicide as a cure for a
recession. Yet current policymakers in many countries subscribe to the
same faulty theory, hoping for a "recovery" without having to correct
structural defects of the system, which is essentially the pre-emption
of sovereign credit by private debt.
is a fundamental relationship between wages and prices. Pricing
policies of firms as they are actually practiced in the real world,
both by cartels such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC), and by market leaders in pharmaceuticals, software,
communication and by commodity producers, have one thing in common.
Pricing policies across all these different economic sectors are
predicated on the proposition that price is seldom, if ever, set by the
intersection of supply and demand, as neo-classical economics textbooks
teach. The bottom line is that price is determined not by supply and
demand, but by strategies that aim at optimizing the long-term value of
assets and market power.
pricing is a good example. Throughout the history of oil, price has
been set by highly complex considerations and supply has always been
adjusted to maintain the set price. In pharmaceuticals, price is set
neither by cost nor demand. The pricing model of any new drug aims at
achieving maximum lifetime value of the drug that has very little to do
with current supply and demand. Microsoft's pricing model for Windows
is an expression of market power, and it has little to do with supply
and demand, or marginal costs, which are approaches zero as sales
increase. Telephone charges, as networks, are similarly disconnected
from supply and demand, or marginal costs. Even in the auto industry,
the dinosaur of the old economy, where cost input is high and
discounted return on capital low, pricing is based more on complex
considerations than simple demand. With 80 percent of autos financed or
leased, subsidy of financing costs is the name of the game, not sticker
price. Farm commodities prices are definitely not set by the
intersection of supply and demand. They are set artificially high by
political considerations by practically all producer governments; and
both supply and demand are artificially distorted to maintain the
politically set price. The general consensus of mainstream economists
on the global steel overcapacity problem is to reduce capacity, not to
let prices fall. The 2001 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences
(Nobel Prize) was awarded to Joseph Stiglitz, George Akerlof and A
Michael Spence for "their analyses of markets with asymmetric
information". In his acceptance press conference, Stiglitz said,
"Market economies are characterized by a high degree of imperfections."
in fact is the most manipulated component in trade. That is the
fundamental flaw of market fundamentalism. Friedrich Hayek's rejection
of socialist thinking is based on his view that prices are an
instrument of communication and guidance, which embodies more
information than each market participant individually processes. To
Hayek, it is impossible to bring about the same price-based order based
on the division of labor by any other means. Similarly, the
distribution of incomes based on a vague concept of merit or need is
impossible. Prices, including the price of labor, are needed to direct
people to go where they can do the most good. The only effective
distribution is one derived from market principles. On that basis,
Hayek intellectually rejects socialism. The trouble with this view is
that Hayek's notion of price is a romantic illusion and nowhere
practiced. That was how the native Americans sold Manhattan to the
Dutch for a handful of beads.
The Denial of Planning
notion that market capitalism is superior as an economic system is only
a recent invention. And its success in the past decade has been propped
up by complex geopolitical factors. From the 1930s to the 1950s, the US
in fact adopted many aspects of the Soviet model of planned economy. In
1931, a book about Russian planning, New Russia's Primer by M Ilin, was
one of the more popular monthly choices in the Book of the Month Club.
Stuart Chase, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), proposed a Peace Industries Board as a successor of the War
Industries Board of 1918 and historian Charles Beard suggested a
National Economic Council to organize industrial syndicates regulated
under the theory of public-utility control and supplemented by planning
agencies for agriculture, public works, foreign trade and the
rebuilding of cities. A committee of the National Progressive
Conference in 1931 published a memo on "Long Range Planning for the
Stabilization of Industry". Schemes for planning by separate autonomous
industries according to the principles of trade associations or cartel
came from many business sources, from Gerald Swope of GE and even the
US Chamber of Commerce. National planning was the mantra of the day.
The National Bureau of Economic Research put together the figures that
came to be known today as GNP (gross national product), NNI (net
national income) and other indices. The growth of US higher education
was a centrally planned affair. The Federal Reserve Bulletin on money
credit and industrial production was issued for the purpose of
planning. The profession of economics itself grew up in the US under
the aegis of planning. Hoover was also a planner. He attempted to save
capitalism through government planning by abandoning laissez faire and
threw government credit into the breach to protect the great capital
hoard from the onslaught of deflation, not unlike what US Federal
Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan is trying to do to prop up the
over-valued equity markets today.
while in the name of laissez faire vetoing government measures to help
the unemployed, was at the same time unleashing government to interfere
with the free play of market forces to protect the centers of economic
power. The net result was history. Not until President Franklin D
Roosevelt adopted Keynesian and many so-called socialist measures of
demand management did the US economy stir, and it remains controversial
today whether a Keynesian program could have succeeded in reviving the
US economy without World War II. The RFC (Reconstruction Finance Corp)
was established at the end of 1931 to prevent pending bankruptcies by
lending government guaranteed funds raised from tax-free debentures
($1.5 billion) to banks and business corporations that were frozen out
of the credit market - and the loans were even kept secret to protect
the credit ratings of the corporate borrowers. The RFC's
original two-year temporary life was extended to well beyond the end of
World War II, until 1950, financing war expenditure in the interim. The
planned economy did not came under attack in the US until well into the
final phase of the Cold War, with the rise of supply-side economics in
the late 1970s.
Nutter made a well-known study in 1962 for the National Bureau of
Economic Research: The Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet
Union. It estimated the percentage of planned output achieved by
important industries at the end of successive five-year plans, in
"value-added" terms. The first five-year plan (1928-32) achieved 75
percent of its target, the second (1932-37), 76 percent. The plan
ending in 1950 achieved 94 percent and 1955 achieved 99 percent. The
area of trouble in Soviet planning was in agriculture, not so much in
the state farms but in the collective farms made of small farmers. The
knotty problem of reward and incentive in collective enterprise has yet
to be solved by human ingenuity. The same was also true in China. When
China abandoned collective farming, the agricultural problem also
eased. Even in the US, free-market principles never touched
agriculture, which has remained a fortress of government subsidy with
both government credit and price support.
Agenbeguan report, published on July 9, 1965, in the New Statesmen,
gave a revealing assessment of the Soviet economy as still backward in
industrial production compared with other developed economies, even
though Russia had come from a lower base. The USSR had as many machine
tools as the US, but some 50 percent of them were in constant repair.
Production was siphoned off to maintenance. The report proposed a form
of just-in-time inventory (in 1965!), which has become the management
craze of the 90s. And the agricultural problem had not been solved (and
would not be solved by the end of the USSR and is still not solved
today). The report focused also on rising unemployment, which had been
denied in official figures. The report identified the defense sector as
the cause of these problems. It was a direct attack on incompetent
management disguised as planning, not on planning itself.
is an important point. The US excels in corporate and strategic
planning, despite the myth of free enterprise and competition. The
Soviets erred by neglecting the science of management and suffered from
both excessive centralization of policy formulation and excessive
democracy at the operational level. Workers could not be fired or laid
off by mangers and were not particularly obliged to carry out
instructions, on the ground of misinterpreted political equality. China
was faced with the same problem with its copying of the Soviet model,
which Chinese planners did not correct until after 1978. In management
terms, production increased in the Chinese economy when management was
given more autocratic power, not less, despite Western liberal wishful
thinking. General Motors was not run by democracy. There is no
democracy in the corporate organizational structure or governance,
power being vested in the number of shares rather than the corporate
population. In fact, the American managers in the GM joint-venture
operation in Shanghai repeatedly complained openly about increasing
Chinese political liberalization and its damaging effect on
productivity. They longed for a return of the good old days when the
Communist Party commissar called all the shots and problems could be
solved by getting the approval of a few powerful persons rather than
endless levels of power centers. The Central Intelligence Agency never
predicted the collapse of the USSR, especially from structural economic
economies are planned. Some are planned through "market" mechanism in
order to deny societal values, while others are planned according to
societal values. Demand, in the sense neo-classical economists use the
term, has to do with market forces as expressed in price. Yet the
manipulation of demand against market forces is widely practiced by all
market participants with unequal market power, in intervention against
truly free markets. Free marketeers consider the unseen hand of
government as intervention, but the unseen hand of price setters as a
cannon of natural laws.
about supply? Neo-classical economists do not construct supply curves
for non-competitive markets. However, supply curves in competitive
markets are just cost summaries, and every firm has a cost structure.
Supply and demand are two sides of the same coin and in fact quite
inseparable. In pharmaceuticals, demand is related to the illness, not
the availability of drugs. But many useless drugs are marketed and sold
with proper warnings, often at great profit (a perverse version of
Say's law - supply creates its own demand). Addiction to cigarette
smoking creates demand that leads to supply in the form of tobacco
production, which for centuries received government subsidy in tobacco
farming. Smoking causes cancer, which created demand for health care
and cancer prevention. The tobacco industry contributes support to
cancer research on cure but not on prevention, because the hope of a
cure for cancer will neutralize the great threat to the future of the
tobacco industry, while prevention directly threatens the industry.
Now, all that eventually comes out in the wash in cigarette pricing
models. Take the case of drugs for AIDS. There is an intense debate
going on regarding the pricing and availability of "promising" drugs
for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. And the drugs are
not available for those who need them most, nor in areas that need them
most to reduce HIV's spread, but to those who most are able to pay for
it or who are adequately covered by health insurance.
time for a fundamental rethink of the theology of supply and demand and
the function of price in so-called free markets. To start with, all
markets are coercive, participants are seldom, if ever, free to act,
but are compelled to act, with very little room to reduce their
individual disadvantages. The law governing markets is power, with
government, being as institution endowed with the most power, always
the most influential participant. Some governments choose to control
the market indirectly while other choose to control it directly. All
governments reserve the right to set the rules of the market. Some
governments subscribe to ideologies that tilt toward market power
equalization in the name of fairness, while others subscribe to
ideologies that tilt toward hierarchy in the name of efficiency. These
rules predetermine the winners and losers, while the average market
participant innocently hangs on to the Horatio Alger myth of hard work
and honesty as the ingredients of success.
List, in his National System of Political Economy (1841), asserts that
political economy as espoused in England in the 19th century, far from
being a valid science universally, was merely British national opinion,
suited only to English historical conditions. List's institutional
school of economics asserts that the doctrine of free trade was devised
to keep England rich and powerful at the expense of its trading
partners and it must be fought with protective tariffs and other
protective devises of economic nationalism by the weaker countries.
Henry Clay's "American system" was a national system of political
economy in opposition to British hegemony.
fundamentalism has wrecked economies all around the world. Yet
neo-liberals continue to promote the false hope that the market will
save the world from the onslaught of a severe depression. It is time to
rein in this monstrous institution known as the market and to plan
rationally for human development
Interest Rate, Money Supply and Debt
is ample evidence that the level of interest rates does not always
control the aggregate level of debt in an economy, conventional
expectations notwithstanding. When interest rates are high, they often
merely reflect the systemic credit-unworthiness of borrowers as a group
or the high risk assumed by lenders collectively. High interest rates
in fact create more incentive for both lenders and borrowers to take
higher risk to shoot for the higher returns needed to meet higher
interest cost. High interest rates also direct money to more desperate
borrowers. As William Zeckendorf, the bankrupt real-estate tycoon, once
said: "I'd rather be alive at 30 percent interest than be dead at 3
interest rates do affect the distribution of credit in the economy.
When rationed by interest rates, debt actually puts money to work for
those who need it most desperately, and not necessarily the highest and
best use in the economy, or where it is socially needed most. Debts at
high interest rates can only be justified by high risk, which tends to
destabilize the economy. Debt securitization actually lowers systemic
credit quality by socializing risk across the whole system rather than
concentrating it on singular, isolatable defaults.
US Federal Reserve's fixation on interest-rate policy as the sole tool
of regulating monetary policy is increasingly taking on the look of
shadow boxing, with declining effect on the economy. As Fed Chairman
Greenspan is fond of saying: "Bad loans are made in good times." As
interest rates are artificially raised by Fed action to tighten money
supply, distressed borrowers with bad loans made in better times will
need to borrow more, thus increasing demand for credit and enlarging
the credit pool, defeating the Fed's purpose of a tight monetary
policy. As interest rates are artificially lowered by Fed action to
stimulate a slowing economy, banks raise their credit threshold to
compensate for the narrowing of rate spread, thus reducing the number
of qualified borrowers and shrinking aggregate loan volume. This is
known as the Fed pushing on a credit string or what Keynes called a
liquidity trap.
rationed by interest rates also discourages economic democracy, since
the poor generally find it much harder to obtain or afford credit and
the financial weak lack the credit ratings to obtain loans. The poor
and the financially weak also do not have the sophistication to
participate in structured finance. There is much truth in the saying
that it is not how much you own, it is how much you owe that measures
how rich or financially powerful you are.
also encourages carelessness with money, since lending implies faith in
the borrower's ability to repay in the future. People tend to be more
careful with money they earned in the past in the form of savings
because they remember how hard they had to work for it. In contrast,
debt is based on future earnings, which is deemed easier money by the
existence of debt itself. High interest rates also encourage high risks
to justify the high cost of money.
problem with debt is that it needs to be serviced regularly (except
zero coupons, which are discounted from the principal sum at the outset
and cost more and are monitored with bond covenants and triggers to
activate automatic foreclosure). Unlike a credit-driven economy, a
debt-propelled economy will inevitably reach a point where its ability
to service the growing debt is exceeded, unless inflation stays ahead
of interest charges, in which case the banking system will fail. Thus
runaway systemic debt frequently leads to hyperinflation.
only relieves the debtor, not the economy. If money is created whenever
credit is extended, then the erasure of debt with money absorbs credit
and shrinks the economy. There is a circular link among deregulation,
debt, overcapacity and bankruptcy. Deregulation has created a havoc of
bankruptcy in the airline, health-care, communication, energy and
finance sectors. Deregulation permits predatory pricing in the name of
competition, which often leads to monopolistic consolidation within
industries. The surviving giants then take on massive debt to acquire
vanquished competitors and to expand capacity in anticipation of
increased demand. They soon reach a point where increased sales do not
increase net revenue to offset low margin. Once a company is trapped in
the whirlpool of debt, a downward spiral of low prices and shrinking
revenue will push the cost of debt beyond sustainability, leading to
bankruptcy. This is known as the bursting of the debt bubble.
March 1980, the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary
Control Act (DIDMCA) was enacted in the United States. It was a
deregulation initiative by the administration of president Jimmy Carter
aimed at eliminating many of the distinctions among different types of
depository institutions and ultimately removing interest rate ceiling
on deposit accounts. Authority for federal savings and loan
associations to make risky ADC (acquisition, development, construction)
loans was expanded, which ended up with the savings and loan (S&L)
crisis five years later. Deregulation of airlines also began under
Carter, leading to recurring waves of airline bankruptcy.
wisdom suggests that a good credit rating is necessary to borrow. But
the financial world works differently in reality. A good credit rating
is first necessary to issue credit. Without the ability of some entity
to issue credit, no one can borrow. And since no modern financial
institution lends its own money, lenders must first secure funds
wholesale to lend to retail borrowers. For that, a lender must maintain
a good credit rating.
are protected from this requirement by their discount window at the
central bank, which is backed by the full faith and credit of the
nation, and by Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) insurance. Still,
central banks and the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) set
capital and reserve requirements for commercial banks to assure risk
testimony concerning Private-sector refinancing of the large hedge
fund, Long-Term Capital Management before the Committee on Banking and
Financial Services, US House of Representatives on October 1, 1998, Fed
Chairman Greenspan said: "we should note that were banks required by
the market, or their regulator, to hold 40 percent capital against
assets as they did after the Civil War, there would, of course, be far
less moral hazard and far fewer instances of fire-sale market
disruptions. At the same time, far fewer banks would be profitable, the
degree of financial intermediation less, capital would be more costly,
and the level of output and standards of living decidedly lower. Our
current economy, with its wide financial safety net, fiat money, and
highly leveraged financial institutions, has been a conscious choice of
the American people since the 1930s. We do not have the choice of
accepting the benefits of the current system without its costs."
the world's largest non-bank financial conglomerate that incidentally
also manufactures, issues credit at the retail level through vendor
financing, to capture sales for GE products. It gets its funds
wholesale from the commercial paper market, which GE dominates because
it commands good credit rating. When GE credit rating was downgraded
recently, it faced being frozen out of the commercial paper market, and
had to revert back to costly bank credit lines that adversely affected
its interest rate spread and profitability.
US National Housing Act was enacted on June 27, 1934, as one of several
economic-recovery measures of the New Deal. It provided for the
establishment of a Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Title II of
the Act provided for the insurance of home mortgage loans made by
private lenders, taking the risk in lending to low income borrowers off
the private lenders. Title III of the Act provided for the chartering
of national mortgage associations by the administrator. These
associations were to be independent corporations regulated by the
administrator, and their chief purpose was to buy and sell the
mortgages to be insured by the FHA under Title II.
one association was ever formed under this authority on February 10,
1938, as a subsidiary of the Reconstruction Finance Corp, a government
corporation. Its name was National Mortgage Association of Washington,
and this was changed that same year to Federal National Mortgage
Association (Fannie Mae). By amendments made in 1948, Title III became
a statutory charter for Fannie Mae.
the Great Depression, affording a home was difficult for most people in
the United States. At that time, a prospective homeowner had to make a
down payment of 40 percent and pay the mortgage off in three to five
years. Until the last payment, borrowers paid only interest on the
loan. The entire principal was due in one lump sum as the final
"balloon" payment. During the 1920s boom time in real estate, a
rudimentary secondary mortgage market emerged. The stock-market crash
of 1929 ended the real-estate boom and forced many private guarantee
companies into insolvency as home prices collapsed. As economic
conditions worsened, more and more people defaulted on mortgages
because they did not have the money for the final balloon payment or
were unable to roll over their mortgage because of low market value of
their homes.
help lift the country out of the Depression, Congress created the FHA
through the National Housing Act of 1934. The FHA's insurance program
protected mortgage lenders from the risk of default on long-term,
fixed-rate mortgages. Because this type of mortgage was unpopular with
private lenders and investors, Congress in 1938 created Fannie Mae to
refinance FHA-insured mortgages.
soldiers came home from World War II, Congress passed the Serviceman's
Readjustment Act of 1944, which gave the Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) authority to guarantee veterans' loans with no down payment or
insurance premium requirements. Many financial institutions considered
this arrangement a more attractive investment than war bonds.
revision of Title III in 1954, Fannie Mae was converted into a
mixed-ownership corporation, its preferred stock to be held by the
government and its common stock to be privately held. It was at this
time that Section 312 was first enacted, giving Title III the short
title of Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act. By
amendments made in 1968, the Federal National Mortgage Association was
partitioned into two separate entities, one to be known as the
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), the other to
retain the name Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae).
Ginnie Mae remained in the government, and Fannie Mae became privately
owned by retiring the government-held stock. Ginnie Mae has operated as
a wholly owned government association since the 1968 amendments. Fannie
Mae, as a private company operating with private capital on a
self-sustaining basis, expanded to buy mortgages beyond traditional
government loan limits, reaching out to a broader income cross-section.
the early '70s, inflation and interest rates rose drastically. Many
investors drifted away from mortgages. Ginnie Mae eased economic
tension by issuing its first mortgage-backed security (MBS) guarantee
in 1970. Investors found these guaranteed MBSs highly attractive. Also
in 1970, under the Emergency Home Finance Act, Congress chartered the
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (Freddie Mac) to buy conventional
mortgages from federally insured financial institutions. The
legislation also authorized Fannie Mae to purchase conventional
mortgages. Freddie Mac introduced its own MBS program in 1971.
the early 1980s, the US economy spiraled into deep recession. Interest
rates and housing prices were high, while income growth was stagnant.
The US economy faced a dual problem of income deficiency and money
devaluation. In this poor housing environment, Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac all created programs to handle adjustable-rate
mortgages. The Ginnie Mae guaranty is backed by the full faith and
credit of the United States. Today, Ginnie Mae guaranteed securities
are one of the most widely held and traded MBSs in the world. Ginnie
Mae has guaranteed more than $1.7 trillion in MBSs. Historically, 95
percent of all FHA and VA mortgages have been securitized through
Ginnie Mae. Ginnie Mae is a guarantor, a surety. It does not issue,
sell, or buy MBSs, or purchase mortgage loans.
Mae operates under a congressional charter that directs it to channel
its efforts into increasing the availability and affordability of home
ownership for low-, moderate- and middle-income Americans. Yet Fannie
Mae receives no government funding or backing, and it is one of the
nation's largest taxpayers as well as one of the most consistently
profitable corporations in America. The company has evolved to become a
shareholder-owned, privately managed corporation supporting the
secondary market for conventional loans. It continues to operate under
a congressional charter with oversight from the US Department of
Housing and Urban Development and the US Treasury.
Mae has two primary lines of business: Portfolio Investment, in which
the company buys mortgages and MBSs as investments, and funds those
purchases with debt, and Credit Guaranty, which involves guaranteeing
the credit performance of single-family and multi-family loans for a
fee. Its Portfolio Investment business includes mortgage loans
purchased throughout the US from approved mortgage lending
institutions. It also purchases MBSs, structured mortgage products and
other assets in the open market. The corporation derives income from
the difference between the yield on these investments and the costs to
fund these investments, usually from issuing debt in the domestic and
international markets. Fannie Mae has $3.46 trillion in MBSs
outstanding today, about 35% of GDP. Approximately one third of Fannie
Mae debt is sold outside the US.
corporation accomplishes its mission to provide products and services
that increase the availability and the affordability of housing for
low-, moderate- and middle-income Americans by operating in the
secondary rather than the primary mortgage market. Fannie Mae purchases
mortgage loans from mortgage lenders such as mortgage companies,
savings institutions, credit unions and commercial banks, thereby
replenishing those institutions' supply of mortgage funds. Fannie Mae
either packages these loans into MBSs, which it guarantees for full and
timely payment of principal and interest, or purchases these loans for
cash and retains the mortgages in its portfolio.
Mae is one of the world's largest issuers of debt securities, the
leader in the $5 trillion US home-mortgage market. Fannie Mae's debt
obligations are treated as US agency securities in the marketplace,
which is just below US Treasuries and above AAA corporate debt. This
agency status is due in part to the creation and existence of the
corporation pursuant to a federal law, the public mission that it
serves, and the corporation's continuing ties to the US government. It
benefits from the appearance, though not the essence, of being backed
by government credit.
Mae debt obligations receive favorable treatment from a regulatory
perspective. Fannie Mae securities are "exempted securities" under the
laws administered by the US Securities and Exchange Commission to the
same extent as US government obligations. Also, Fannie Mae debt
qualifies for more liberal treatment than corporate debt under US
federal statutes and regulations and, to a limited extent, foreign
overseas statutes and regulations. Some of these statutes and
regulations make it possible for deposit-taking institutions to invest
in Fannie Mae debt more liberally than in corporate debt and
mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities. Others enable certain
institutions to invest in Fannie Mae debt on par with obligations of
the United States and in unlimited amounts. Fannie Mae uses a variety
of funding vehicles to provide investors with debt securities that meet
their investment, trading, hedging, and financing needs. Fannie Mae is
able to issue different debt structures at various points on the yield
curve because of its large and consistent funding needs. As the
Treasury retires 30-year bonds in recent years, agencies have stepped
in to fill the void.
privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was an ideological move. It
was financially unnecessary and government credit could have funded the
entire low-, moderate- and middle-income housing-mortgage needs without
profit being siphoned off to private investors. These agency debt
instruments played a crucial role in developing and sustaining the
credit markets in the US. It is part of the evidence of the trend of
preemption of sovereign credit by private debt.
fact, the funding risk of both agencies was questioned by the Wall
Street Journal on February 20, 2003, in an editorial about Fannie Mae's
and Freddie Mac's safety, soundness and financial management. The
editorial characterized both agencies as risky, fast-growing companies
that "look like poorly run hedge funds", "unduly exposed to credit risk
with large derivative positions", and that they "use all manner of
derivatives" and "are exposed to unquantified counterparty risk on
these positions." Such concerns would have been avoided if both
agencies had been funded with sovereign credit, and the cost of housing
to low-, moderate- and middle-income Americans would have been lower,
avoiding handsome returns to private investors.
A Sovereign Credit Economy vs. A Private Debt Economy
sovereign credit economy is different from a private debt economy in
its sustainability. The Japanese economy has stagnated for more than a
decade primarily because it shifted from a sovereign credit economy to
a private debt economy in the name of financial liberalization and
market fundamentalism. The Japanese version of London's Big Bang on
April 1, 1998, and the adoption of the Central Bank Law on the same
day, accelerated the bursting of the Japanese debt bubble that
subsequently infected all Asian economies.
Big Bang in London refers to deregulation on October 27, 1986, of
London-based securities markets, an event comparable to May Day in New
York, marking a major step toward a single global financial market. May
Day refers to May 1, 1975, when fixed minimum brokerage commissions
ended in the US, ushering in the era of discount brokerage firms and
the beginning of diversification by the brokerage industry into a wide
range of financial services using computerization and digitized data
communication systems. This started the offering of new genres of
financial products and the emergence of structured finance that made
possible a new private-debt economy that turned quickly into a global
debt bubble. As the US reaped the fleeting benefits of dollar hegemony,
a government budget surplus accompanied with sovereign debt reduction
merely pushed more debt on to the private sector to feed the debt
most fundamental aspect of a private-debt economy is that it cannot
sustain a slowdown, even a soft landing. If Greenspan had been better
versed in debt economics, he would have understood that a debt bubble,
unlike the conventional business cycle, cannot survive the slightest
deflation. Rising inflation is the oxygen for a debt bubble.
attempt to engineer a soft landing for the US debt bubble by raising
the Fed Funds rate target in August 1999 to fight pending inflation
pre-emptively only accelerated the debt bubble's burst. His only option
was to prevent the debt bubble from forming by tightening credit
quality years ago, but he chose to rely on the market to exercise its
discipline. He rejected the suggestion of such Wall Street gurus as
Henry Kaufman to raise margin requirements for stock purchase. Instead
of discipline, the market gave him an insatiable appetite for addictive
debt, which he had previously called "irrational exuberance" at the
Annual Dinner and Francis Boyer Lecture of The American Enterprise
Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C. on December 5,
1996, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average was at 6,437, against
11,723 when the DJIA peaked on January 14, 2000.
March 16, 2000, the DJIA experienced its largest one-day point gain
historically - 499.19 points - to close at 10,630.60. A month later, on
April 14, 2000, the DJIA plummeted 617.78 points, closing at 10,305.77
- its steepest point decline in a single day historically so far. The
Dow Jones Industrial Average experienced its largest one-day percentage
drop in history, 508 points or 22.61 percent on October 19, 1987,
causing volume to surge to an unprecedented 604 million shares. The
next day, volume reached 608 million shares. Nowadays, a daily volume
of 1.5 trillion shares is normal. On July 2002, the highest daily trade
was 2.81 trillion shares. Stock prices fell sharply on October 24, 1929
- Black Thursday, with record volume of less than 13 million shares.
Five days later, the market crashes on volume of over 16 million shares
-- a level not to be surpassed for another 39 years. In popular
imagery, the crash has come to mark the beginning of the Great
Depression. On September 3, 1929 the Dow Jones Industrial Average
reached its 1929 peak of 381.17. On October 29, 1929 "Black Tuesday,"
prices fell sharply and the stock market "crashes." This "crash"
produced a record volume of nearly 16 million shares. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average fell more than 11 percent. The Dow finally reached
bottom in July, 1932 at 41.9, down 89 percent from its 1929 peak. Down
89% of the Dow's 2000 high would leave the Dow at 1,289.
the bubble was on its way, Greenspan was on top of a debt tiger that he
could not get off without being devoured by the beast. It was not the
New Economy, it was not the unprecedented productivity that gave the US
its decade-long boom. It was debt. Without debt, there would have been
no New Economy, no dotcom industry, no telecom explosion, no structured
finance, no budget surplus and no current account deficit or its flip
side, capital account surplus.
1990s was the debt decade. Much of the technology was invented prior to
the beginning of the decade of finance capitalism and became widely
applied through debt in the form of vendor finance. The communication
revolution was built on debt that had been accumulated in the last
decade. The greatest invention of the 1990s was more and more
sophisticated debt instruments.
warned in December 1996 about "irrational exuberance when the DJIA was
at 6,437, that inflation down the road was inevitable unless the Fed
started to raise Fed funds rate pre-emptively. Yet as rates rose, the
DJIA rose to 11,723 by January 2000, because inflation as measured by
the government failed take into account the wealth effect.
reason for this was twofold. Inflation was kept low by imports and
inflation was measured mostly by rising wages but not by rising asset
value. Stock prices doubled and real-estate prices tripled, but the
economy officially did not register inflation because of low wages and
cheap imports. As stock prices rose, the price to earnings ratio
skyrocketed. As the economy inched toward structural full employment
with 4 percent unemployed, Greenspan reflexively raised the interest
rate to cut off anticipated wage-pushed inflation. The high interest
rate adversely affected the earnings of debt-ridden companies. To boost
earnings, companies cut employees, which started the downward spiral.
July 1997, the risks of protracted global asset deflation caused by the
aftermath of excessive private debt have become reality, first in the
emerging markets and then in the United States. Neither the IMF nor the
Group of Seven (G-7) have been able to deal effectively with the twin
problems of the artificially strong but debt-driven dollar and the
spreading manipulated devaluation of other national currencies around
the globe.
the affected nations, the combination of mountains of foreign-currency
debt and massive short-term capital flight through stock-market
collapses, exacerbated by IMF conditionalities of high interest rates,
austerity measures that insisted on reduced government deficits and
sharp currency devaluations coupled with asset deflation, have led to
tragic destruction of hard-earned wealth and a severe drop of living
market forces in a runaway-debt economy have not created Adam Smith's
"universal opulence which extends itself to the lowest ranks of the
people". The only trickling down has been poverty and misery. In a
world of 6 billion people, only about 1,000 currency traders and a
small circle of rich investors in their hedge funds seem to enrich
themselves further through the unbridled manipulation of the free
financial market. Even in advanced economies, workers are misled to
accept low wages as a trade-off for stock options that become worthless
when the debt bubble bursts.
seduce share owners with fantasy capital gains based on debt to replace
regular dividend payouts. When market capitalization of major
corporations inflated by debt can fall by 90 percent within a matter of
months while top executives can cash out at peak prices and resign with
severance packages worth tens of millions of dollars, there is no other
way to describe the situation than reverse Robin Hood: robbing the poor
to help the dishonest rich.
view is now shared by increasing numbers across ideological spectrums.
Economist John Kenneth Galbraith's famous description of trickling down
prosperity was if you feed the horse enough oats, the sparrows will
some day benefit from its droppings. In finance capitalism, the poor
sparrows are crushed by the wheels of the carriage of debt that the
horse pulls.
debt is dilapidating, foreign-currency debt, mostly dollar debt, is
deadly to non-dollar economies. Thus those governments that had been
misled by neo-liberals to borrow massive amounts of foreign currency
unnecessarily and subsequently dutifully implemented IMF prescriptions,
such as Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, South Korea and Indonesia, Thailand
and Malaysia saw their economies destroyed to the point where recovery
may now take decades, if ever, and only if the poisonous IMF medicine
is quickly rejected.
IMF has now admitted that it made a "slight mistake" in dealing with
the Asian financial crisis of 1997. It might have been slight for the
IMF, but the cost to the economies of Asia was horrendous. Trillions of
dollars of hard-earned assets and economic capacities have been
destroyed, lost forever. In fact, lives have been lost, children
malnourished, families ruined, governments fallen and ethnic
animosities intensified. The cooperative partnership among neighboring
countries has been undermined and regions destabilized. This is the
direct result of predatory lending followed by predatory IMF rescues.
The operations were technically successful but the patients died. All
this came about because non-dollar economies were tricked into trading
away their power to use sovereign credit for domestic development and
to embark down the path of exporting for dollar with low domestic
National Banking vs. Central Banking
is an important institution in the economy, but it is not the economy.
Banks' traditional role is primarily that of an intermediary for money.
Under finance capitalism, banks on the one hand take on new importance
in the financial system (apart from their traditional lending role in
industrial capitalism). On the other hand, they lose their traditional
monopoly, as sole conduits of credit, to the unregulated global capital
and debt markets dominated by non-bank financial entities and
over-the-counter (OTC) derivative trades between market participants
without intermediaries and outside of exchanges.
these markets, banks are reduced to merely special market participants
that both enjoy the protection of and are restrained by national
regulatory regimes. The securities exchange commission views the
difference between equity and debt as only technical, a distinction
only meaningful in the legal accounting of risk. Convertible bonds, for
example, blur the distinction by assigning the choice between debt and
equity to the terms of credit.
under market capitalism, banking systems in different economies serve
different economic policy goals, which invariably evolve and change
over the course of history, reflecting the financial needs of various
developmental stages in different economies. In developmental terms,
economies in the take-off stages require different economic policies
than those in consolidation stages. Economies that need a quick hard
landing from exuberant growth also require different economic policies
than ones aiming toward a soft landing. These differing economic
policies are most effectively supported by differing banking
United States did not have a central bank until 1913. President
Franklin D Roosevelt's New Deal responded to the Great Depression of
1929 with massive banking reform, adding to the Reconstruction Finance
Corp (RFC) already set up by president Herbert Hoover, which lent to
distressed corporations and banks. The RFC, designed as an emergency
institution to be liquidated within two years, had a capital of US$500
million, and authority to issue government-backed, tax-free debentures
of $1.5 billion. A Farm Credit Administration took over problem farm
mortgages. A Home Owners' Loan Corp did the same for problem urban
mortgages. An abrupt bank "holiday" was declared to make the government
the lender of last resort. Export of gold as well as the redemption of
currency for gold were forbidden by executive order.
Emergency Banking Act of 1933 endorsed emergency actions already taken
by the president and created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp to
protect depositors. The Security Act of 1933 and the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934 created the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) to regulate equity markets. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 split
investment banking from commercial banking to prevent the conflict of
interest in pushing new issues of shares of the banks' clients on the
banks' own depositors. The New Deal made recent emergency banking
measures in Argentina look like a tea party. The difference was that
the New Deal did not have an International Monetary Fund (IMF) to
insist on conditionalities of austerity on the government.
emergence of junk bonds, providing risky ventures with open access to
institutional money, was instrumental in restructuring the US economy,
bringing into existence new productive apparatus, such as MCI, Turner
Broadcasting, Dell, AOL and Microsoft, which constituted the so-called
New Economy. Drexel's Michael Milken created a new use for junk bonds
in the 1980s, persuading executives to issue them to restructure and
grow their companies and speculators and investors to buy and trade
them. Much of the phenomenal increase in indebtedness of US
corporations during past decades has been due to junk-bond holdings,
not bank loans, at least until creative accounting allowed corporation
new off-balance-sheet access to virtual money. With Drexel's aggressive
campaign, the amount of junk bonds in the market swelled to $200
billion, and bonds became an important component in pension plans and
mutual-fund investment. Charles Keating of Lincoln Savings and Loan
purchased the since-defunct institution in 1983 with $50 million raised
by Milken through the sale of junk bonds, which started a daisy chain
set of transactions that became a centerpiece of the savings and loan
Drexel's demise, corporate bonds outstanding in the United States has
grown from $366 billion in 1980 to more than $3.4 trillion at the end
of 2000. Corporate bond issuance has increased more than fivefold since
1990 and, for high-yield junk bonds, more than 10-fold. A total of
$16.4 billion of junk bonds, or 3.1 percent of the $510 billion
outstanding, went into default in January and February 2002 alone - led
by bankrupt telecommunications company Global Crossing Ltd ($3.4
billion) - on the heels of $43.6 billion of defaults the previous year.
The corporate bond market is large and liquid, with daily trading
volume estimated at $15 billion. Issuance for 2000 was above $626
billion. General Motors' $17.55 billion multi-currency
offering of bonds and convertible securities on June 26 2000 set a
record for the largest single fundraising by a company to that date.
The offering surpassed the previous record of $16.4 billion set by
France Télécom in March 2001. The previous US record of
$11.9 billion
for such an offering was set by WorldCom in May 2001. The GM deal
comprised $13.55 billion in fixed- and floating-rate bonds in US
dollars, euros and British pounds, as well as $4 billion of convertible
debentures. GM said it would use most of the proceeds to partially fund
its US pension plans and other benefits for retired employees, which
had lost value from the collapse of the equity market. The issue was
increased from an initially planned $10 billion in the face of strong
investor demand.
their different historical and social backgrounds, different banking
systems and regulatory regimes have evolved for different national
economies. The globalization of finance, accelerated by "big bangs" in
major financial markets, has brought about the urgent push for global
regulatory standards applicable to banks worldwide, while leaving
credit and capital markets largely unregulated, and a foreign exchange
regime driven by predatory processes disguised as free markets for
situation is further complicated by the use of new instruments in
structured finance: securitization and derivatives which permit the
unbundling of risks that are marketed to bidders willing to take
different levels of risks for compensatory returns. Looking to keep
such risks from infesting the banking system while not preventing the
banks from participating in the highly profitable new markets, national
banking systems are suddenly thrown into the rigid arms of the Basel
Capital Accord sponsored by the Bank of International Settlement (BIS),
or to face the penalty of usurious risk premium in securing
international inter-bank loans. Thus national banking systems are all
forced to march to the same tune, designed to serve the needs of highly
sophisticated global financial markets, regardless of the developmental
needs of their national economies.
reform becomes the mantra of neo-liberal globalization while the real
systemic risk in the global economy has been socialized globally
through structured finance, and the benefits of socializing such risk
remains concentrated in the hands of private investors in the rich
national banking systems came into existence to support mercantilist or
national industrial policy goals, such as rapid industrialization,
gaining global market share, building an armament sector, rural
electrification, regional development, flood management, etc, free from
the dictate of private institutional profitability.
the prewar and postwar German and Japan economic miracles were clear
examples. With financial globalization, these banking structures of
national policy have been forced to transform themselves into
components of a globalized private banking system that puts
institutional creditworthiness and profitability as prerequisites,
serving the needs of the global financial system to preserve the
security and value of global private capital. National policies
suddenly are subjected to profit incentives of private financial
institutions, all members of a hierarchical system controlled and
directed from the money center banks in New York. The result is to
force national banking systems to privatize under central banking
regimes and, in order to compete for inter-bank funds, to redefine and
recognize domestic non-performing loans (NPLs) under Bank of
International Settlement (BIS) guidelines.
regulations serve only the single purpose of strengthening
international private banking under a central banking system, even at
the peril of national economies. The BIS does to national banking
systems what the IMF has done to national monetary regimes. National
economies under financial globalization no longer serve national
interests. They operate to strengthen what US Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan calls US financial hegemony in the name of private
profit. The IMF and the international banks regulated by the BIS are a
team: the international banks lend recklessly to borrowers in emerging
economies to create a foreign currency debt crisis, the IMF arrives as
a carrier of monetary virus in the name of sound monetary policy, then
the international banks come as vulture investors in the name of
financial rescue to acquire national banks deemed capital inadequate
and insolvent by the BIS.
of financial institutions now depends on increased price volatility
more than on interest-rate spreads. Price adjustments in capital
markets have been most clearly visible in a re-pricing of risks in a
wide range of equity and high-yield bond markets. The high correlation
of asset price movements across countries reflects the globalization of
finance and the heightened tendency of global investors to invest on
the basis of industrial sectors or credit ratings, rather than
geographic location. Yet large segments of many national economies have
no intrinsic need for foreign direct investment (FDI), or even market
capitalization in foreign currencies. Applying the State Theory of
Money, any government can fund with its own currency all its domestic
developmental needs to maintain full employment without inflation. FDI
denominated in foreign currencies, mostly dollars, has condemned many
national economies into unbalanced development toward export, merely to
make dollar-denominated interest payments to FDI, with little net
benefit to the domestic economies. This trend of dependence on foreign
capital has pushed many emerging market economies toward a whirlpool of
sinking debt, from which these economies have no hope of ever
extricating themselves.
assessment of risks is complicated by recent structured financial
developments in the advanced national financial systems, including
increasing global market power concentration in large, complex banking
organizations (LCBOs), the growing reliance on over-the-counter (OTC)
derivatives and structural changes in government securities markets.
Despite all the talk of the need for increased transparency, these
structural changes have reduced transparency about the distribution of
financial risks in the global financial system, rendering market
discipline and official oversight impotent.
blue-chip global giants such as GE, JP Morgan/Chase and CitiGroup have
overhangs of dark clouds of undisclosed off-balance-sheet risk
exposure. Ironically, banks in emerging markets are penalized with
disproportionate risk premiums when they fail to meet arbitrary,
one-size-fits-all BIS Basel Accord capital requirements, while LCBOs
with astronomical risk exposures in OTC derivatives enjoy exemption
from commensurate risk premiums.
capital markets around the globe are vulnerable to spillovers and
contagion from volatility in US capital markets. Continuous and steady
access by emerging markets to global capital has been strongly affected
by events in the mature markets. While the emergence of exchange-rate
and banking crises in emerging markets and the ensuing contagion led to
an abrupt loss of markets access in the past, many emerging markets now
lose market access mainly because of developments in distant mature
markets, such as the collapse of market capitalization on the Nasdaq,
or the collapse of the telecom sector debt market built on the US
formula of "air ball" financing - loans based on pro forma future
cashflow rather than hard assets or current profits.
BIS is an international organization that aims to foster cooperation
among central banks and other agencies in pursuit of global monetary
and financial stability in the interest of the rich nations. It was
established in the context of the Young Plan (1930), which dealt with
the issue of the reparation payments imposed on Germany by the Treaty
of Versailles. Thus from its birth, its institutional bias has been
genetically in favor of winners/creditors. The reparations issue
quickly faded into the background, focusing BIS activities entirely on
cooperation among central banks and, increasingly, other agencies, such
as the IMF, in pursuit of monetary and financial stability for the
benefit of global private creditors. Incidentally, the US Federal
Reserve, the head of the central-bank snake, is privately owned by
member private banks, though it presents itself to the world as a
government institution, with the power to issue sovereign credit,
presumably along the same logic as Christ being both God and man.
BIS aimed at defending the Bretton Woods system until 1971, when the US
abandoned the gold standard. It aimed at managing capital flows after
the two oil crises and the international debt crisis in the 1980s. More
recently, its thrust has been to foster financial stability in the wake
of economic integration and globalization. Its Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision recommended a risk-weighted capital ratio for
internationally active banks (1988 Basel Capital Accord, currently
under revision toward Basel II) that has become international standard,
forcing banks in poor nations to observe the same rules as banks in
rich nations. The BIS performs traditional banking functions, such as
reserve management and gold transactions, for the accounts of
central-bank customers and international organizations.
total of currency deposits placed with the BIS amounted to $128 billion
as of March 31, 2000, representing about 7 percent of world
foreign-exchange reserves. In addition, the BIS has performed trustee
and agency functions, acting as agent for the European Payments Union
(EPU, 1950-58), helping the Western European currencies restore
convertibility after World War II; as the agent for various European
exchange-rate arrangements, including the European Monetary System
(EMS, 1979-94), which preceded the move to a single currency. The BIS
has also provided or organized emergency financing to support the
international monetary system when needed. During the 1931-33 financial
crisis, the BIS organized support credits for both the Austrian and the
German central banks, resulting in a systemic financial collapse that
contributed in no small way to the political success of the Nazis. In
the 1960s, the BIS arranged special support credits for the Italian
lira (1964) and for the French franc (1968) and two so-called Group
Arrangements (1968 and 1969) to support sterling. More recently, the
BIS has provided finance in the context of IMF-led stabilization
programs (e.g. for Mexico in 1982, for Brazil in 1998, and for Turkey
and Argentina in 2000-present).
January 8, 2001, the BIS decided to restrict, for the future, the right
to hold shares in the BIS exclusively to central banks. It approved the
mandatory repurchase of all BIS shares held by private shareholders,
against payment of compensation of 16,000 Swiss francs for each share
(equivalent to some $9,950 at the USD/CHF exchange rate on January 8,
2001). Financial affirmative action for weak economies is not part of
the BIS lexicon of international finance.
1988, banks that trade internationally have been "invited" to observe
the terms of the Basel Capital Accord signed by more than 110
countries. The accord has been made compulsory for all credit
institutions in the G10 (Group of 10, comprising Belgium, Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland,
the United Kingdom and the United States) countries. The 1988 accord,
with a deadline implementation by the end of 1992, focused on a single
risk measure, with a one-size-fits-all, broad-brush approach, setting a
minimum capital requirement at 8 percent. While Third World banks that
do not meet BIS capital requirements are frozen from the global
inter-bank funds, BIS rules have been eroded by LCBOs in advanced
economies through capital arbitrage, which refers to strategies that
reduce a bank's regulatory capital requirements without a commensurate
reduction in the bank's risk exposures. One example of such arbitrage
is the sale, or other shift-off, from the balance sheet of assets with
economic capital allocations below regulatory capital requirements, and
the retention of those for which regulatory requirements are less than
the economic capital burden. Aggregate regulatory capital thus ends up
being lower than the economic risks require. Although regulatory
capital ratios rise, they are, in effect, merely meaningless
statistical artifacts. Risks never disappear; they are always passed
on. LCBOs in effect pass their unaccounted-for risks onto the global
financial system. Thus the fierce opponents of socialism have become
the deft operators in the socialization of risk while retaining profits
from such risk socialization in private hands.
for 2004, implementation of the new Basel Capital Accord II is meant to
respond to such regulatory erosion by LCBOs. "Synthetic securitization"
refers to structured transactions in which banks use credit derivatives
to transfer the credit risk of a specified pool of assets to third
parties, such as insurance companies, other banks, and unregulated
entities, known as Special Purpose Entities (SPE), used widely by the
likes of Enron and GE. The transfer may be either funded, for example,
by issuing credit-linked securities in tranches with various
seniorities (collateralized loan obligations or CLOs) or unfunded, for
example, using credit default swaps. Synthetic securitization can
replicate the economic risk transfer characteristics of securitization
without removing assets from the originating bank's balance sheet or
recorded banking book exposures. Synthetic securitization may also be
used more flexibly than traditional securitization. For example, to
transfer the junior (first and second loss) element of credit risk and
retain a senior tranche; to embed extra features such as leverage or
foreign currency payouts; and to package for sale the credit risk of a
portfolio (or reference portfolio) not originated by the bank. Banks
may also exchange the credit risk on parts of their portfolios
bilaterally, without any issuance of rated notes to the market.
variant is to use credit derivatives to transfer the risk of a small
number of corporate "names" rather than that of a larger portfolio. In
this type of synthetic securitization, a SPE acquires the credit risk
on a reference portfolio by purchasing credit-linked notes (CLNs)
issued by the sponsoring banking organization. The SPE funds the
purchase of the CLNs by issuing a series of notes in several tranches
to third party investors. The investor notes are in effect
collateralized by the CLNs. Each CLN represents one obligor and the
bank's credit risk exposure to that obligor, which may take the form
of, for example, bonds, commitments, loans, and counterparty exposures.
Since the noteholders are exposed to the full amount of credit risk
associated with the individual reference obligors, all of the credit
risk of the reference portfolio is shifted from the sponsoring bank to
the capital markets. The dollar amount of notes issued to investors
equals the notional amount of the reference portfolio.
II regulation requires banks to build capital that will reflect a
certain proportion of their financial activity, which occurs because of
market volatility of financial instruments such as bonds, equities and
derivatives. This discrepancy between the outcomes of the regulation
capital and risk analysis has indeed fueled the development of new
categories for financial instruments, such as credit derivatives or
asset-backed securities, where regulated financial institutions
transfer their low, but regulatorily expensive risks to non-regulated
investors in order to extract value. As of December 31, 2001, CitiGroup
held derivative exposure of $6.25 trillion, while its combined total
asset was only $500 billion, according to the FDIC.
proposed new Basel Accord II is built around three pillars, each of
which reinforces the other. The first pillar establishes the way to
quantify the minimum capital requirements in the context of the brave
new world of structured finance, the second organizes the regulator's
supervision and the third establishes the foundations for market
discipline through public disclosure of the way that banks implement
the accord. Accurate internal risk-based (IRB) inputs are crucial to
obtaining reasonably accurate regulatory measures of capital adequacy.
the market will not believe or use risk disclosures unless it believes
that the underlying risk measures, such as ratings and the
probabilities of default, have been validated. Thus, supervisors must
validate the risk measures to support both capital regulation and
market discipline. While international rating agencies have been slow
in coming to terms with true risk exposures of giant transnational
corporations such as Enron and GE, the rating agencies are subject of
complaint from the government of Japan with regard to their
"qualitative" judgment that lacks "objective criteria" of Japanese
sovereign creditworthiness, despite Japan's undisputed status as the
world's leading creditor nation.
is singled out among its peers in the advanced industrial world for
scrutiny over the basic rating question of threat of default. Yet Japan
has the largest savings surplus in the world and the largest foreign
exchange reserves. There is increasing evidence that the Japanese bank
system crisis is not the cause but merely the symptom of its economic
malaise which has resulted from the disadvantaged structural position
Japan has allowed itself to fall into in terms of the global financial
system. BIS regulations are a big part of that structural disadvantage.
This is the reason why Japan has been resistant toward US demands for
Japanese bank reform. No doubt Japan needs to reform its banking
system, but it is highly debatable that the reform needs to go along
the line proposed by US neo-liberals or that bank reform alone will
lift the Japanese economy out of its decade-long doldrums.
record of US supervisory effectiveness has been gravely tarnished by
the shameful performance of the US accounting profession and the
unethical behavior of corporate management and financial institutions.
The SEC is only now frantically trying to play catch-up after the
horses have fled the barn, with dead and wounded corporate bodies
strewn around the market landscape.
governor Laurence H Meyer has publicly declared that at this moment and
with current systems, no bank in the US likely would qualify to use the
advanced IRB approach. LCBOs will be under pressure to enhance their
risk management practices so that they might be prepared to adopt the
advanced IRB approach. Tension exists between setting high standards
and the expectation of wide adoption of the advanced IRB approach by
LCBOs. There is a possibility that the US banking industry will simply
stick with the standardized approach and turn a cold shoulder to
advanced IRB. It would be the financial version of US unilateralism and
exceptionism in a globahlized world.
effective average risk weight for a bank as a whole should decline with
the more sophisticated approaches depending on the extent of capital
arbitrage already accomplished. Such banks would achieve lower total
regulatory capital charges and, consequently, a higher reported
risk-weighted capital ratio. Given the different risk profiles at
individual banks, capital requirements almost certainly would vary more
widely under the new risk-based capital ratios than under current BIS
measure. A bank with a relatively low risk portfolio would find that
its risk-weighted capital ratio increased because its risk-weighted
exposures had declined. It would, as a result, presumably reduce its
capital, or increase its leverage, or even increase its risk exposure,
defeating the purpose of the new accord. Banks in the emerging
economies will definitely be put at a disadvantage due to their lack of
sophisticated risk management capabilities and limited access to global
capital and credit markets.
look at US credit-market debt as a percentage of gross domestic product
(GDP) is revealing. Domestic financial debt jumped from 12.3 percent of
GDP in 1971 to 91.8 percent of GDP in 2001. According to Fed data on
the flow of funds, banks' share of net credit markets dropped from a
peak of over 62 percent in 1975 to 26 percent in 1995 and is still
falling rapidly, while security markets' share rose from negligible in
1975 to over 20 percent in 1995 and still rising rapidly, with insurers
and pension funds taking the rest. In 1999, US credit market debt
amounted to $25.6 trillion, two and a half times GDP, of which
commercial banking debt was only $5.0 trillion. Treasuries was $5.2
trillion, agencies were $8.5 trillion and mortgage or asset backed
securities was $3 trillion. Commercial papers was $1.4 trillion. Money
market instrument was $2.3 trillion. Securitization now stand at over
$3 trillion, up from $375 billion in 1985. Insurance companies and
banks in the US fell from 75 percent of financial industry assets in
the 1950s to less than 35 percent today, while mutual-fund and
pension-fund firms increased their share from 6 percent to 43 percent
over the same time period. The fund-management industry has profited as
individuals replaced the majority of their directly held equities with
managed funds. Banks have lost assets to the financial markets, as
those markets have become more attractive to debtors and investors.
than 75 percent of the global volumes in securitization originate from
the US. Asia, including Japan, which still funds its economies mostly
through banks, could not recover quickly from the 1997 financial
crisis, primarily because of underdeveloped debt and securitization
markets in Asia. And the Basel Accord capital requirements have a more
restrictive impact on Asian economies for that reason.
market creativity has brought forth an explosion in the number of
securitized products which in turn has contributed significantly to the
growth of capital and debt markets, which in turn has paralleled the
decline of the banks' share of financial industry assets. The
importance of banks in the management of credit risk has also declined
with the growth in the commercial paper and high-yield bond markets.
Banks' loss of market share in the credit card market has been
extremely rapid, as their share of credit card receivables fell from 95
percent in 1986 to 25 percent in 1998. During this period, non-bank
credit card companies and the securitization of receivables have
the same time period, securitized mortgages grew from 10 percent to 41
percent of the US mortgage market. Finally, there was the rise of money
market accounts and brokerage firm sponsored cash management accounts.
Banks' share of checkable deposits fell from 85 percent to 55 percent
from 1980 to 1998, while money markets and alternative checking
accounts grew to 45 percent of checkable deposits. These new products
have allowed consumers unparalleled declines in funding costs and
transactions convenience.
these tremendous losses in market share, banks have been able to
maintain a position of importance in the modern economy. Banks have
experienced an erosion in their core business of borrowing and lending,
and net interest income has fallen precipitously. But banks have
successfully replaced this income by growing fee-based and value-added
services such as brokerage, trusts, annuities, mutual funds, trading,
mortgage banking and insurance. In other words, by becoming non-bank
financial entities, instead of providing safety to its customers, banks
have become brokers of risk rather than cushions against risk.
case study from Brady bond prices (July 2001) applying a reduced-form
model to uncover from secondary market's Brady bond prices, together
with Libor interest rates, shows how the risk of sovereign default is
perceived to depend on time. Thus Walter Wriston of Citibank was
essentially correct that countries do not go bankrupt in the long run.
What Wriston failed to take into account was that governments can
default on their foreign currency loans. Subsuming liquidity risk in
default risk may result in a mis-specified model that, while generating
the desired negative correlation between credit spreads and
default-free interest rates, also generates negative probabilities of
default at long horizons. Floating exchange rates, of course, further
complicates the situation on foreign currency loans, which every sane
government should avoid at all cost.
of markets has put a premium on cooperation between national
authorities and institutions as a means of achieving a more harmonized
financial environment, while in the foreign exchange arena, violent
volatility, erratic spreads, high trading volumes and liquidity crises
are commonly expected as natural. In this context, national banks are
pushed to fall in line with guidelines developed by the BIS, which
demanded simplistic risk management formulae, not to mitigate real
risk, but to appease rating agencies, which act as a police force for
the BIS and global investors. Rating agencies now exercise powerful
arbitration on the cost of sovereign and private sector credit.
the logic that a sound banking system should lead to full employment
and developmental growth, BIS regulations demand high unemployment and
developmental degradation in national economies as the fair price for a
sound global private banking system. Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's
chief economist, wrote, "In theory, globalization is all about a shared
prosperity - bringing the less-advantaged developing world into the
tent of the far wealthier industrial world. But, in reality, when
there's less prosperity to share, these benefits start to ring hollow.
As the world economy now tips into recession, the assault on
globalization can only intensify. The intrinsic tensions of
globalization: market-driven forces of cross-border economic
integration are increasingly at odds with the politics of fragmentation
and nationalism. In the end, it probably boils down to jobs, voters and
the social contracts that bind politicians to these key constituencies.
Disparities in social contracts around the world underscore the
inherent contractions of globalization."
banks in the US have successfully shifted bad loans off their books
through securitization, banks in Asia, including Japan, are saddled
with a NPL crisis created largely by the Basel Accord capital
requirements. Post-Keynesian economist Paul Davidson's distinguishing
NPLs into episodic or systemic types is very perceptive, as is his
conclusion that "we should never let the score keeping per se retard
the game as long as there are real resources available to engage in
productive activities".
the most effective resolution of NPLs is to turn them into performing
loans. Yet the approach of the BIS (escalating capital requirement,
loan write-offs and liquidation, and restructuring through sell-offs,
layoffs, downsizing, cost-cutting and freeze on capital spending), a
banking version of the IMF austerity conditionality, creates
macroeconomic conditions that would turn more performing loans into
NPLs and NPLs into total loss.
Dollar Hegemony
is an economics-textbook myth that foreign-exchange rates are
determined by supply and demand based on market fundamentals. Economics
tends to dismiss socio-political factors that shape market fundamentals
that affect supply and demand.
current international finance architecture is based on the US dollar as
the dominant reserve currency, which now accounts for 68 percent of
global currency reserves, up from 51 percent a decade ago. Yet in 2000,
the US share of global exports (US$781.1 billon out of a world total of
$6.2 trillion) was only 12.3 percent and its share of global imports
($1.257 trillion out of a world total of $6.65 trillion) was 18.9
percent. World merchandise exports per capita amounted to $1,094 in
2000, while 30 percent of the world's population lived on less than $1
a day, about one-third of per capita export value.
since 1971, when US president Richard Nixon took the dollar off the
gold standard (at $35 per ounce) that had been agreed to at the Bretton
Woods Conference at the end of World War II, the dollar has been a
global monetary instrument that the United States, and only the United
States, can produce by fiat. The dollar, now a fiat currency, is at a
16-year trade-weighted high despite record US current-account deficits
and the status of the US as the leading debtor nation. The US national
debt as of August 14, 2003 was $6.753 trillion against a gross domestic
product (GDP) of $10 trillion.
trade is now a game in which the US produces dollars and the rest of
the world produces things that dollars can buy. The world's interlinked
economies no longer trade to capture a comparative advantage; they
compete in exports to capture needed dollars to service
dollar-denominated foreign debts and to accumulate dollar reserves to
sustain the exchange value of their domestic currencies. To prevent
speculative and manipulative attacks on their currencies, the world's
central banks must acquire and hold dollar reserves in corresponding
amounts to their currencies in circulation. The higher the market
pressure to devalue a particular currency, the more dollar reserves its
central bank must hold. This creates a built-in support for a strong
dollar that in turn forces the world's central banks to acquire and
hold more dollar reserves, making it stronger. This phenomenon is known
as dollar hegemony, which is created by the geopolitically constructed
peculiarity that critical commodities, most notably oil, are
denominated in dollars. Everyone accepts dollars because dollars can
buy oil. The recycling of petro-dollars is the price the US has
extracted from oil-producing countries for US tolerance of the
oil-exporting cartel since 1973.
definition, dollar reserves must be invested in US assets, creating a
capital-accounts surplus for the US economy. Even after a year of sharp
correction, US stock valuation is still at a 25-year high and trading
at a 56 percent premium compared with emerging markets.
Quantity Theory of Money is clearly at work. US assets are not growing
at a pace on par with the growth of the quantity of dollars. US
companies still represent 56 percent of global market capitalization
despite recent retrenchment in which entire sectors suffered some 80
percent a fall in value. The cumulative return of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average (DJIA) from 1990 through 2001 was 281 percent, while
the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) developed-country index
posted a return of only 12.4 percent even without counting Japan. The
MSCI emerging-market index posted a mere 7.7 percent return. The US
capital-account surplus in turn finances the US trade deficit.
Moreover, any asset, regardless of location, that is denominated in
dollars is a US asset in essence. When oil is denominated in dollars
through US state action and the dollar is a fiat currency, the US
essentially owns the world's oil for free. And the more the US prints
greenbacks, the higher the price of US assets will rise. Thus a
strong-dollar policy gives the US a double win.
the processes of globalization has always been the result of state
action, as opposed to the mere surrender of state sovereignty to market
forces. Currency monopoly of course is the most fundamental trade
restraint by one single government. Adam Smith published Wealth of
Nations in 1776, the year of US independence. By the time the
constitution was framed 11 years later, the US founding fathers were
deeply influenced by Smith's ideas, which constituted a reasoned
abhorrence of trade monopoly and government policy in restricting
trade. What Smith abhorred most was a policy known as mercantilism,
which was practiced by all the major powers of the time. It is
necessary to bear in mind that Smith's notion of the limitation of
government action was exclusively related to mercantilist issues of
trade restraint. Smith never advocated government tolerance of trade
restraint, whether by big business monopolies or by other governments.
central aim of mercantilism was to ensure that a nation's exports
remained higher in value than its imports, the surplus in that era
being paid only in specie money (gold-backed as opposed to fiat money).
This trade surplus in gold permitted the surplus country, such as
England, to invest in more factories to manufacture more for export,
thus bringing home more gold. The importing regions, such as the
American colonies, not only found the gold reserves backing their
currency depleted, causing free-fall devaluation (not unlike that faced
today by many emerging-economy currencies), but also wanting in surplus
capital for building factories to produce for export. So despite
plentiful iron ore in America, only pig iron was exported to England in
return for English finished iron goods.
1795, when the Americans began finally to wake up to their
disadvantaged trade relationship and began to raise European (mostly
French and Dutch) capital to start a manufacturing industry, England
decreed the Iron Act, forbidding the manufacture of iron goods in
America, which caused great dissatisfaction among the prospering
colonials. Smith favored an opposite government policy toward promoting
domestic economic production and free foreign trade, a policy that came
to be known as "laissez faire" (because the English, having nothing to
do with such heretical ideas, refuse to give it an English name).
Laissez faire, notwithstanding its literal meaning of "leave alone",
meant nothing of the sort. It meant an activist government policy to
counteract mercantilism. Neo-liberal free-market economists are just
bad historians, among their other defective characteristics, when they
propagandize "laissez faire" as no government interference in trade
strong-dollar policy is in the US national interest because it keeps US
inflation low through low-cost imports and it makes US assets expensive
for foreign investors. This arrangement, which Federal Reserve Board
chairman Alan Greenspan proudly calls US financial hegemony in
congressional testimony, has kept the US economy booming in the face of
recurrent financial crises in the rest of the world. It has distorted
globalization into a "race to the bottom" process of exploiting the
lowest labor costs and the highest environmental abuse worldwide to
produce items and produce for export to US markets in a quest for the
almighty dollar, which has not been backed by gold since 1971, nor by
economic fundamentals for more than a decade. The adverse effect of
this type of globalization on the developing economies are obvious. It
robs them of the meager fruits of their exports and keeps their
domestic economies starved for capital, as all surplus dollars must be
reinvested in US treasuries to prevent the collapse of their own
domestic currencies.
adverse effect of this type of globalization on the US economy is also
becoming clear. In order to act as consumer of last resort for the
whole world, the US economy has been pushed into a debt bubble that
thrives on conspicuous consumption and fraudulent accounting. The
unsustainable and irrational rise of US equity prices, unsupported by
revenue or profit, had merely been a devaluation of the dollar.
Ironically, the current fall in US equity prices reflects a trend to an
even stronger dollar, as it can buy more deflated shares.
world economy, through technological progress and non-regulated
markets, has entered a stage of overcapacity in which the management of
aggregate demand is the obvious solution. Yet we have a situation in
which the people producing the goods cannot afford to buy them and the
people receiving the profit from goods production cannot consume more
of these goods. The size of the US market, large as it is, is
insufficient to absorb the continuous growth of the world's new
productive power. For the world economy to grow, the whole population
of the world needs to be allowed to participate with its fair share of
consumption. Yet economic and monetary policy makers continue to view
full employment and rising fair wages as the direct cause of inflation,
which is deemed a threat to sound money.
Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci, while under Fascist
imprisonment, developed the concept of cultural hegemony: control
people's minds, and their hearts and hands will follow. Gramsci
explained how one dominant class can establish its control over others
through ideological dominance. Whereas orthodox Marxism explains social
structure as shaped by economic forces, Gramsci adds the crucial
cultural dimension. He showed how, once ideological authority (or
"cultural hegemony") is established, the use of overt violence to
impose control can become superfluous.
the world lives under the virtually undisputed rule of a
market-dominated, ultra-competitive (yet not fairly competitive),
globalized society with its cortege of manifold iniquities and
legalized violence. Many public and private institutions in all nations
that genuinely believe they are working for a more equitable world have
unwittingly contributed to the violent triumph of neo-liberalism. Field
evidence, however, shows that perpetual prosperity for anyone, let
alone all, under market fundamentalism is merely an empty promise of
chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board, Allan Greenspan, now proudly
uses the term "hegemony", in congressional testimony to describe
officially US financial preeminence and structural advantage. Unlike
ideology, politics deal not only with moral validity, but also with
power. The ideology of neo-liberalism appears empirically operative
because it has the hegemonic power to construct a "real" world that
appears internally consistent and theoretically rational, with the aid
of "scientific" neoclassical economics theories. No matter how many
socioeconomic disasters the neo-liberal globalized system of market
fundamentalism has visibly caused, no matter what financial crises
neo-liberal free markets have engendered, no matter how many losers and
outcasts it has created, market fundamentalism is still promoted as
indispensable, like the word of God, as the only possible economic and
social order available for human salvation. Margaret Thatcher's TINA
(There Is No Alternative) explains it all. Economic slavery, though
unfortunate, is preferable to starvation, according to neo-liberal
doctrine, which falsely poses slavery or death by starvation as natural
alternatives of human civilization. The World Bank has estimated that
neo-liberal globalization has created 200 million newly poor people
around the world in the past decade. Yet claims of globalization's
contribution to global prosperity continue unabated.
US president Bill Clinton's claim at the 2000 Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) meeting that open economies have shown the highest
growth rate is part of this cultural hegemonic push. Clinton had it
backwards: it is the countries that have the highest growth rates
resulting from complex conditions of structural advantage that are
pushing for further selective openness in the poorer economies. The
most fundamental flaw in the neo-liberal logic is that the selective
push for full and unregulated mobility for capital across national
borders is not accompanied with the same mobility for labor.
is self-evident that capital cannot exist without labor. Without labor,
capital is merely an idle asset, unable to contribute to productivity.
Until labor can move freely in the globalized system, there is no real
openness. The current system is not true globalization. It is merely a
global expansion of US financial hegemony through dollar hegemony: the
domination of the global economy by the US national currency.
hegemony is a structural condition in world finance and trade in which
the US produces dollars and the rest of the world produce things
dollars can buy. In 1971, the late US president Richard Nixon abandoned
the Bretton Woods regime of a gold-backed dollar and fixed exchange
rates to stop the gold drain from the US Treasury caused by chronic
lapses of US fiscal discipline. At that point, the dollar, as a fiat
currency, theoretically abdicated its reserve-currency status for world
trade. Yet for more than three decades since, the dollar has remained
the reserve currency for world trade despite continued chronic US
government and trade deficits and the transformation of the United
States into the world's most indebted nation. Notwithstanding its role
as the leading proponent of market fundamentalism, the United States
maintains a strong-dollar policy as a matter of national interest, in
defiance of market forces.
A reserve currency for world trade without the necessary disciplinary
backup is in reality a tax by the issuing sovereign on all other
sovereigns participating in world trade via that currency.
Keynesian starting point is that full employment is the basis of good
economics. It is through full employment at fair wages that all other
economic inefficiencies can best be handled, through an accommodating
monetary policy. Say's Law (supply creates its own demand) turns this
principle upside down with its bias toward supply/production.
Monetarists in support of Say's Law thus develop a phobia against
inflation, claiming unemployment to be a necessary tool for fighting
inflation and that in the long run, sound money produces the highest
possible employment level. They call that level a "natural" rate of
unemployment, the technical term being NAIRU (non-accelerating
inflation rate of unemployment).
is hard to see how sound money can ever lead to full employment when
unemployment is necessary to maintain sound money. Within limits and
within reason, unemployment hurts people and inflation hurts money. And
if money exists to serve people, then the choice becomes obvious.
Without global full employment, the theory of comparative advantage in
world trade is merely Say's Law internationalized.
single economy can profit for long at the expense of the rest of an
interdependent world. There is an urgent need to restructure the global
finance architecture to return to exchange rates based on
purchasing-power parity, and to reorient the world trading system
toward true comparative advantage based on global full employment with
rising wages and living standards. The key starting point is to focus
on the hegemony of the dollar.
China's Monetary Leadership Potential
time may be ripe for China, as Asia's largest economy, to break free of
a global market economy that is near collapse. The Chinese economy is
at a point where it also can defy the Mundell-Fleming thesis and free
itself from dollar hegemony.
has the power to make the yuan an alternative reserve currency in world
trade by simply denominating all Chinese export in yuan. This sovereign
action can be taken unilaterally at any time of China's choosing. All
the Chinese government has to do is to announce that as of, say,
October 1, 2003, all Chinese exports must be paid for in yuan, making
it illegal for Chinese exporters to accept payment in any other
currencies. This will set off a frantic scramble by importers of
Chinese goods around the world to buy yuan at the State Administration
for Foreign Exchange (SAFE), making the yuan a preferred currency with
ready market demand. Companies with yuan revenue no longer need to
exchange yuan into dollars, as the yuan, backed by the value of Chinese
exports, becomes universally accepted in trade. Members of the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which import
sizable amount of Chinese goods, would accept yuan for payment for
their oil. If other governments follow with similar policies, the world
will see a de facto multi-currency regime within a short time.
2000, the United States exported US$781.1 billion (12.3 percent of
world exports - 11 percent year-to-year growth) and imported $1.2576
trillion (18.9 percent of world imports - 19 percent year-to-year
growth). Germany exported $551.5 billion (8.7 percent of world exports
- 1 percent year-to-year growth) and imported $502.8 billion (7.5
percent of world imports - 6 percent year-to-year growth). Japan
exported $479.2 billion (7.5 percent of world exports - 14 percent
year-to-year growth) and imported $379.5 billion (5.7 percent of world
imports - 22 percent year-to-year growth). France exported $298.1
billion (4.7 percent of world exports - 1 percent year-to-year decline)
and imported $305.4 billion (4.6 percent of world imports - 4 percent
year-to-year growth). The United Kingdom exported $337 billion (5.1
percent of world export - 5 percent year-to-year growth) and imported
$284.1 billion (4.5 percent of world imports - 6 percent year-to-year
exported $249.3 (3.9 percent of world exports - 28 percent year-to-year
growth) and imported $225.1 billion (3.4 percent of world imports - 36
percent year-to-year growth). Hong Kong exported $214.2 billion (3.2
percent of world exports- 19 percent year-to-year growth) and imported
$202.4 billion (3.2 percent of world imports - 16 percent year-to-year
(including Hong Kong) exported more than $463 billion (7.3 percent of
world exports) in 2000 and imported about $428 billion, yielding a
trade surplus of around $35 billion. If all Chinese exports are paid in
yuan, China will have no need to hold foreign reserves, which amounted
to $346.5 billion at the end of June 2003. And if the Hong Kong dollar
is pegged to the yuan instead of the dollar, Hong Kong's more than $100
billion foreign-exchange reserves can also be freed for domestic
restructuring and development.
spectacular export growth has not reversed the shrinking of world trade
volume since 1997. Its growth has come at the expense of the now
wounded "tigers" of Southeast Asia. China is on the way to becoming a
world economic giant but it has yet to assert its rightful financial
is no stopping China from being a powerhouse in manufacturing. With
Asian and other economies trapped in protracted financial crisis from
excessive foreign-currency debts and falling export revenue resulting
from predatory currency devaluation, the International Monetary Fund,
orchestrated by the US, has come to their "rescue" with a new agenda
beyond the usual IMF austerity conditionalities to protect Group of
Seven (G7) creditors. IMF rescues forces the debtor nation to adopt
"Washington Consensus"; reforms, to liberalize
domestic financial, labor, merchandise and services markets and the
debtor government to run fiscal surpluses and tight monetary (high
interest) policies that will depress the debtor nation's
new agenda aims to open Asian for US transnational corporations to
acquire distressed local companies so that their newly acquired Asian
subsidiaries can produce inside their own national borders. The United
States, through the IMF, aims to break down the traditionally closed
financial systems all over the world, particularly Asia, that can
mobilize high national savings to serve giant national industrial
conglomerates, for massive investment in targeted export sectors. The
IMF, controlled by the US, aims at dismantling traditional Asian
financial systems and forcing Asians to replace them with a
structurally alien global system, characterized by open markets in
products and, crucially, in finance and financial services. The real
target is of course China. For the US knows: as China goes, so goes the
rest of Asia. Similar strategy are also in place in Latin America and
the Middle East.
flows under neo-liberal globalization have put Asian countries in a
position of unsustainable dependency on foreign loans and capital to
finance export sectors that are at the mercy of saturated foreign
markets while neglecting domestic development to foster productive
forces and to support budding domestic consumer markets. In Asia,
outside the small circled of well-heeled compradors, most people cannot
afford the products that they produce in abundance for export, nor the
high-cost imports. An average worker in Asia would have to work days
making hundreds of pairs of shoes to earn enough to buy one McDonald's
hamburger meal for his family while Asian compradors entertain their
Western backers in luxurious five-star hotels with prime steaks
imported from Omaha. Markets outside of Asia cannot grow quickly enough
to satisfy the developmental needs of the populous Asian economies.
Thus intra-region trade to promote domestic development within Asia
needs to be the main focus of growth if Asia is ever to rise above the
level of semi-colonial subsistence. The same is true with other
Chinese economy will move quickly up the trade-value chain, in advanced
electronics, telecommunications, and aerospace, which are inherently
"dual use" technologies with military implications. Strategic phobia
will push the United States to exert all its influence to keep the
global market for "dual use" technologies closed to China. Thus "free
trade" for the US is not the same as freedom to trade. Still, China
will inevitably be a major global player in the knowledge industries
because of its abundant supply of raw human potential. Even in the US,
a high percentage of its scientists are of Chinese ethnicity. With an
updated educational system, China will be the top producer of brain
power within another decade. As China moves up the technology ladder,
coupled with rising consumer demand in tandem with a growth economy,
global trade flow will be affected, modifying the "race to the bottom"
predatory competitive game of a decade of globalization among Asian
economies will find in China an alternative trading partner to the
United States, and possibly with more symbiotic trading terms,
providing more room to structure trade to enhance domestic development
along the path of converging regional interest and solidarity. The rise
in living standards in all of Asia will change the path of history,
restoring Asia as a center of advanced civilization, putting an end to
two centuries of Western economic and cultural imperialism.
foreign-trade strategies of all trading nations in the decade of
neo-liberal globalization have contributed to the destabilizing of the
global trading system. It is not possible or rational for all countries
to export themselves out of domestic recessions or poverty. The
contradictions between national strategic industrial policies and
neoliberal open-market systems will generate friction between the
United States and all its trading partners, as well as among regional
trade blocs and inter-region competitors. The US engages in global
trade to enhance its superpower status, not to undermine it. Thus the
US does not seek equal partners. With economic sanctions as a tool of
foreign policy, the US government is preventing, or trying to prevent,
an increasing number of US companies, and foreign companies trading
with the US, from doing business in an increasing number of countries.
Trade flows not where it is needed most, but to where it best serves
the US national interest.
globalization has promoted the illusion that trade is a win-win
transaction for all, based on the Ricardian model of comparative
advantage. Yet economists recognize that without global full
employment, comparative advantage is merely Say's Law
internationalized. After a decade, this illusion has been shattered by
concrete data: 30 percent of the world's population live on less than
$1 a day, and global wages, already low to begin with, have declined
since the Asian financial crisis of 1997, and by 45 percent in
export to the United States under dollar hegemony is merely an
arrangement in which the exporting nations, in order to earn dollars to
buy needed commodities denominated in dollars and to service dollar
loans, are forced to finance the consumption of US consumers by the
need to invest their trade surpluses in US assets (as foreign-exchange
reserves), giving the US a capital account surplus to finance its
current account deficit.
the trade surpluses are achieved not by an advantage in the terms of
trade, but by sheer self-denial of basic domestic needs and critical
imports. Not only are the exporting nations debasing the value of their
labor, degrading their environment and depleting their natural
resources for the privilege of running on the poverty treadmill, they
are enriching the US economy and strengthening dollar hegemony in the
process. Thus the exporting nations allow themselves to be robbed of
needed capital for critical domestic development in such vital areas as
education, health and other social infrastructure, by assuming heavy
foreign debt to finance export, while they beg for even more foreign
investment in the export sector by offering still more exorbitant
returns and tax exemptions. Yet many small economies around the world
have no option but to continue to serve dollar hegemony like a drug
addiction. And by abandoning capital control, the emerging market
economies forfeit the important option of financing domestic
development with sovereign credit.
provides the perfect proof that even a dynamic, successful export
machine does not by itself produce a healthy economy. Japan is aware
that it needs to restructure its domestic economy, away from its export
fixation and upgrade the living standard of its overworked population
and to reorder its domestic consumption patterns. But Japan is trapped
into helplessness by dollar hegemony.
sees its sovereign credit rating lowered by international rating
agencies while it remains the world's biggest creditor nation. Moody's
Investor Service downgraded Japanese government bonds by two notches
recently to A2, or one grade below Botswana's, not to mention Chile and
Hungary. Japan has the world's largest foreign-exchange reserves: $446
billion; the world's biggest domestic savings: $11.4 trillion (US gross
domestic product was $10 trillion in 2001); and $1 trillion in overseas
investment. And 95 percent of the sovereign debt is held by Japanese
nationals, which rules out risk of default similar to Argentina. Japan
has given Botswana, where half of the population are infected with the
AIDS virus, $12 million in grants and $102 million in loans.
does the New York-based rating agency prefer Botswana to Japan? The
Botswanan government budget is controlled by the foreign diamond-mining
interests to protect their investment in the mines. Botswana does not
run a budget deficit to develop its domestic economy or to help its
poverty-stricken people. Thus Botswana is considered a good credit risk
for foreign loans and investment. Japan, on the other hand, is forced
to suffer the high interest cost of a low credit rating because its
government attempts to solve, through deficit financing, the nation's
economic woes that have resulted from excessive focus on export. Dollar
hegemony denies a good credit rating even to the world's largest holder
of dollar reserves.
Asia-Pacific trade system has been structured to serve markets outside
of Asia by providing low manufacturing production cost through the use
of cheap Asian labor. This enables the United States to consume more
without inflation and without raising domestic wages. Yet all the trade
surpluses accumulated by the Asian economies have ended up financing
the US debt bubble, which is not even good for the US economy in the
long run. Cheap imports allow the US to keep domestic wages low and
contribute to a rising disparity of both income and wealth within the
US where consumer purchasing power comes increasingly from capital gain
rather than rising wages. The result is that when the equity bubble of
inflated price-earning ratio finally bursts, wages are too low to keep
the economy from crashing from a collapse of the wealth effect.
thoroughly impoverishing the Asian economies with financial
manipulation of crisis proportions, the US now works to penetrate the
remaining Asian markets that have stayed relatively closed: notably
Japan, China and South Korea. Control of access to its markets has been
Asia's principal instrument for its sub-optimized trade advantage and
distorted industrial development. This strategy had been practiced
successfully first by Japan and copied with various degree of success
by the Asian tigers. Protectionism will survive in Asian economies long
after formal accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
with a giant integrated market composed of a fifth of the world
population, can swap market access for technology transfer from the
world's transnational technology corporations. Once free from dollar
hegemony, China can finance its domestic development without foreign
loans and capital. The Chinese economy then will no longer be distorted
by excessive reliance on export merely to earn dollars that by
definition must be invested in dollar assets, not yuan assets. The aim
of development is to raise wage levels, not to push wages down to
achieve predatory competitiveness. Yet export under dollar hegemony
requires keeping wages low, a prerequisite that condemns an economy to
perpetual underdevelopment.
such as "openness" need to be reconsidered away from the distorted
meanings assigned to them by neo-liberal cultural hegemony. The
contradiction between globalizing and territorially-based national
social and political forces is framed in the context of past, present
and future world orders.
emerging world order has always been, and will again be, the result of
a struggle for the direction of structural transformation of the
current order, involving economic, political and socio-cultural
changes. The prevailing trend of the past two decades toward the
marketization and commodification of social relations has led to the
argument that socialism needs to be redefined away from the total
visions associated with Marxism-Leninism, and toward the idea of the
self-defense of society and social choice to counter the disintegrating
and atomizing effects of globalizing and unregulated market forces. But
this is precisely a Marxist-Leninist vision: that under globalization,
national sovereignty in the form of nation-states and governments will
give way to a pervasive socioeconomic order. In other words, the
withering away of the state.
sole function of government is to protect the weak, because the strong
is itself government and needs no other. This truth gave birth to
monarchism: the king's function was to protect the peasants from
aristocratic abuse. So in modern terms, the government's function is to
maintain socialist/populists values in the context of capitalist market
fundamentalism. So the withering away of the state prior to the end of
economic exploitation is putting the cart before the horse.
unwitting by-product of the rightist quest to get government off the
back of the people is a Marxist dialectic. The only flaw is the
economic structure. The right wants the withering away of the state
prior to the progressive transformation of capitalism into socialism.
perpetual boom has not replaced the business cycle, new economy or not.
In the age of information and communication, the majority interest will
prevail - with luck, without violence. Despite US fixations, majority
interest does not necessarily spell capitalism, corporatism or
representative democracy. Socialism collapsed in the 1980s not because
its economic theories were inoperative, but because in defending the
authority to make socialist principles work, socialist governments had
to adopt a garrison-state mentality that overshadowed all other
potential benefits. On the other hand, capitalist market fundamentalism
appeared more desirable as long as this mutation of socialism was posed
as a false alternative. Now, as the sole surviving operative system,
capitalist market fundamentalism is faced squarely with its own
internal contradictions. Unregulated markets have produced the debt
bubble and financial manipulation and corporate fraud that impoverish
unsuspecting investors and workers who placed their pensions in the
shares of the companies that employed them. And the war on terrorism
runs the risk of instilling in the United States the same
garrison-state mentality that brought about the demise of the Soviet
capitalism may turn out to be the deadliest enemy of industrial
capitalism, and it may well be the last transformation of capitalism.
There are clear indications that insufficient demand is caused by the
abandonment of the labor theory of value and the wholesale acceptance
by neo-liberalism of the theory of marginal utility. Lack of demand
caused by insufficient wages is more deadly to finance capitalism than
the fear of socialism. Technology has finally turned Charlie Chaplin's
Modern Times into reality. The rhetoric of the current political debate
in the United States on corporate fraud is more populist than those of
the New Deal, and the recession has yet to begin in earnest. Socialism,
by other names (the Wall Street Journal calls it mass capitalism), is
now about to be viewed as the vaccine against a catastrophic implosion
of the capitalist system in its home garden.
is not a new trend. It is the natural policy for all empire building.
Globalization under modern capitalism began with the British Empire,
marked by the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846, five years after the
Opium War with China, and two years before the Revolutions of 1848.
Great Britain embarked on a systemic promotion of free trade and chose
to depend on imported food, which gave a survivalist justification to
empire. France adopted free trade in 1860 and within 10 years was faced
with the Paris Commune, which was suppressed ruthlessly by the French
bourgeoisie, who put to death 20,000 workers and peasants, including
children. Despite a backlash movement toward protective tariffs in
Britain, Holland and Belgium, the global economy of the 19th century
was characterized by high mobility of goods across political borders.
As Europe adopted political nationalism, international economic
liberalism developed in parallel, until 1914. Only World War I, the
1929 Depression and World War II caused a temporary halt of free trade.
the United States now, Britain was a predominantly importing economy by
the close of the 18th century. Despite the Industrial Revolution's
expanded export of manufacturing goods, import of raw material, food
and consumer amenities grew faster than export of manufacturing goods
and coal. The key factor that sustained this imbalance was the
predominance of the British pound, as it is today with the US dollar
and its impact of the trade deficit. British hegemony of marine
transportation and financial services (cross-currency trade finance and
insurance) earned Britain vast amounts of foreign currencies that could
be sold in the London money markets to importers of Argentine meat and
Canadian bacon. International credit and capital markets were centered
in London. The export of financial services and capital produced the
returns that serve as hidden surplus to cushioned the trade deficit. To
enhance financial hegemony, the British maintained separate dependent
currencies in all parts of the empire under pound-sterling hegemony.
This financial hegemony is now centered on New York with the dollar as
the base currency. When the Asian tigers export to the United States,
all they get in return are US Treasury bills, not direct investment in
Asia. Asian labor in fact is working at low wages mainly to finance the
expansion of the US economy.
fundamentalism, a modern euphemism of capitalism, is thus made
necessary by the international finance architecture imposed on the
world by the hegemonic finance power, first 19th-century Great Britain,
now the United States. When the developing economies call for a new
international finance architecture, this is what they are really
driving at, not some new arrangement of special drawing rights (SDR)
with the IMF. Foreign-exchange markets ensure the endless demand for
dollar capital import by the poor exporting nations. John A Hobson and
Lenin identified the surplus of capital in the core economies and the
need for its export to the impoverished parts of the world as the
material basis of imperialism. For neo-imperialism of the 21st century,
this remains fundamentally true, with the exception that the surplus
capital now comes from the impoverished part of the world.
and now, the international economy rests on an international money
system. Britain adopted the gold standard in 1816, with Western Europe
and the US following in the 1870s. Until 1914, the exchange rates of
most currencies were highly stable, except in victimized, semi-colonial
economies such as Turkey and China. The gold standard, while greatly
facilitating free trade, was hard on economies that produced no gold,
and the gold-based monetary regime was generally deflationary (until
the discovery of new gold deposits in South Africa, California and
Alaska), which favored capital. William Jenning Bryan spoke for the
world in 1896 when he declared that mankind should not be "crucified
upon this cross of gold". But the 50-year lead time of the British gold
standard firmly established London as the world's financial center. The
world's capital was drawn to London to be redistributed to investment
of the highest return around the world. Borrowers around the world were
reduced to playing a game of "race to the bottom".
bulk of economic theories within the context of capitalism were
invented to rationalize this global system as natural truth. The
fundamental shift from the labor value theory to the marginal utility
theory was a circular self-validation of the artificial characteristics
of an artificial construct based on the sanctity of capital, despite
Karl Marx's dissection that capital cannot exit without labor - until
assets are put to use to increase labor productivity, it remains idle
and acquisitions became rampant. Small business capitalism disappeared
between 1880 and 1890. Workers and small businesses found that they
were not competing against their neighbors, but those on other sides of
the world, operating from structurally different socioeconomic systems.
The corporation, first used to facilitate the private ownership of
railroads, became the organization of choice for large industries and
commerce, issuing stocks and bonds to finance its undertakings that
fell beyond the normal financial resources of individual entrepreneurs.
process increased the power of banks and financial institutions and
brought forth finance capitalism. Cartels and trusts emerged, using
vertical and horizontal integration to eliminate competition and
manipulate markets and prices for entire sectors of the economy.
Middle-class membership was mainly concentrated in salaried workers of
corporations, while the working class were hourly wage earners in
factories. The 1848 Revolutions were the first proletariat revolutions
in modern time. The creation of an integrated world market, the
financing and development of economies outside of Europe and the
consequence of rising standards of living for Europeans were the
triumphs of the 19th-century system of unregulated capitalism. In the
20th century, the process continued, with the center shifting to the
United States.
List, in his National System of Political Economy (1841), asserted that
political economy as espoused in England at that time, far from being a
valid science universally, was merely British national opinion, suited
only to English historical conditions. List's institutional school of
economics asserted that the doctrine of free trade was devised to keep
England rich and powerful at the expense of its trading partners and
that it had to be fought with protective tariffs and other protective
devices of economic nationalism by the weaker countries. List
influenced revolutionaries in Asia, including Sun Yatsen, who until
coming under the influence of Marx and Lenin after the October
Revolution was primarily relying on List in formulating his policy of
economic nationalism for China. List was also the influence behind the
Meiji Reform Movement in Japan.
current impending collapse of neo-liberal globalized market
fundamentalism offers Asia a timely opportunity to forge a fairer deal
in its economic relation with the West. The United States, as a
bicoastal nation, must begin to treat Asian-Pacific nations as equal
members of an Asian-Pacific commonwealth in a new world economic order
that makes economic nationalism unnecessary.
as the largest economy in the Asia-Pacific region, has a key role to
play in shaping this new world order. To do that, China must look
beyond its current myopic effort to join a collapsing globalized market
economy and provide a model of national domestic development in which
foreign trade is reassigned to its proper place in the economy from its
current all-consuming priority. The first step in that direction is for
China to free itself from dollar hegemony and to rely on sovereign
credit to finance its domestic development.
World War II, the term "capitalism" has been displaced by the more
benign label of the free market. Capitalism ceased to be mentioned in
most neo-liberal economic literature. In the process, economists also
squeezed out of official dialogues the word "capitalism", the
once-traditional name for the market system, with its subjective
connotation of class struggle between owners of capital, through their
professional managers, and the workers capital employs, through their
trade and industrial unions. The free market provides legitimization of
the socio-political privileges that go with various levels of wealth in
the name of property rights.
word "capitalism" no longer appears in textbooks for Economics 101.
Harvard economist N Gregory Mankiw, author of a popular new textbook,
Principles of Economics, told the New York Times: "We make a
distinction now between positive or descriptive statements that are
scientifically verifiable, and normative statements that reflect values
and judgments." A whole new generation of economists have grown up
thinking of "capitalism" only as a historical term like "slavery",
unreal in the modern world of market fundamentalism.
when monetized in dollars, is in essence sovereign credit from
government. Capitalism in a fiat money economy is a system based on
sovereign credit. Thus a case can be made that in a capitalistic
democracy, access to capital and credit should be available equally to
all in accordance with national purpose and social needs. The
anti-statist posture of neo-liberalism is not only logically flawed,
but its glorification of a private-debt economy will inevitably lead to
works by making the world's poor finance the high living and privileged
station of the world's rich. It transcends the Marxist notion of class
struggle and surplus value. In neo-liberal globalization under dollar
hegemony, not just labor but even capital comes from the exploited
through trade surpluses of the exporting economies. Except for dollar
hegemony, capitalism is unnecessary for socially beneficial domestic
development because of the availability of sovereign credit.
International capitalism based on dollar hegemony, through its
co-optation of sovereign credit, is a threat to national sovereignty,
and a threat to the world system of nation states that has existed
since the Peace of Westphalia of 1648.
The Path toward the Future
To save the world from the path of impending disaster, we must:
Promote an awareness among policy makers globally that excessive
dependence on exports merely to service dollar debt is self-destructive
to any economy;
Promote a new global finance architecture away from a dollar hegemony
that forces the world to export not only goods but also dollar earnings
from trade to the US;
Abolish central banking that supports international monetarism and
return to national banks to support domestic development;
the application of the State Theory of Money (which asserts that the
value of money is ultimately backed by a government's authority to levy
taxes) to provide needed domestic credit for sound economic development
and to free developing economies from the tyranny of dependence on
foreign capital;
Restructure international economic relations toward aggregate demand
management away from the current overemphasis on predatory supply
expansion through redundant competition; and
Restructure world trade toward true comparative advantage in the
context of global full employment and global wage and environmental
is easier done than imagined. The starting point is for the major
exporting nations each to unilaterally require that all its exports be
payable only in its currency, so that the global finance architecture
will turn into a multi-currency regime overnight. There would be no
need for reserve currencies and exchange rates would reflect market
fundamentals of world trade.
for aggregate demand management, Asia leads the world in both
overcapacity and under-consumption. It is high time for Asia to realize
the potential of its market power. If the people of Asia are to be
compensated fairly for their labor, the global economy will see its
fastest growth ever.
banking is genetically disposed to favor the center against the
periphery, which conflicts with democratic, populist politics. This
problem continues today with central banking in a globalized
international finance architecture. Thus economic centralism will be
tolerated politically only if it can deliver wealth away from the
center to the periphery. Central banking carries with it an
institutional bias against economic nationalism, particularly in the
poor countries.
do change the world. But the acceptance of new ideas often lags behind
reality and only become generally acceptable when the reality described
by new ideas can no longer be denied. Apples have been falling from
trees ever since they grew on trees, but it took several millennia
before Newton observed the effects of gravity. We are now in a time
when the real world is changing faster than the world of ideas. The age
of equality producing prosperity has long since arrived and finally
being recognized. The monetary expression of wealth in a finance
economy is through money. Thus, on a fundamental basis, a tight
monetary policy will inevitably lead to a decline of wealth. There is
an old saying even on Wall Street: to make money, you have to help
others make money. The global economy as it is currently constituted is
a game of exploitation of the weak, and exploitation of the weak is not
a perpetual game. We need to change it to a game of development.
