Henry C K
Part 1: Compradore no
Part II:
Pegged down
This article
appeared in AToL
on July 3, 2002
After the
demise of political imperialism in the world, capitalism manages to
gain another new lease on life through the transformation of the newly
set-up socialist planned economies into capitalist market economies via
the expansion of world trade. Some political economists view unbalanced
and unregulated world trade as a new form of economic imperialism,
benign in appearance, rationalized under the laws of neo-classical
economics that hold sacred the principle of marginal utility to
maximize return on capital and the operational dynamics of free markets
that favor the strong and perpetually condemn the weak.
precepts, far from universal truth, were merely US national opinion,
giving the US an inherently unfair advantage against the
capital-starved and ill-equipped Third World. The international
division of labor as currently constituted in globalization has been
driven by wage competition between countries with a race-to-the-bottom
effect. Countries also compete to reduce taxes, welfare benefits,
environmental protection and trade regulations in the name of
efficiency in a global market economy.
lowering the cost of communication and managing complexity, now allows
central control of highly decentralized operations worldwide. Trade and
foreign investment have pre-empted economic development and aid as the
main paths for undeveloped nations to modernize and to prosper. Yet
globalization of trade and finance has its critics in both developed
and developing countries, but for different reasons.
theory, free international movement of capital through integrated
financial markets in a global economy allows efficient allocation of
funds toward investments of highest productivity. But truly free
markets do not exist in the real world and, even if they do, they
operate under narrowly single-dimensional rules and historical biases,
all of which aim toward maximizing return on capital without due regard
for local social, political or environmental consequences or individual
national aspirations. Moreover, global financial market pressures tend
to supplant the traditional roles local political leaders and
government institutions play in formulating macroeconomic policies that
safeguard individual national interests.
all the noise the United States makes about the benefits of world
trade, US exports of US$564.7 billion (FOB, or free on board)
constitutes only 7.6 percent of its gross domestic product of $7.6
trillion (1996) and US imports of $771 billion (CIF, or cargo,
insurance and freight) constitutes 10.1 percent of GDP. Export to all
of Asia amounts to only 2.4 percent of its GDP, of which Japan
constitutes 1 percent. The US claims 12 percent of total world trade,
Germany 9 percent. Japan 6.25 percent, China 4.1 percent and Hong Kong
2.5 percent. Thus, the US can sustain a strong bargaining position in
setting the terms of trade on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. In contrast,
Hong Kong's exports of $197.2 billion constitute 121 percent of its GDP
of $163.6 billion (1996), and Hong Kong's imports of $217 billion
constitute 130 percent of its GDP. It is obvious that a rupture in
world trade would impact Hong Kong differently than the US. While Hong
Kong has no viable alternative to total dependence on trade, it should
bear in mind that it is now part of China, and that Hong Kong's
national interest is part and parcel of that of China, where the issue
of trade policy in relation to national independence has not been
definitively resolved.
reliance on world trade may not be in a country's best national
interest, simply because national governments are forced to surrender
their power to manage their economy to world market forces, or
international trade institutions and agreements. It is an argument put
forward not only by the developing nations, but also by isolationists
in the United States, with sufficient public support to deprive several
US presidents of "fast track" authority to settle international trade
capital is mobile, governments are able to enjoy the benefits of
fixed-exchange-rate stability only if they are willing to forgo the
empowerment of managing their economies through the setting of domestic
interest rates and the supply and liquidity of money, the potent tools
of monetary policy. This means that when global capital flows into a
country, local interest rates will fall, sometimes to negative rates,
distorting the orderly development of the affected economy. For
example, beginning in the mid-1980s, Hong Kong's linked-exchange-rate
mechanism created persistent negative local interest rates, causing
abnormal investment flows into the property sector, resulting in
unrealistic and unsustainable asset and price inflation that became a
major problem in the subsequent downturn in 1998.
when investors begin to pull out of a country or sell its currency,
local interest rates will have to rise to counter the flow in order to
maintain the exchange-rate peg. This invariably distorts and weakens
the banking system and the financial markets, eventually causing bank
failures and corporate bankruptcies. This happened to Hong Kong in
October 1997, with disastrous long-term consequences that are yet to
unfold fully. Hong Kong will be plagued by excessively high real
interest rates until the linked-exchange-rate mechanism is abandoned or
until the US dollar falls. There will be no sustainable long-term
economic recovery for Hong Kong until the Hong Kong Monetary Authority
(HKMA) regains its power to set monetary policies, and not allow the US
Federal Reserve to dictate monetary policy for Hong Kong.
Pegging a
currency's exchange rate to another currency does not automatically
make an economy more stable. If domestic economic policies are
inconsistent with the chosen exchange rate, a fixed rate can itself
lead to instability. Small economies with less sophisticated financial
markets face greater risk from opening to international capital. Sudden
capital flight can create economic havoc, as in the European currencies
crises of 1992-93, in Mexico in 1994 and in Thailand in July 1997. In
the last quarter of 1997, institutional panic caused an abrupt drop of
private capital flow, in excess of $100 billion, to the five most
affected countries: South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and the
Philippines. South Korea alone saw its capital flow drop by $50 billion
as compared with 1996.
contagion effects can hit countries in an economic region and
eventually the entire global system. As the economies of the lending
nations contract, banks will withdraw urgently needed funds from other
healthy economies where liquid markets still operate, thus forcing the
healthy economies to collapse. This happened to the Hong Kong market in
October 1997. It will happen again and again before recovery is in
sight. The impact of Japanese banks retrieving capital from other
countries, including the United States, is very direct. Japan has been
in a prolonged phase of serious deflation. The dollar will continue to
fall unless US interest rates rise, which in turn will cause the US
economy to contract more, which will push down the dollar further.
To ensure
a smooth transition, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR)
government has continued the policy of ensuring currency stability
through linking the Hong Kong dollar to the US dollar at an exchange
rate of 7.8:1 within a narrow range. The policy was adopted in 1983 by
the previous British colonial government to encourage stability and
investor confidence in the politically contentious run-up to Hong
Kong's reversion to Chinese sovereignty. As part of the high degree of
autonomy granted to the Hong Kong SAR government on all issues except
foreign policy and national defense, Chinese officials have since
declared their support for this monetary policy. Under the leadership
of the chief executive and the policy responsibility of the financial
secretary, authority for maintaining the exchange value of the Hong
Kong dollar, as well as the stability and integrity of the financial
and monetary systems, rests solely with the HKMA, not augmented by any
multiple-exchange-rates structure or any foreign-exchange control.
Under the
linked exchange rate, the global exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar
is influenced predominantly by the movement of the US dollar against
other currencies. Thus the price competitiveness of Hong Kong exports
and services is affected in large part by the value of the US dollar in
relation to third-country currencies. For the 14 years prior to 1997,
the policy of linking the exchange rate to the US dollar served a
British Hong Kong by insulating it from politically induced monetary
instability in the latter part of the Cold War, albeit not without
economic costs to the local economy. The linked exchange rate requires
that Hong Kong interest rates generally track US interest rates. Hong
Kong's high inflation meant that savers in Hong Kong faced negative
real interest rates, forcing them to invest in real estate. Yet the
benefits of stability, coupled with a high-growth Chinese economy and
the boom economies of the Asia-Pacific region, had justified the
economic costs for Hong Kong in the decade before 1997.
economic fundamentals facing Hong Kong now are structurally different.
It is now clear that the SAR can no longer afford the economic costs
associated with an artificially high (or low) currency linkage, in view
of the unfolding restructuring of all other economies in the region,
and the benign political climate in Hong Kong resulting from China's
non-intervention policies. The argument that de-linking the currencies
will cause institutional investments to flee Hong Kong is increasingly
inoperative. The fleeing, in the form of massive selloffs in the stock
market, is now caused by inoperative interest rates necessitated by the
artificial currency linkage. Hong Kong as a whole can surely weather
the unavoidable pains of this complex regional economic restructuring
which, while precipitated by speculators, have been caused by economic
disparities created through years of government policies in the region.
The adverse impacts, while not permanent, will not be short-lived,
although Hong Kong, because of its special relationship to China, may
be among the first economies in the region to recover if its leadership
has the foresight to adopt the right policies. Even then, the resultant
contraction may take years to work through. Hong Kong's considerable
foreign-exchange reserves may be more beneficially utilized on programs
that build long-term competitiveness than on defending an obsolete
monetary policy that lowers competitiveness. Macro-management of the
economy requires a macro-perspective, beyond being fixated on an
artificial exchange rate.
the SAR government has a socio-political responsibility to ensure that
its crisis-management measures distribute the economic pains fairly
among all segments of the population. A case can be made that an
obstinate currency linkage benefits mostly those with low-interest US
dollar debts, namely, Hong Kong's large corporations and developers, at
the expense of the local population, which borrows in high-interest
Hong Kong dollars.
reports until most recently have persistently reported that China is
opposed to de-linking the Hong Kong dollar from the US dollar. The
underlying logic attributed to the alleged Chinese position is that
decision makers in Beijing are apprehensive of possible resultant
instabilities from de-linking and the adverse economic impact on Hong
Kong's and China's economies, which are closely linked. Regardless of
the reliability of these reports, the validity of such apprehension can
be challenged by sound analysis.
Hong Kong
prides itself on being a free-market economy. Yet with regard to its
currency, Hong Kong strangely clings to an obsolete exchange rate that
has become markedly unresponsive to market forces. A free-floating Hong
Kong dollar will have a number of positive effects on the Hong Kong
economy with minimum disturbance in the local price structure. It will
improve the price competitiveness of Hong Kong goods and services in
world markets, lower the cost of doing business in Hong Kong and
attract new international capital to Hong Kong because of its enhanced
local purchasing power. A free-floating currency will reduce interest
rates on local currency loans, thereby stimulating the stagnant local
economy. It will moderate the real inflation rate in Hong Kong in
global terms without requiring drastic reductions in local prices.
It will
revive the depressed Hong Kong tourist industry without subjecting it
to destabilizing price cuts. It will encourage localized savings by
eliminating the surrealistic phenomenon of negative real interest
rates. It will encourage localized corporate and personal expenditures
through the increased cost of foreign goods and services. The hefty
Hong Kong foreign-exchange reserves will also increase in
local-currency terms while suffering no decline in real value.
To be
sure, despite all the benefits, there are transient detriments in
de-linking the Hong Kong dollar. Existing US-dollar-denominated debt
would experience an increase in the cost of debt service and
amortization. But Hong Kong has no public debt, except infrastructure
debt held by quasi-public authorities. Indebtedness from infrastructure
improvements is serviced by user fees that can be increased in
local-currency terms without fatal pain to the public and without
altering Hong Kong's price competitiveness in world markets, since this
debt has been structured on a fixed exchange rate tied to the US
dollar. Hong Kong's foreign-exchange surplus will moderate temporarily,
but if the Hong Kong dollar reflects its true market value, there will
not be any compelling need for a large foreign-exchange reserve to
support a monetary policy that ignores market forces. Property values
will drop in real terms but an asset-value deflation through
exchange-rate fluctuations is less damaging than a direct decline in
local prices. In any event, most analysts agree, including those in
government, that Hong Kong property values are over-inflated.
confidence factor is a red-herring. International confidence will
increase in a Hong Kong flexible enough to deal intelligently with new
realities rather than being incapacitated by blind adherence to
obsolete policies.
debts are worrisome. There does not appear to be a painless way out.
Some 40 percent (more than US$50 billion) of the outstanding bank debt
is issued to companies purchasing or developing property. Much of this
debt ($7 billion, the highest in Asia except for Japan) is in the form
of convertible bonds that do not appear on the borrower companies'
balance sheets. Convertible bonds require the debtor to repay the
investor if the shares of the issuing company fall below a pre-fixed
level while they give the investor the right to convert the debt into
company shares if the price increases to a level the investor finds
high local interest rates will force these companies into financial
difficulties if not eventual bankruptcy. Banks and the property sector
account for half of Hong Kong's stock-market capitalization. Still, the
prospect for a soft landing may be better with a currency de-linking
than a drastic collapse in local prices, because with currency
de-linking, the economy receives compensatory stimulation through lower
interest rates and lower costs, which in turn may provide borrowers
with sufficient cash flow to service foreign currency debt at higher
exchange rates.
Kong's prosperity came from the opportunistic response to Cold War
peculiarities. It profited from the US embargo on China during the
Korean War and the Vietnam War. With the opening of China since 1978,
Hong Kong has benefited from the China market.
Hong Kong
promotes itself as a world city. Yet nobody goes to Hong Kong to see
the world. People go there as a stopover to see China. The warning of
former chief secretary Anson Chan notwithstanding, Hong Kong is a
Chinese city, although not all Chinese cities are alike.
As the
economy of Hong Kong changes, new elites will emerge. The old
compradores represented by Robert Ho Tung were replaced by a wave of
Chinese national bourgeoisie after World War II, who brought to Hong
Kong their know-how on labor-intensive manufacturing, such as textile
and toys. Then the British, who owned all the land, engineered the
property boom, creating a docile and collaborative group of property
tycoons as the new compradores. During the Cold War, the US controlled
the Hong Kong economy through its trade quotas.
future of Hong Kong will belong to the new wave of Chinese enterprises
from the mainland. Each wave on arrival was despised and discriminated
against by the establishment. Hong Kong wasted five years with its
fixation on being a world city on the doorstep of China, rather than
being a Chinese city with a special window to the world. China has now
surpassed Japan as the largest investor in Hong Kong. The number of
mainland Chinese enterprises registered in Hong Kong has topped 2,500,
with total assets valued at about US$40 billion. The Bank of China is
now the second-largest banking group in Hong Kong after HSBC. Hong
Kong's future depends on how it can serve the Chinese economy
constructively, and not as a compradore serving foreign interest.
Hong Kong
helping the Pearl River Delta? What a joke. Hong Kong needs to shed its
air of superficial superiority and its schizophrenic attitude toward
Guangdong province, its bigger brother. Exorbitant projects such as
airports and tunnels that enriched monopolistic British firms have left
Hong Kong with a bloated transportation system with critical
bottlenecks that poorly connect to the Pearl River Delta.
Hong Kong
cannot be the Switzerland of Asia. Switzerland is an independent nation
and politically neutral historically. Hong Kong cannot be a New York.
New York is part and parcel of the US economy. "One country, two
systems" defines Hong Kong as external to the Chinese economy. Hong
Kong cannot be a Shanghai because Shanghai is part and parcel of the
Chinese economy. The Hong Kong government untiringly defends itself
against criticism by pointing to external problems. Yet all problems
facing Hong Kong, or any other country, are external problems. The
government cannot afford to take the position that it is powerless to
deal with external problems as they impact the territory.
Hong Kong
faces a severe identity crisis. The economic downturn has exposed
structural problems in the economic system. Often lauded as the bastion
of freewheeling capitalism, the city has a surprisingly closed economy.
A handful of powerful banks, holding companies and property developers
control key markets, driving up prices for everyone else. Hong Kong
will have to reinvent itself, weaning itself away from its
disproportionate reliance on property.
Hong Kong
has always been run by and for its commercial interests - first the
British trading houses, or hongs, and lately the Hong Kong tycoons. The
bottom line is that Hong Kong's economy is intimately tied up with the
government. The most obvious example of that is the real-estate sector.
The billionaires are rich because of property development, the proceeds
of which have also filled the government's coffers. Although this keeps
taxes down - less than half of the populace pays any salary tax at all
and few pay the top rate of 15 percent - high rents form an
oppressively high levy, which squeezes consumers and small and
medium-sized businesses.
Even as
property values dropped 60 percent since 1997, the high cost of real
estate means Hong Kong firms have a tough time competing with regional
neighbors, and increasingly that includes southern China. Hong Kong
companies, large and small, have thus far found only one sure answer:
move north. Smaller firms relocate lock, stock and barrel to Guangdong.
Larger ones, such as Cathay Pacific and HSBC, have moved back-office
activities to Shenzhen. The migration south from China into Hong Kong
of the past 50 years is going into rapid reverse.
the unemployment problem cannot be solved by market forces. Hong Kong
does not have unemployment insurance. Thus a 9 percent unemployment
rate is much more serious in Hong Kong than in the United States. Hong
Kong has the means and the need to institute a full-employment
government policy; what it needs is political courage.
politics, the second and final term of a presidency is a time for bold
programs, unless the administration is crippled by scandals. Hong
Kong's chief executive, Tung Chee-hwa, will have a window of
opportunity of three years before the lame-duck syndrome sets in. It is
a sure bet that the global economy will not recover within the next
three years, and quite possibly will fall into a financial abyss. Hong
Kong cannot afford to wait for the US economy to recover or for a
sudden growth in world trade. It must find a useful role in the
building of China's domestic economy. There is no other option.